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Project on Awareness Campaign for Water and Sanitation in Gulberg Lahore

Students Name:
Shakeel Ahmad
MBA 1.5 (S18-19)
Muhammad Naeem
MBA 1.5 (F19-58)
Hafiz Rehan
MBA 1.5 (S18-01)
Uzair Amir
MBA 1.5 (S19-27)
Submitted to: Dr. Sikandar
Project on Awareness Campaign for Water and Sanitation in Gulberg Lahore


Water and sanitation are important issues in any society and the situation is severer in

developing countries like Pakistan. Evidence and observation show the need for a project

towards the directions of water and sanitation so that things may be made better. However,

projects towards providing these facilities to a society may be difficult because it calls for large

investment. Government and local administration are keen to provide these facilities but large

sprawling cities and dense areas make it way difficult for them to materialize their efforts. It is

also true for large cities of Pakistan like Lahore that has many issues about water and sanitation.

Water use and proper use of sanitation should be at the center but unfortunately, government and

common people do not share this noble cause. This proposed research is not going to target a far-

off or distant area of Lahore for this project. The target area rests at the center of the city,

Gulberg that has water and sanitation issues. Providing facilities for water and sanitation may be

difficult or challenging for this project because it is an academic project. In order to make it

doable, the awareness campaign is at the center of the project that this project proposed

spreading water and sanitation awareness in Gulberg area of Lahore.

1.1 Background

The project is very important to undertake because of its huge significance. Increasing

population rate and relocation of citizens from other cities in Lahore causes a burden for the city

of Lahore. Overall, Pakistan is struggling with huge population and provision of basic facilities

for them. It is also the case with the city of Lahore where adulterated drinking water and

sanitation issues have become alarming. Especially during rain, these issues emerge visibly and

everyone notes it. The project has the justification based on this urgent need for water and
sanitation project. It would spread awareness among the population and as a result, they would

act accordingly. Facts and figures also confirm that problem of water and sanitation exists in

Pakistan. According to facts, poor water and sanitation services in Pakistan cost 53000 deaths of

Pakistani children every year. Top of the reason is the diarrhea that causes these deaths annually.

It is good to note that Pakistan has progressed significantly in the sanitation services for its

population but there are still 25 million Pakistanis out of having these facilities (Unicef, 2019).

Stunting is also a problem that arises from the poor water and sanitation services because

children in Pakistan are affected by it as well. As a result, they have to face low developmental

growth of their body. Drinking water issue is alarming here in Pakistan where 70 percent of all

households have not had access to pure water drinking facilities in the country. The area of

Gulberg in Lahore is not an exception as it also has these problems. Although,. It is considered a

developed area of the city but it still has places where people do not live in good manner.

1.2 Project formulation

The project has not chosen the goal to provide water and sanitation facilities to the area

that is much developed in this sense. However, the problem is that drinking water is not in good

condition and people use adulterated and contaminated water. Moreover, the water pipelines

should also be in safe and clean areas because contaminated water may absorb in water lines.

The project would take these issues and put them under the awareness campaign. Under this

campaign, the project team would make pamphlets and placards to show before the population. It

would be better to take consent from the authorities before starting the campaign. After fulfilling

all regulatory and legal aspects, the project team would launch this awareness campaign so that

society can get positive improvements.

1.3 Objectives and goals

Following objectives and goals for the project have been set:

• To highlight the importance of water and sanitation facilities in the Gulberg area

of Lahore

• To emphasize the problem before residents of the area

• To make people aware that it is their problem that they should act rationally

• To help people think that they should act and they should not leave everything on

the government

• To enable people so that they can contact authorities and government to solve

their problems related to water and sanitation

Goals for the project include getting more and more people contacted and met through

this awareness project so that maximum number of people may get the message through this

campaign. The problem with people of the area is that they do not get awareness of these issues.

