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4 Composition of Mixtures:

● Mixture: combination of 2+ substances that are not chemically combined and
can be separated by physical means.
● Can be homogeneous (uniform composition throughout) or heterogeneous (non-
uniform composition).

Components of Mixtures:
● Components can be elements or compounds.
● Each retains its individual properties in a mixture & can exist in varying

Expressing Composition:
● Described by the relative amounts of each component present.
● Expressed in various ways
○ Mass percentage: percentage of each component's mass in the total
mass of the mixture
○ Mole fraction: ratio of moles of one component to the total moles of all
○ Molarity: concentration of a component in moles per liter of solution).

Types of Mixtures:
● Homogeneous mixtures/solutions: uniform composition & components are
evenly distributed at a molecular level (e.g., saltwater).
● Heterogeneous mixtures: non-uniform composition & components are not
evenly distributed (e.g., sand and water).

Separation of Mixtures:
● Physical methods: filtration, distillation, chromatography, & evaporation.
● Choice of method depends on the specific properties of the components:
differences in solubility, boiling points, or particle size.

● Ubiquitous in everyday life
● Encountered in various fields such as chemistry, biology, environmental science,
& industry.
● Understanding composition is important in fields like pharmacology (drug
formulations), environmental science (pollution monitoring), & food science
(developing new products).

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