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Topic 1: Free Fall

Friday, January 26, 2024 10:02 AM

Free Fall is when an object is freely falling when its motion is affected only by gravity.
Air friction or air resistance is negligible and does not affect the object's motion. An
object in free fall is in unifomly accelerated motion.

The acceleration of a free-falling body is due to gravity. With the equation of G

= -9.8m/s²

In the absence of air resistance, two objects, regardless of mass, dropped from the same
height will reach the ground at the same time.

Symbols used in solving problems related to free fall:

• Viy – Initial Vertical Velocity
○ Objects vertical velocity when it was released.
• Vfy - Final Vertical Velocity
○ Objects vertical velocity when it reaches its final position or after a given
• Y – Vertical Displacement
○ Objects displacement after it was released.
• H – Height
○ Objects distance from the ground.
• G – Gravity
○ Acceleration due to gravity = 9.8m/s²

Velocity is a vector quantity (with magnitude and direction)

At which point along the path of a freeely falling body is its velocity maximim? Where is it minimum?
The velocity is maximum just before hitting the ground, the velocity is minimum at the highest point.

Kinematic Equations:
1. Vfy = Viy +gt
2. Vfy² = Viy²+ 2gy
3. Y = Viyt + 1/2gt²

Motion in Two Dimensions Page 1

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