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2022학년도 9월 전국연합학력평가 유사변형 문제

영어 영역
[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 18번] [연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 20번]

1. zb1 ) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? 3. z b3 ) 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Dear Parents/Guardians, Experts on writing say, “Get rid of as many words

as possible.” Each word must do something
Class parties ⓛ will be held on the afternoon of
important. If it doesn’t, get rid of it. Well, this
Friday, December 16th, 2022. Children may bring in
doesn’t work for speaking. It takes more words to
sweets, crisps, biscuits, cakes, and drinks. We are
introduce, express, and adequately elaborate an idea
requesting that children do not bring in
in speech than it takes in writing. Why is this so?
home­cooked or prepared food. All food should
While the reader can reread, the listener cannot
arrive in a sealed packet with the ingredients clearly
rehear. Speakers do not come equipped with a replay
listing. Fruit and vegetables are welcomed if
button. Because listeners are easily distracted, they
they are pre­packed in a sealed packet from the
will miss many pieces of what a speaker says. If they
shop. Please DO NOT send any food into school
miss the crucial sentence, they may never catch up.
containing nuts as we have many children with
This makes it necessary for speakers
severe nut allergies. Please check the ingredients of
________________________________, using more
all food your children bring carefully. Thank you
words on them than would be used to express the
for your continued support and cooperation.
same idea in writing.
Yours sincerely,
to talk longer about their points
Lisa Brown, Headteacher
to elaborate their ideas in a funny way
to introduce their ideas shorter than intended
to express their thoughts using the easiest words
[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 19번]
2. zb2 ) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 우리말에 맞도록 <조건>에 맞게
to speak as simply as possible about their thoughts
바르게 영작하시오.

It was two hours before the submission deadline

and I still hadn’t finished my news article. I sat at [연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 21번]
the desk, but suddenly, the typewriter didn’t work.
4. z b4 ) 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
No matter how hard I tapped the keys, the levers
wouldn’t move to strike the paper. I started to realize Is the customer always right? When customers
that I would not be able to finish the article on time. return a broken product to a famous company,
Desperately, I rested the typewriter on my lap and which makes kitchen and bathroom fixtures, the
started hitting each key 내가 할 수 있을 만큼의 많은 힘 company nearly always offers a replacement to
을 가지고. Nothing happened. Thinking something maintain good customer relations. Still, “there are
might have happened inside of it, I opened the cover, times you’ve got to say ‘no,’” explains the warranty
lifted up the keys, and found the problem ― a paper expert of the company, such as when a product is
clip. The keys had no room to move. After picking it undamaged or has been abused. Entrepreneur
out, I pressed and pulled some parts. The keys Lauren Thorp, who owns an e-commerce company,
moved smoothly again. I breathed deeply and smiled. says, “While the customer is ‘always’ right,
Now I knew that I could finish my article on time. sometimes you just have to fire a customer.”
Becoming a customer-centric business allows you to
anticipate customers’ needs and delight them with
<조건> products and services. When Thorp has tried
1. force, manage, with, much를 이용할 것. everything to resolve a complaint and realizes that
2. 원급 비교 구문을 포함할 것. the customer will be dissatisfied no matter what, she
returns her attention to the rest of her customers,
3. 총 8단어로 쓸 것.
who she says are “the reason for my success.”

2 고1

[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 22번] [연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 24번]

5. zb5 ) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 7. z b7 ) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 우리말에 맞도록 <조건>에 맞게

적절하지 않은 것은? 바르게 영작하시오.

A recent study from Carnegie Mellon University in Many people make a mistake of only operating
Pittsburgh, called “When Too Much of a Good Thing along the safe zones, and in the process they miss
May Be Bad,” indicates that classrooms with too the opportunity to achieve greater things. They do so
much decoration are a ⓛ source of distraction for because of a fear of the unknown and a fear of
young children and directly affect their cognitive treading the unknown paths of life. 사람들이 잘 다니지
performance. Being visually overstimulated, the 않는 이런 길을 택할 만큼 충분히 용감한 사람들은 엄청난
children have a great deal of difficulty concentrating 보상을 받을 수 있다 and derive major satisfaction out
and end up with worse academic results. On the of their courageous moves. Being overcautious will
other hand, if there is not much decoration on the mean that you will miss attaining the greatest levels
classroom walls, the children are less distracted, of your potential. You must learn to take those
spend more time on their activities, and learn more. chances that many people around you will not take,
So it’s our job, in order to support their attention, to because your success will flow from those bold
find the right balance between excessive decoration decisions that you will take along the way.
and the complete abundance of it.
*tread: 밟다