Some parts of Gulberg are much developed but it does not mean that they do not have these

problems. This project would ensure that they should get the awareness. As a result, the project

has set the goal to create an action approach among residents of the area. It is the goal of the


1.4 Delimitations

The project team would study and observe problems with the water and sanitation. It

would include drinking water quality. For this purpose, drinking water coolers and dispensers

placed at public spots would be effective way to start. Presence of water filters and frequency of

replacing these filters may help note the water quality. The observation of people and their views

regarding diseases caused by adulterated or contaminated water may help note negative effects
from it. Moreover, the situation of toilets in the area and presence of public toilets help note the

sanitation facilities. As a result, the issue may come on the surface through observation and

initial research of facilities in the area. However, household water and sanitation would be

excluded to the extent that project team may not enter houses. Therefore, it has to rely on their

views and opinions to draw results. Moreover, the quality of water and level of sanitation

facilities have different evaluation practices to note their effectiveness but this project team only

has the observation and experiences of residents to ascertain the level of these facilities.


Following sections would justify the project and they would set the reasoning why the

project is going to be pursued. These project components would consist of activities to get things

in order and effective manner.

2.1 Project proposal

The project proposal is the first part of the justification of it. The project must fulfill

required targets and goals to be justified. The proposed project addresses a problem that has

backing through evidence and facts and figures. For instance, facts and figures claiming that

water and sanitation problems exist in every segment in Pakistan, it raises concerns of authorities

and stakeholders to look at it. This project would draw their attention to the situation in these

aspects for the Gulberg area of Lahore that is considered as a developed area. If such an area has

any lacking or deficiency of facilities then the state of facilities in others parts of the city must be

concerned. The proposed research calls for engaging community of the area and it require

various strategies. First, going to door-to-door to interact and mingle with the community. It is

better to take one person familiar to the community so that interaction and communication may

be effective. Communications in the beginning would help understand the state and views of
water and sanitation in the area. In the second place, the project team proposes to go for

observation and personal experience to evaluate and ascertain the level of water and sanitation in

the area. After these two steps, the project team would be having enough information that

requires carrying out awareness campaign. Therefore, placards and pamphlets would act as

effective medium for communication. As a result, the proposed project on awareness campaign

over water and sanitation would be functional and practical.

2.2 Resources required

The project does not need huge amount or level of resources because the extent of using

resources is much low. The limitation of resources is always there because students have scarcity

of resources. The project team has decided that they would mange resources through their pocket

money. Some of the project team members do job and they would put certain portion of their

salary to the project resources. It is important to evaluate where the cost is involved. The door-to-

door campaign and observation do not need monetary resources. The only place where resources

are required is when the project would start publishing and printing placards and pamphlets.

However, administrative cost would also make an important part in the overall resources

required. Overall, required resources would revolve around Rs. 10,000 or ten thousand rupees.

2.3 Value creation

Value creation is the most important part of this project proposal. It is meaningless to

start and proceed with an activity that does not have any value for stakeholders and members of

the project team. First, it is to note what value is for different stakeholders and project team

members. The value for community and residents of Gulberg is that they would get a primary

project on the issues of water and sanitation. They would come to know about the state of

facilities in their area. The government, especially the local government would also earn value as
they would get new and current information regarding the state of water and sanitation in the

area. It is important to highlight that Pakistan and Punjab have representatives of local

government. Even when they are not powerful, they have access to authorities and government

institutions to mobilize for actions. Then, the project team is here that would earn value in terms

of their hands on experience of observing and assessing the state of water and sanitation. It

would help increase the level of education and knowledge regarding a project of social

importance. The project would create value for all stakeholders and it is the most visible

justification of this research.

2.4 Stakeholders

The above section has noted some stakeholders of the project. These are the ones those

have positive and negative effects from the project. First, there is the project team that would be

conducting the project practically. However, important stakeholders are the community, society

in overall sense, and the government at national, provincial, and local levels. The community

means the residents of Gulberg area and they are the direct stakeholders of this project. Second is

the society that means the overall social scene of the city. A complete and successful project in

one area of Lahore would benefit other areas as well. it can trigger more projects in those areas

or it may help know the level of water and sanitation facilities. Third important is the

government that can help through this project to improve water and sanitation situation in the


2.5 Project board

The project board is the body that consists of responsible persons so that the project may

be accomplished in time. It is responsible for taking decisions to note which activity is to

proceed and the priority of activities for successful completion of the project. The entire project
team is also the project board because the project team has adopted a linear management model.

