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Unit 1
Doing Scientific Investigations


Science is a body of knowledge that aims to understand, explain, or predict

relationship among variables.
● The main goals of science is to seek the truth through facts and to
understand the relationship between through facts.

● The scientific method is a series of organized steps that are taken to

answer a question or solve a problem. The steps of the scientific
method are: ○ make observations;
○ statement of the problem;
○ collect preliminary data;
○ formulate a hypothesis; The SI unit is a standard system of measurement used by many scientists
○ test the hypothesis; worldwide.
○ collect and analyze data; and
○ draw a conclusion.
● A hypothesis is an educated guess that may lead to a possible solution
to the problem.
● An experiment is performed to validate the hypothesis.

A graph is a visual representation of a table. It is best used to show trends or how

data changes.

 line graph. It is composed of grid-plotted lines that are used to show

comparison between two variables.
 A bar graph is another type of graph that shows data scaled into bars.
 A pie chart is used to show fixed quantities that have been broken down
or a combination of amounts that sum up to one bigger value.

Measurement is the process of finding out how many measuring units are Units of measurements that are derived from fundamental units are called
contained in an event or object based on a certain set of standards. derived units. Some derived SI units are listed in the table below:
Significant Figures
Measurements depend on the tool used. How do you determine significant
figures when presented with a quantitative data? If the quantitative data is
obtained from measurements, there are some rules that you need to follow to
determine the number of significant figures when given a quantitative data.

Scientific Notation
Some measurements are very large like the speed of light which is around 300
000 000 m/s or very small like the average thickness of hair is around 0.000 002
meters. It will take up too much space and time to write all these numbers. A
more convenient way of writing these numbers is to rewrite them in scientific
notation. The scientific notation is a systematic way of writing very large or very
small numbers.
● A pure substance is homogeneous. It has a definite composition and unique
set of properties. There are two types of pure substances - elements and
● An element is composed of only one kind of atom. It is the simplest form of
pure substance.
○ Elements are presented in a systematic and organized way in a
periodic table.
● A compound is a composed of two or more elements combined chemically
and by fixed proportion by mass.

● Measurement is the process of finding out how many measuring units are
contained in an event or object based on a certain set of standards.

● The seven fundamental quantities are length, mass, time, temperature, amount
of substance, electric current, and luminous intensity.

● All digits that you are sure of and the one uncertain digit are called significant
● A mixture is composed of two or more pure substances combined through
● A more convenient way of writing very large or very small numbers is to rewrite physical means in varying proportions. Its components
them in scientific notation. retain its property and can be separated by physical
_____________________________________________________________ means.
● Mixture can be classified into two.
Unit 2 ○ A homogeneous mixture has uniform
Matter composition and properties and has only one
● Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass. It makes up the all the ○ A heterogeneous mixture has varying
physical things around us that can be perceived by our senses. composition and properties. It may have two or
● Matter is composed of building blocks known as atoms. more phases.
○ Atoms are composed of smaller particles namely proton, neutron and ● Mixtures can also be classified based on particle size
electron. When two or more atoms are combined, a molecule is namely solution, suspension, and colloid. A solution is a
formed. homogeneous mixture while a suspension and a colloid
● Matter can exist as solid, liquid, or gas. are heterogeneous mixture.
○ Solids have definite shape and volume. ○ A solution has two or more substances uniformly
dispersed throughout the mixture. It has the
○ Liquids have indefinite shape but definite volume.
smallest particle size.
○ Gases have indefinite shape and volume.
○ A suspension has the largest At the atomic level, an element is composed of only one kind of atom; a compound
particle size. The components is composed of two or more elements combined chemically; and a mixture is
of a suspension separate over made up of two or more pure substances.
time due to the influence of ● The composition of pure substances does not vary from one sample to another.
gravity. The composition of mixtures varies.
● Pure substances cannot be separated by physical means. Mixtures can be
○ A colloid has an intermediate separated by physical means.
particle size. The particles in a ● Mixtures can be separated by physical separation, filtration, decantation,
colloid remain suspended in the evaporation, distillation, and centrifugation.
medium. However, it appears to
be invisible to the naked eye. Differentiating Elements and Compounds

● Colloidal particles exhibit Brownian movement and cause Tyndall effect.

○ Brownian movement is the random movement of particles suspended in
gas or liquid.
○ Tyndall effect is the scattering of light by colloidal particles.

Differentiating Pure Substances and Mixtures ________________________________________________________________

Unit 3
Recall: Pure Substances and Mixtures Solutions
A pure substance has a uniform properties and definite composition. It has a ● A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more pure substances.
constant composition and combined chemically. It is either classified as an element ● It consists of a solute and a solvent.
or a compound. Pure substances are always homogeneous. They cannot be ○ The more abundant substance is the solvent. It is also defined as
separated into its components by chemical means. the dissolving medium.
○ The substance present in less amount is the solute. It is also
On the other hand, a mixture has variable compositions made up of pure defined as the substance being dissolved.
substances, either an element or a compound. The pure substances that make ● Solutions are classified based on the states of the solute and solvent.
up a mixture are combined through physical means. Thus, each substance They are classified as liquid solutions, solid solutions, and gaseous
retains its properties. Solution, a type of mixture, is homogeneous. Colloids solutions.
and suspensions, also types of mixtures, are heterogeneous.
● A solution in which the amount of solute is equal to the solute’s solubility is
called a saturated solution.

● A solution in which the amount of solute greater than the solute’s solubility is
called a supersaturated solution.

● When a supersaturated crystal is agitated or a crystal is added, precipitation

of the excess solute occurs.
How much solute is dissolved in a solvent in saturated, unsaturated, and ________________________________________________________________
supersaturated solutions?
Unit 4
● A solution in which the amount of solute is less than the solute’s solubility is Acids and Bases
called an unsaturated solution. ● Acids and bases are made up of two or more elements combined chemically.
○ Acids have a sour taste, irritating smell, and hot and corrosive. It is also a good
conductor of electricity. It reacts with metals to produce hydrogen gas.
○ Bases have a bitter taste, irritating smell, and slipper texture. It is also a good Unit 5
conductor of electricity. It reacts with fats to form soap. Elements
● Elements are classified either as a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid.
● The periodic table is a systematic and organized way of presenting

● A litmus paper test is a rapid and the most common test used to determine if
a given solution is acidic or basic.
○ An acid turns the color of blue litmus paper to red.
○ A base turns the color of red litmus paper to blue.

● When an acid reacts with a bases, water and salt is formed. The reaction is
called a neutralization reaction. ● Metals are elements found on the left side of the periodic table (except

● Nonmetals are elements found on the right side of the periodic table. ●
Metalloids are elements that exhibit intermediate properties common to
both metals and nonmetals.

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