1. 주어진 단어를 모두 사용하시오. (중복 사용 가능)
[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 23번] take / return / to / travel / brave / those /
6. zb6 ) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 (A), (B), (C)에서 문맥에 맞는 표 able / great / road / enough / that / get / less
현을 골라 짝지은 것으로 가장 적절한 것은? / be

For creatures like us, evolution smiled upon those 2. 필요시 주어진 단어의 형태를 변형할 것.
with a strong need to belong. Survival and 3. 총 17단어로 쓸 것.
reproduction are the criteria of success by natural
selection, and (A) breaking off / forming
relationships with other people can be useful for
both survival and reproduction. Groups can share
resources, care for sick members, scare off
predators, fight together against enemies, divide tasks
so as to improve efficiency, and contribute to
survival in many other ways. In particular, if an
individual and a group want the same resource, the
group will generally (B) yield / prevail, so competition
for resources would especially favor a need to
belong. Belongingness will likewise promote
reproduction, such as by bringing potential mates
into contact with each other, and in particular by
keeping parents together to care for their children,
who are much (C) more / less likely to survive if
they have more than one caregiver.

(A) (B) (C)

breaking off yield more
breaking off prevail less
forming yield less
forming prevail more
forming yield more

고1 3
[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 25번] father was never supportive of his writing and forced
8. zb8 ) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 (A), (B), (C)에서 문맥에 맞는 표 him to get a real job. Smith studied further and
현을 골라 짝지은 것으로 가장 적절한 것은? became a tax accountant, but he finally turned back
to his love of writing.

(C) A famous actor and film producer bought the

film rights for When the Lion Feeds, although no
movie resulted. By the time of his death in 2021 he
had published 49 novels, selling more than 140
million copies worldwide.

(A) - (C) - (B)

(B) - (A) - (C)
(B) - (C) - (A)
(C) - (A) - (B)
The graph above shows the share of the urban (C) - (B) - (A)
population by continent in 1950 and in 2020. For
each continent, the share of the urban population in
2020 was (A) smaller / larger than that in 1950.
From 1950 to 2020, the share of the urban
population in Africa (B) rose / declined from 14.3%
[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 29번]
to 43.5%. The share of the urban population in Asia
was the second (C) lowest / highest in 1950 and in
z b1 0) 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

2020. In 1950, the share of the urban population in The human brain, it turns out, has shrunk in mass
Europe was larger than that in Latin America and by about 10 percent since it peaked in size
the Caribbean, whereas the reverse was true in 2020. 15,000-30,000 years ago. One possible reason is that
Among the five continents, Northern America was many thousands of years ago humans lived in a
ranked in the first position for the share of the world of dangerous predators where they had to
urban population in both 1950 and 2020. have their wits about them at all times to avoid
being killed. Today, we have effectively domesticated
(A) (B) (C)
ourselves and many of the tasks of survival ― from
smaller rose lowest
avoiding immediate death to building shelters to
larger declined highest obtaining food ― have been outsourced to the wider
smaller rose highest society. We are smaller than our ancestors too, and
it is a characteristic of domestic animals that they
larger declined lowest
are generally smaller than their wild cousins. None
larger rose lowest
of this may mean we are dumber ― brain size is not
necessarily an indicator of human intelligence ― but
it may mean that our brains today are wired up
differently, and perhaps more efficiently, than those
of our ancestors.
[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 26번]
The size of the human brain has become smaller
9. zb9 ) 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한
than that of the past.
Thousands of years ago, humans had to live on
Wilbur Smith was a South African novelist
their own.
specialising in historical fiction.
Most of the tasks essential to survival are being
handled in society.
(A) He wrote his first novel, The Gods First Make In general, livestock are smaller than wild animals
Mad, and had received 20 rejections by 1962. In of the same species.
1964, Smith published another novel, When the Lion
The size of the brain is directly related to the
Feeds, and it went on to be successful, selling
intelligence level.
around the world.

(B) Smith wanted to become a journalist, writing

about social conditions in South Africa, but his

4 고1

[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 30번] reduces people to machines made of flesh. Rather
zb1 1) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 우리말에 맞도록 <조건>에 맞게 than asking us to think or adapt, the Jennifer unit
바르게 영작하시오. takes over the thought process and treats workers as
an expensive source of some visual processing
It is widely believed that certain herbs somehow
and a pair of opposable thumbs.
magically improve the work of certain organs, and
“cure” specific diseases as a result. Such statements *dispatch: 발송하다 **chunk: 덩어리
are unscientific and groundless. Sometimes herbs
appear to work, since they tend to increase your
blood circulation in an aggressive attempt by your
body to eliminate them from your system. That can
create a temporary feeling of a high, which makes it
[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 32번]
seem as if your health condition has improved. Also,
13. 다음 밑줄 친 (A), (B), (C)에서 어법에 맞는 표현을
herbs can have a placebo effect, just like any other
z b1 3)