However, the supervisor for the project in the university would be its supervisor. The supervisor

would act as an expert and troubleshooter when things may get complex or out of control. The

project board would do the job to take decisions so that the project gets its final shape and form

in timely manner.

2.6 Project team

The project team consists of five members and the number of project team is enough and

effective to achieve results. The structure of the project team is linear and flat that means that

responsibilities and obligations are equally split between the members of the team. However, to

make it easy, it is useful to narrate some activities needed for the accomplishment of the project

to spread awareness regarding water and sanitation in the chosen area of Lahore. The most

important activity in the project is to engage with the community where the work is going to be

conducted. Secondly, the making contact and getting real situation on the ground is also one of

the important activities. Third important activity of the project is to spread awareness regarding

issues of water and sanitation. For this purpose, placards, small boards, presentations in streets,

and pamphlets are means to spread the message.

2.7 Project organization chart

The project organization chart for the project is as follows:

Member Member Member Member Member

Above depicted organizational chart for the project team might confuse some because it

is very simple and straightforward organizational chart. One might not expect to have a simple

chart but this project adopts because of some valid reasons. The communication plan below

would highlight the reason why the organizational structure is flat and linear. The reason is that

every team member possesses equal authority. Everyone can direct changes in the project

outcomes. However, the milestones and goals are the yardstick to evaluate the performance and

direction of every member of the team. It means that they do not need to be instructed by a

person only but he has to focus on the milestones and goals set in the communication plan for the

project. Such an organizational chart is in line with recent research studies and organizational

practices where flat and linear organizational structure is in place in different organizations as


2.8 Communication plan

The communication plan for the project has some complex nature of activities because it

is the backbone for the success of the project. If every project member works on the tasks set

during the communication process and meetings, everything would remain on track. Otherwise,

things may get out of estimated budget and timeline. Therefore, the communication plan has

been set and every member is there to add into it. Some activities are crucial for the completion

of the project. The project team would write them and would communicate over them at needed


For instance, meeting with community residents and observation are first activity. The

communication would be held to find ways how to conduct this activity. For this purpose, face to

face meeting would be held on daily basis. Then, the process of communication with the

community would be held while all members would be part of this process. Then, the analysis of
the findings would take place face to face on weekly basis. However, communication would

keep going on Whatsapp and Facebook messenger. Moreover, the communication for the

development and design of placards and pamphlets would also take place through these online

messaging platforms. Email would be formal way of communication that will be for use to

interact with the university and the supervisor as well. Therefore, the communication would take

place on almost daily basis through online platforms. However, face to face meeting would take

place on weekly basis. However, daily face to face meeting would be necessary in the beginning

of the project because timetable and organization have to be discussed.


After the introduction and the justification of the project, this section would describe the

project. The description would include two main documents. First is the project initiation or

project justification. Here, it needs to be short and concise as the above section deals with it

already. Second document in this section would be the project initiation document that contains

six components. This project initiation document is more important therefore, it would be

emphasized in this section. The description of the project has been detailed in above sections but

this section has some salient features for it.

3.1 Project initiation or project justification

The project initiation or project justification is clear because the water and sanitation

problems are evidence in Pakistani society. Even large cities like Lahore have these problems

because increasing population and high influx of people from other cities into Lahore is

increasing pressure on the infrastructure. The project initiation and project justification lies in the

fact that this problem should be addressed through awareness and spreading the call for doing

from the community residents and members. Much of the justification has been discussed in the
above sections and this section only highlights this basic reason to choose this problem for this

project management project.

3.2 Project initiation document (PID)

The project initiation document would summarize six aspects of the project. These

aspects include the project's objective, the key deliverables, and the overall rationale for the

project, the initial timings, the project's initial organization, and Gantt chart. These aspects of the

project for its initiation are going to be noted in the following. They would help set the direction

of the project when it would practically find its ways into reality. Each of these aspects has been

briefly noted in the following.

• The project's objective

Objectives of the proposed project have been described in the introduction at the above.

These include to highlight the importance of water and sanitation facilities in the Gulberg area of

Lahore, to emphasize the problem before residents of the area, to make people aware that it is

their problem that they should act rationally, to help people think that they should act and they

should not leave everything on the government, and to enable people so that they can contact

authorities and government to solve their problems related to water and sanitation.

However, main objective of the project is to raise the level of awareness of people under

study regarding water and sanitation facilities in Gulberg Lahore.

• The key deliverables

The achievement of the objective may be challenging but a nicely prepared proposal and

study of the research help achieve objectives. For instance, the interaction and meeting with the
community would be helpful in achieving objectives. Observing and analyzing the conditions of

sanitation and water in the area would also be helpful in achievement of objectives because they

would help understand how the area has been affected by these problems. Moreover, the material

used for spreading awareness is also very important because it is not possible to achieve results

without results. This is how, the objectives of the project would be accomplished because these

deliverables are important to pursue in the long run.

• The overall rationale for the project

The rationale for the project is easy to understand because it is very timely and necessary

to pursue with this plan. The evidence and facts in the introduction show that large number of

people in Pakistan does not have access to pure drinking water. Facilities for sanitation are also

low because they are on the verge of building more diseases. Therefore, this topic and the project

on this problem is going to be undertaken. Moreover, Lahore is large city and some of its areas

are considered developed. It might not be the case because an observation of the area of Gulberg

shows that there is lack of facilities for pure water and sanitation. Therefore, the project would

highlight the state of problems and issues regarding water and sanitation in the area so that other

areas may also reflect on this project. Last, the rationale of the research is that it is going to affect

people behavior and action through spreading awareness campaign for water and sanitation.

These are the reasons why this project has been undertaken.

• The initial timings

The project involves society and awareness campaign for water and sanitation in chosen

area therefore, it may require some days t9o materialize the project to complete in time.
Activities and goals of the project indicate that the project has to follow certain stages to get a

final shape ultimately. The gantt chart details complete information regarding when project and

its every activity would complete. The gantt chart shows that the project would be in final shape

in nine weeks. It is initial estimate of the time required for the project but any revised timeline

may be set to facilitate the project completion in time.

• The project's initial organization

Initial organizational of the project has been discussed in the above section of

organizational chart. The team consists of five members and all members would work in flat and

linear organizational structure. The project has integrated activities and it would be not suitable

to divide responsibilities in a way that only one individual is responsible for undertaking a

certain job in the project.

• Gantt Chart

The gantt chart for the project activities help indicate the time spent on each activity.

Following gantt chart serves this purpose to know which activities needs a suitable time for

successful completion of the project.

Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9







Planning to

go in the



of Material

for the



campaign in




results and



results and



the project
The above timeline in the gantt chart shows that the project contains few very important

activities. For instance, the project requires meeting to decide on how the project would proceed.

Secondly, the project would be based on the finalizing material to go into the community. Third

important activity is to go into the community. In the end, the most important activity is writing

and documenting the project report. However, the documenting process would continue at the

end of each activity in the project.


The feasibility study or market study is important because it sets the stage for the project.

The project involves community therefore, it must be feasible. The proposal sees into this

perspective to note that feasibility is possible otherwise; the implementation of the project would

be difficult to undertake. Before going to take the project into practical stage, it is better to

undertake some initial feasibility study so that project may meet success. Following section

briefly highlight the market study or feasibility study.

4.1 Data collection particularly primary data

One may consider it a pilot study to collect primary data of Gulberg in terms of water and

sanitation situation. Primary data for the project would be helpful to ascertain the level of

awareness campaign for the area. It is proposed that the team would go out in the area and would

collect information regarding the situation for water and sanitation. It would help the team to

know exact situation of the area. The observation would be suitable in the beginning because the

pilot study does not need any data for water and sanitation situation. However, primary data

regarding views from the community can be helpful.

4.2 Risk factors at different stages in the project life cycle

The project life cycle contains four definite stages. In all of these stages, initiating,

planning, executing, and closing risks are involved. These stages are risky in terms of experience

and factors involved for the success of the team. In the initiating stage, risks include setting

directions and getting start. The project team is young and inexperienced so initiating stage has

to prove expertise. In the planning stage, the project team has to be directed and focused on

planning. The planning stage is crucial because it involves how to take the project working.