골라 짝지은 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?

method, thus helping you feel better. Whatever the
case, 건강을 되찾게 하는 지성을 가진 것은 바로 당신의 The prevailing view among developmental scientists
몸이다 and not the herbs. How can herbs have the is (A) that / what people are active contributors to
intelligence needed to direct your body into getting their own development. People are influenced by the
healthier? That is impossible. Try to imagine how physical and social contexts (B) which / in which
herbs might come into your body and intelligently fix they live, but they also play a role in influencing
your problems. If you try to do that, you will see their development by interacting with, and changing,
how impossible it seems. Otherwise, it would mean those contexts. Even infants influence the world
that herbs are more intelligent than the human body, around them and construct their own development
which is truly hard to believe. through their interactions. Consider an infant who
smiles at each adult he sees; he influences his world
*placebo effect: 위약 효과
because adults are likely to smile, use “baby talk,”
and (C) play / to play with him in response. The
<조건> infant brings adults into close contact, making
one-on-one interactions and creating opportunities
1. regain, intelligence를 이용할 것.
for learning. By engaging the world around them,
2. 「It is ~ that ...」 강조 구문을 포함할 것.
thinking, being curious, and interacting with people,
3. 총 11단어로 쓸 것. objects, and the world around them, individuals of all
ages are “manufacturers of their own development.”

(A) (B) (C)

that which play
[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 31번] that in which to play
zb1 2) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 that in which play
적절하지 않은 것은? what which to play
We worry that the robots are taking our jobs, but what in which to play
just as common a problem is that the robots are
taking our judgment. In the large warehouses so
common behind the scenes of today’s economy,
human ‘pickers’ hurry around grabbing products off
shelves and moving them to where they can be
packed and dispatched. In their ears are headpieces:
the voice of ‘Jennifer’, a piece of software, tells them
where to go and what to do, controlling the
smallest details of their movements. Jennifer breaks
down instructions into tiny chunks, to minimise error
and maximise productivity ― for example, rather
than picking eighteen copies of a book off a shelf,
the human worker would be politely instructed to
pick five. Then another five. Then yet another five.
Then another three. Working in such conditions

고1 5
(C) Cleverly, Cherry found it was impossible for his
[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 33번]
participants to know whether the message in the
zb1 4) 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? other ear was spoken by a man or woman, in
The demand for freshness can have hidden English or another language, or was even comprised
environmental costs. While freshness is now being of real words at all!
used as a term in food marketing as part of a return (D) The trick was to see if you could totally focus
to nature, the demand for year-round supplies of on the main message and also hear someone talking
fresh produce such as soft fruit and exotic in your other ear.
vegetables has led to the widespread use of hot
(A) - (B) - (D) - (C)
houses in cold climates and increasing reliance on
total quality control ― management by temperature (B) - (C) - (A) - (D)
control, use of pesticides and (B) - (D) - (C) - (A)
computer/satellite-based logistics. The demand for (C) - (A) - (B) - (D)
freshness has also contributed to concerns about
(C) - (B) - (D) - (A)
food wastage. Use of ‘best before’, ‘sell by’ and ‘eat
by’ labels has legally allowed institutional waste.
Campaigners have exposed the scandal of
overproduction and waste. Tristram Stuart, one of
the global band of anti-waste campaigners, argues
[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 35번]
that, with freshly made sandwiches, over-ordering is
standard practice across the retail sector to avoid 16. z b1 6) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 (A), (B), (C)에서 문맥에 맞는 표
the appearance of empty shelf space, leading to high 현을 골라 짝지은 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?
volumes of waste when supply regularly exceeds The fast-paced evolution of Information and
demand. Communication Technologies (ICTs) has radically
Why Everyone Should Care About Food Safety transformed the dynamics and business models of
the tourism and hospitality industry. This leads to
Trash It or Eat It? The Truth About Expiration
new levels/forms of competitiveness among service
providers and transforms the customer experience
Freshness and Quality Versus Environmental through new services. Creating unique experiences
Impact and providing convenient services to customers leads
Get Your Fresh Produce and Support Local Farmers to satisfaction and, eventually, customer (A) loyalty /
Ways to Reduce Food Waste at Home, School, and royalty to the service provider or brand (i.e., hotels).
More In particular, the most recent technological (B) boost
/ setback received by the tourism sector is
represented by mobile applications. Indeed,
empowering tourists with mobile access to services
such as hotel reservations, airline ticketing, and
[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 34번]
recommendations for local attractions generates
strong interest and (C) considerable / considerate
15. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한
zb1 5)

* hospitality industry: 서비스업(호텔·식당업 등)
In the studies of Colin Cherry at the Massachusetts
Institute for Technology back in the 1950s, his (A) (B) (C)
participants listened to voices in one ear at a time loyalty boost considerable
and then through both ears in an effort to determine
royalty boost considerable
whether we can listen to two people talk at the same
time. loyalty boost considerate
royalty setback considerate
loyalty setback considerable
(A) In other words, people could not process two
pieces of information at the same time.

(B) One ear always contained a message that the

listener had to repeat back (called “shadowing”) while
the other ear included people speaking.

6 고1

[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 37번]

[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 36번] 18.

z b1 8) 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한
17.zb1 7) 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 것은?
적절한 곳은? Most people have a perfect time of day when they
How can this be? feel they are at their best, whether in the morning,
evening, or afternoon. Some of us are night owls,
some early birds, and others in between may feel
With nearly a billion hungry people in the world,
most active during the afternoon hours. If you are
there is obviously no single cause. However, far and
able to organize your day and divide your work,
away the biggest cause is poverty. ( )
make it a point to deal with tasks that demand
Seventy-nine percent of the world’s hungry live in
attention at your best time of the day. (A) ________,
nations that are net exporters of food. ( ) The
if the task you face demands creativity and novel
reason people are hungry in those countries is that
ideas, it’s best to tackle it at your “worst” time of
the products produced there can be sold on the
day! So if you are an early bird, make sure to attack
world market for more than the local citizens can
your creative task in the evening, and vice versa for
afford to pay for them. ( ) In the modern age you
night owls. When your mind and body are less alert
do not starve because you have no food, you starve
than at your “peak” hours, the muse of creativity
because you have no money. ( ) So the problem
awakens and is allowed to roam more freely. (B)
really is that food is, in the grand scheme of things,
________, when your mental machinery is loose
too expensive and many people are too poor to buy
rather than standing at attention, the creativity flows.
it. ( ) The answer will be in continuing the trend
of lowering the cost of food. *roam: (어슬렁어슬렁) 거닐다

* net exporter: 순 수출국 ** scheme: 체계, 조직 (A) (B)

However On the other hand
However In other words
Therefore In other words
Therefore On the other hand
For example As a result

고1 7
[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 38번] [연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 39번]

zb1 9) 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 20.
z b2 0) 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Television is the number one leisure activity in the We often associate the concept of temperature with
United States and Europe, consuming more than half how hot or cold an object feels when we touch it. In
of our free time. We generally think of television as this way, our senses provide us with a qualitative
a way to relax, tune out, and escape from our indication of temperature. Our senses, however, are
troubles for a bit each day. While this is true, there unreliable and often mislead us. For example, if you
is increasing evidence that we are more motivated to stand in bare feet with one foot on carpet and the
tune in to our favorite shows and characters when other on a tile floor, the tile feels colder than the
we are feeling lonely or have a greater need for carpet even though both are at the same
social connection. Television watching does satisfy temperature. The two objects feel different because
these social needs to some extent, at least in the tile transfers energy by heat at a higher rate than
short run. Unfortunately, it is also likely to “crowd carpet does. Your skin “measures” the rate of energy
out” other activities that produce more sustainable transfer by heat rather than the actual temperature.
social contributions to our social well-being. The What we need is a reliable and reproducible method
more television we watch, the less likely we are to for measuring the relative hotness or coldness of
volunteer our time or to spend time with people in objects rather than the rate of energy transfer.
our social networks. In other words, the more time Scientists have developed a variety of thermometers
we make for Friends, the less time we have for ________________________.
friends in real life.
*thermometer: 온도계
*Friends: 프렌즈(미국의 한 방송국에서 방영된 시트콤)
for refining qualitative indicators
We spend more than half of our free time watching for increasing the credibility of our senses
for making such quantitative measurements
People regard watching television as a way to
for accurately measuring the rate of energy transfer
escape problems and relax for a while.
for finding out the temperature difference between
When we don’t want social relationships and want
tiles and carpets
to be alone, we are immersed in watching
By watching our favorite TV programs and [연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 40번]
characters, we can satisfy our desire for social 21.
z b2 1) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이
relationships in the short term.
적절하지 않은 것은?
Spending too much time watching television, we
My colleagues and I ran an experiment testing two
miss the opportunity to interact with people in our
different messages meant to convince thousands of
real life.
resistant alumni to make a donation. One message
emphasized the opportunity to do good: donating
would benefit students, faculty, and staff. The other
emphasized the opportunity to feel good: donors
would enjoy the warm glow of giving. The two
messages were equally effective: in both cases, 6.5
percent of the willing alumni ended up donating.
Then we combined them, because two reasons are
better than one. Except they weren’t. When we
put the two reasons together, the giving rate dropped
below 3 percent. Each reason alone was more than
twice as effective as the two combined. The
audience was already skeptical. When we gave them
different kinds of reasons to donate, we triggered
their awareness that someone was trying to persuade
them ― and they shielded themselves against it.