Resources and their spending are the issues relevant. The communication mechanism and

reliability of communication devices are also important to consider. In case of lack of planning

or any poor planning, the project may suffer in next stages. The executing stage involves risks

related to stakeholders and community involvement. The issue is to note that people of are

involved in the project and it is very necessary to get things on track as planned. Then, the

project has to close with having expected outcomes in mind so that the project serves its intended


4.3 Contingency plans

Contingency plans are crucial for removing these risks that might hover around the

project success. It is important to assign responsibilities across project members so that every

member remains informed and communicated. It is the best contingency plan to follow this

organizational structure because it would leave little pressure on an individual. In case, any of

the members is not present or he has another obligation, other team members can cover the need

necessarily. Little financial resources are required and it is not difficult to meet. However, in case

of any risk associated to it, any third party financial assistance may be sought. However, it is

early to say regarding this. Overall, contingency plans are subject to any huge risks otherwise,

normal risks and problems keep occurring over the course of time in a project.
4.4 Other key factors

Other key factors include taking the considerations of theoretical approaches and models

of project management in the implementation of this project. Direct and continuous supervision

from the project management course supervisor would be crucial and useful. Being direct it

means that they would keep in touch with the planning and program going on with the project.

Other key factors would keep coming on the way to completion of this project.


The project presentation is going to be in the following. It includes the summary and

deliverables from the project.

5.1 Project summary

The project’s brief summary is that it is an awareness campaign project that is going to

trigger the sense of responsibility and action among the residents of Gulberg area of Lahore. It is

not like an engineering, construction, or developing any product but it is aimed at raising

awareness among the target population. As a result, people would get to know the problems

around there. It is already known fact among people in Lahore that drinking water and sanitation

facilities are worsening in the city. This project is going in that direction to make them aware

about immediate situation currently. It is also difficult to provide them water and sanitation

services and facilities. The aim of this project is to limit the activities to doable ones. Activities

those are beyond the scope or possibilities should not be covered. The awareness campaign

would be reflective of real problems of the area. That means first problems would be noted and

project members would get to know real issue related to water and sanitation. After calculation

of steps and decisions, the project proceedings would be started so that awareness can spread. It

is very impressive to know that the project has set practical foundations around its actions. It
would help guide project members yield effective and favorable results. These results would help

the community solve these problems because they would get awareness from this campaign.

5.2 Deliverables

Deliverables for the project include increasing level of awareness among residents of

Gulberg Lahore so that they can take better initiatives and steps towards betterment of water and

sanitation facilities. The area consists of different localities and there is clear difference in terms

of facilities in these areas. It is very useful to close this gap so that whole area can get same

facilities. Some streets and areas present serious challenges and there is low awareness level as

well. The project would deliver increase in awareness and knowledge so that they can take

calculated steps to avoid negative effects of worse water and sanitation services.


The proposal concludes that project management offers opportunities to get things done

in timely way. Good aspect of project management is that it has an end after some time. Thus,

projects end at an effective and useful result usually. Outcomes of projects usually rely on steps

undertaken to achieve them. For instance, any project starts with objectives and activities act

towards meeting these objectives. In case of this project, an objective triggers a series of

activities to achieve the objective. Although, it is not a project, it is a proposed project.

Justification of actions and milestones indicate that the proposed project would benefit the

community for which it has been developed. Water and sanitation problems are large in Pakistan

and large cities are also facing challenges. Lahore is the second largest city in Pakistan and it is

home of more than ten million residents. Different areas of the city do not have proper and

effective water and sanitation system. Gulberg is one of them and this proposed project has taken

the area for implementing an awareness campaign there. The campaign would be held using
project management principles and rules therefore, it would be good learning activity to use

project management to change the state of the society. Following recommendations are also

helpful in this regard.

The proposal recommends considering issues only related to water and sanitation.

Including or tendency to include every problem may make the project complex and harder to

complete. It recommends engaging the community members in large number so that awareness

campaign can be inclusive. It recommends that the campaign should follow project management

principles. It may be challenging to incorporate project management principles into the

campaign. To make it happen, project members should spend considerable time and energy in

planning phase. It recommends taking supervisor’s active role. It would help them achieve

desired results with effectiveness.


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