* alumni: 졸업생 ** skeptical: 회의적인

8 고1

[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 41~42]

zb2 2) 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 43~45]

In a society that rejects the consumption of insects

z b2 3) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이

there are some individuals who overcome this 적절하지 않은 것은?

rejection, but most will continue with this attitude. It A boy had a place at the best school in town. In
may be very difficult to convince an entire society the morning, his granddad took him to the school.
that insects are totally suitable for consumption. When he went onto the playground with his
However, there are examples in which this reversal grandson, the children surrounded them. “What a
of attitudes about certain foods has happened to an funny old man,” one boy smirked. A girl with brown
entire society. Several examples in the past 120 years hair pointed at the pair and jumped up and down.
from European-American society are: considering Suddenly, the bell rang and the children ran off to
lobster a luxury food instead of a food for servants their first lesson. The old man took his grandson
and prisoners; considering sushi a safe and delicious firmly by the hand, and led him out of the school
food; and considering pizza not just a food for the gate. “ Brilliant, I don’t have to go to school!” the
rural poor of Sicily. In Latin American countries, boy exclaimed. “You do, but not this one,” his
where insects are already consumed, a portion of the granddad replied. “I’ll find you a school myself.”
population hates their consumption and associates it Granddad took his grandson back to his own house,
with poverty. There are also examples of people who asked grandma to look after him, and went off to
have had the habit of consuming them and look for a teacher himself. Every time he spotted a
abandoned that habit due to shame, and because school, the old man went onto the playground, and
they do not want to be categorized as poor or waited for the children to come out at break time. In
uncivilized. According to Esther Katz, an some schools the children completely welcomed
anthropologist, if the consumption of insects as a the old man and in others, they made fun of him.
food luxury is to be promoted, there would be more When this happened, he would turn sadly and go
chances that some individuals who do not present home. Finally, he went onto the tiny playground of a
this habit overcome ideas under which they were very small school, and leant against the fence,
educated. And this could also help to revalue the exhausted. The bell rang, and the crowd of children
consumption of insects by those people who already ran out onto the playground. “Sir, are you all right?
eat them. Shall I bring you a glass of water?” a voice said.
“We’ve got a bench in the playground ― come and
growing popularity of eating insects
sit down,” another voice said. Soon a young teacher
history of the human hunger for bugs
came out onto the playground. The old man greeted
potential health benefits of edible insects him and said: “Finally, I’ve found my grandson the
insects as a food source and the disgust factor best school in town.” “You’re mistaken, sir. Our
how humans eating insects could help save the school is not the best ― it’s small and cramped.”
planet The old man didn’t argue with the teacher.
Instead, he made arrangements for his grandson to
join the school, and then the old man left. That
evening, the boy’s mom said to him: “Dad, you can’t
even read. How do you know you’ve found the best
teacher of all?” “Judge a teacher by his pupils,”
the old man replied.

*smirk: 히죽히죽 웃다*cramped: 비좁은

고1 9
[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 20번]

[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 18번] 26. 다음

z b2 6) 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
zb2 4) 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Experts on writing say, “Get rid of as many words
Dear Parents/Guardians, as possible.” Each word must do something
important. If it doesn’t, get rid of it. Well, this
Class parties will be held on the afternoon of
doesn’t work for speaking. It takes more words to
Friday, December 16th, 2022. Children may bring in
introduce, express, and adequately elaborate an idea
sweets, crisps, biscuits, cakes, and drinks. We are
in speech than it ⓛ takes in writing. Why is this so?
requesting that children do not bring in home­cooked
While the reader can reread, the listener cannot
or prepared food. All food should arrive in a sealed
rehear. Speakers do not come equipped with a
packet with the ingredients clearly listed. Fruit and
replay button. Because listeners are easily distracted,
vegetables are welcomed if they are pre­packed in a
they will miss many pieces of what a speaker
sealed packet from the shop. Please DO NOT send
says. If they miss the crucial sentence, they may
any food into school containing nuts as we have
never catch up. This makes it necessarily for
many children with severe nut allergies. Please check
speakers to talk longer about their points, using
the ingredients of all food your children bring
more words on them than would be used to express
carefully. Thank you for your continued support and
the same idea in writing.

Yours sincerely,

Lisa Brown, Headteacher

Students are advised not to bring home-made food

[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 21번]
to the class party.
27. 다음 밑줄 친 (A), (B), (C)에서 어법에 맞는 표현을
When students bring food, they should write down
z b2 7)

골라 짝지은 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?

the ingredients in the food.
Is the customer always right? When customers
Fruits and vegetables should be purchased from the
return a broken product to a famous company,
shop and brought after removing the packaging.
which (A) makes / make kitchen and bathroom
Foods containing nuts are not accepted at school
fixtures, the company nearly always offers a
for students with nut allergies.
replacement to maintain good customer relations.
Parents and guardians are advised to check the Still, “there are times you’ve got to say ‘no,’” (B)
ingredients of food that children bring to school. explains / explaining the warranty expert of the
company, such as when a product is undamaged or
has been abused. Entrepreneur Lauren Thorp, who
[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 19번] owns an e-commerce company, says, “While the
25. 글의
zb2 5) 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 customer is ‘always’ right, sometimes you just have
적절한 곳은? to fire a customer.” When Thorp has tried everything
to resolve a complaint and realizes that the customer
Thinking something might have happened inside of
will be dissatisfied no matter what, she returns her
it, I opened the cover, lifted up the keys, and found
attention to the rest of her customers, (C) who /
the problem ― a paper clip.
whom she says are “the reason for my success.”

(A) (B) (C)

It was two hours before the submission deadline
makes explains who
and I still hadn’t finished my news article. I sat at
the desk, but suddenly, the typewriter didn’t work. make explaining whom
No matter how hard I tapped the keys, the levers makes explaining who
wouldn’t move to strike the paper. I started to realize makes explains whom
that I would not be able to finish the article on time.
make explains who
( ) Desperately, I rested the typewriter on my lap
and started hitting each key with as much force as I
could manage. ( ) Nothing happened. ( ) The
keys had no room to move. ( ) After picking it
out, I pressed and pulled some parts. ( ) The keys
moved smoothly again. I breathed deeply and smiled.
Now I knew that I could finish my article on time.

10 고1

[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 22번]

zb2 8) 다음 글에서 어법상 틀린 곳을 세 군데 찾아 올바르 [연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 24번]

게 고쳐 쓰시오. 30.
z b3 0) 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

A recent study from Carnegie Mellon University in Many people make a mistake of only operating
Pittsburgh, called “When Too Much of a Good Thing along the safe zones, and in the process they miss
May Be Bad,” indicates what classrooms with too the opportunity to achieve greater things. They do so
much decoration are a source of distraction for because of a fear of the unknown and a fear of
young children and directly affect their cognitive treading the unknown paths of life. Those that are
performance. Being visually overstimulating, the brave enough to take those roads less travelled are
children have a great deal of difficulty concentrating able to get great returns and derive major
and end up with worse academic results. On the satisfaction out of their courageous moves. Being
other hand, if there is not much decoration on the overcautious will mean that you will miss attaining
classroom walls, the children are less distracted, the greatest levels of your potential. You must learn
spend more time on their activities, and learning to take those chances that many people around you
more. So it’s our job, in order to support their will not take, because your success will flow from
attention, to find the right balance between excessive those bold decisions that you will take along the way.
decoration and the complete absence of it.
*tread: 밟다
(A) ____________ → ____________
성공하려면 실패를 스스로 인정해야 한다.
(B) ____________ → ____________
자신의 실수에서 배울 수 있으면 성공할 수 있다.
(C) ____________ → ____________
성공하면 그에 상응하는 보상이 뒤따르기 마련이다.
안전 구역을 떠나는 것을 두려워하지 말아야 성공에 이른
[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 23번] 다.

zb2 9) 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? 성공을 위해서는 급작스러운 상황 변화에 대비할 수 있어
야 한다.
For creatures like us, evolution smiled upon those
with a strong need to belong. Survival and
reproduction are the criteria of success by natural
selection, and forming relationships with other people
can be useful for both survival and reproduction.
Groups can share resources, care for sick members,
scare off predators, fight together against enemies,
divide tasks so as to improve efficiency, and
contribute to survival in many other ways. In
particular, if an individual and a group want the
same resource, the group will generally prevail, so
competition for resources would especially favor a
need to belong. Belongingness will likewise promote
reproduction, such as by bringing potential mates
into contact with each other, and in particular by
keeping parents together to care for their children,
who are much more likely to survive if they have
more than one caregiver.

Human Evolution and Reproductive Ecology

The Crisis of Social Reproduction and the End of
Belongingness: The Most Basic and the Most Social
Human Need
Growth and Scarcity: The Economics of Natural
Resource Availability
Natural Selection: Revisiting Its Explanatory Role in
Evolutionary Biology

고1 11
[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 25번] [연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 26번]

zb3 1) 밑줄 친 부분 the reverse was true in 2020이 다 32.
z b3 2) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
Wilbur Smith was a South African novelist
specialised in historical fiction. Smith wanted to
become a journalist, writing about social conditions
in South Africa, but his father was never
supportive of his writing and forced him to get a
real job. Smith studied further and became a tax
accountant, but he finally turned back to his love of
writing. He wrote his first novel, The Gods First Make
Mad, and had received 20 rejections by 1962. In
1964, Smith published another novel, When the Lion
Feeds, and it went on to be successful, selling
around the world. A famous actor and film producer
The graph above shows the share of the urban bought the film rights for When the Lion Feeds,
population by continent in 1950 and in 2020. For although no movie resulted. By the time of his death
each continent, the share of the urban population in in 2021 he had published 49 novels, selling more
2020 was larger than that in 1950. From 1950 to than 140 million copies worldwide.
2020, the share of the urban population in Africa
increased from 14.3% to 43.5%. The share of the
urban population in Asia was the second lowest in
1950 and in 2020. In 1950, the share of the urban
population in Europe was larger than that in Latin [연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 29번]
America and the Caribbean, whereas the reverse was
33. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이
true in 2020. Among the five continents, Northern
z b3 3)

적절하지 않은 것은?
America was ranked in the first position for the
share of the urban population in both 1950 and The human brain, it turns out, has shrunk in
2020. mass by about 10 percent since it peaked in size
15,000-30,000 years ago. One possible reason is that
The share of the urban population in Europe began
many thousands of years ago humans lived in a
to soar by 2020.
world of dangerous predators where they had to
The share of the urban population in Latin America have their wits about them at all times to avoid
and the Caribbean exceeded that of Europe in 2020. being killed. Today, we have effectively domesticated
The share of the urban population in Latin America ourselves and many of the tasks of survival ― from
and the Caribbean decreased between 1950 and avoiding immediate death to building shelters to
2020. obtaining food ― have been outsourced to the
Unlike in 1950, the share of the urban population in smaller society. We are smaller than our ancestors
Latin America and Caribbean was smaller than that too, and it is a characteristic of domestic animals
of Europe in 2020. that they are generally smaller than their wild
cousins. None of this may mean we are dumber ―
There was no difference in the share of the urban
brain size is not necessarily an indicator of human
population in Latin America and the Caribbean
intelligence ― but it may mean that our brains
from 1950 to 2020.
today are wired up differently, and perhaps more
efficiently, than those of our ancestors.

12 고1

[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 30번]

zb3 4) 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? [연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 32번]

It is widely believed that certain herbs somehow

z b3 6) 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

magically improve the work of certain organs, and The prevailing view among developmental scientists
“cure” specific diseases as a result. Such statements is that people are active contributors to their own
are unscientific and groundless. Sometimes herbs development. People are influenced by the physical
appear to work, since they tend to increase your and social contexts in which they live, but they also
blood circulation in an aggressive attempt by your play a role in influencing their development by
body to eliminate them from your system. ⓛ That interacting with, and changing, those contexts. Even
can create a temporary feeling of a high, which infants influence the world around them and
makes it seem as if your health condition has construct their own development through their
improved. Also, herbs can have a placebo effect, interactions. Consider an infant who smiles at each
just like any other method, thus helping you feel adult he sees; he influences his world because adults
better. Our bodies are made to be given natural are likely to smile, use “baby talk,” and play with
and pure care, which is why eating natural food, and him in response. The infant brings adults into close
natural herbs is necessary. Whatever the case, it contact, making one-on-one interactions and
is your body that has the intelligence to regain creating opportunities for learning. By engaging the
health, and not the herbs. How can herbs have world around them, thinking, being curious, and
the intelligence needed to direct your body into interacting with people, objects, and the world
getting healthier? That is impossible. Try to imagine around them, individuals of all ages are
how herbs might come into your body and “manufacturers of their own development.”
intelligently fix your problems. If you try to do that,
인간의 발달은 인지 발달에 의해 주도되며, 유전과 환경 요
you will see how impossible it seems. Otherwise, it
소에 의해 영향을 받는다.
would mean that herbs are more intelligent than the
human body, which is truly hard to believe. 인간의 발달은 신체적 발달과 심리적 발달 등 모든 면에서
일정한 순서를 지니고 있다.
*placebo effect: 위약 효과
탄생 초기 유아의 욕구와 몸짓을 정확히 읽고 시기 적절히
반응해주어야 정상 발달 단계를 거치게 된다.
인간은 주변 환경과 영향을 주고받는 상호 유기적인 관계
[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 31번]
를 통해 성장하며, 자신의 성장에 있어 주체적인 역할을
zb3 5) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
We worry that the robots are taking our jobs, but 아동의 사회화는 사회적 발달의 일부로, 주변 사람들을 모
just as common a problem is that the robots are 방하며 인지적 기술뿐만 아니라 사회적 기술도 습득할 수
taking our judgment. In the large warehouses so 있다.
common behind the scenes of today’s economy,
human ‘pickers’ hurry around grabbing products off
shelves and moving them to where they can be
packed and dispatched. In their ears are headpieces:
the voice of ‘Jennifer’, a piece of software, tells
them where to go and what to do, controlling the
smallest details of their movements. Jennifer breaks
down instructions into tiny chunks, to minimise error
and maximise productivity ― for example, rather
than picking eighteen copies of a book off a shelf,
the human worker would be politely instructed to
pick five. Then another five. Then yet another five.
Then another three. Working in such conditions
reduces people to machines made of flesh. Rather
than asking us think or adapt, the Jennifer unit
takes over the thought process and treats workers as
an inexpensive source of some visual processing and
a pair of opposable thumbs.

*dispatch: 발송하다 **chunk: 덩어리

고1 13
[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 33번]

zb3 7) 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 [연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 34번]

적절한 곳은? 38.

z b3 8) 다음 밑줄 친 (A), (B), (C)에서 어법에 맞는 표현을

The demand for freshness has also contributed to 골라 짝지은 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?
concerns about food wastage. In the studies of Colin Cherry at the Massachusetts
Institute for Technology back in the 1950s, his
participants listened to voices in one ear at a time
The demand for freshness can have hidden
and then through both ears in an effort to determine
environmental costs. ( ) While freshness is now
(A) which / whether we can listen to two people talk
being used as a term in food marketing as part of a
at the same time. One ear always contained a
return to nature, the demand for year-round
message (B) that / what the listener had to repeat
supplies of fresh produce such as soft fruit and
back (called “shadowing”) while the other ear
exotic vegetables has led to the widespread use of
included people speaking. The trick was to see if you
hot houses in cold climates and increasing reliance
could totally focus on the main message and also
on total quality control ― management by
hear someone talking in your other ear. Cleverly,
temperature control, use of pesticides and
Cherry found it was impossible for his participants to
computer/satellite-based logistics. ( ) Use of ‘best
know whether the message in the other ear was
before’, ‘sell by’ and ‘eat by’ labels has legally
spoken by a man or woman, in English or another
allowed institutional waste. ( ) Campaigners have
language, or (C) was / were even comprised of real
exposed the scandal of overproduction and waste. (
words at all! In other words, people could not
) Tristram Stuart, one of the global band of
process two pieces of information at the same time.
anti-waste campaigners, argues that, with freshly
made sandwiches, over-ordering is standard practice (A) (B) (C)
across the retail sector to avoid the appearance of which that was
empty shelf space, leading to high volumes of waste which what were
when supply regularly exceeds demand. ( )
whether that were
whether what were
whether that was

14 고1

[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 35번] [연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 36번]

zb3 9) 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? 40.
z b4 0) 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

The fast-paced evolution of Information and With nearly a billion hungry people in the world,
Communication Technologies (ICTs) has radically there is obviously no single cause. However, far and
transformed the dynamics and business models of away the biggest cause is poverty. Seventy-nine
the tourism and hospitality industry. This leads to percent of the world’s hungry live in nations that are
new levels/forms of competitiveness among service net exporters of food. How can this be? The reason
providers and transforms the customer experience people are hungry in those countries is that the
through new services. Creating unique experiences products produced there can be sold on the world
and providing convenient services to customers leads market for more than the local citizens can afford to
to satisfaction and, eventually, customer loyalty to pay for them. In the modern age you do not starve
the service provider or brand (i.e., hotels). In because you have no food, you starve because
particular, the most recent technological boost ____________________. So the problem really is that
received by the tourism sector is represented by food is, in the grand scheme of things, too expensive
mobile applications. Indeed, empowering tourists with and many people are too poor to buy it. The answer
mobile access to services such as hotel reservations, will be in continuing the trend of lowering the cost
airline ticketing, and recommendations for local of food.
attractions generates strong interest and considerable
* net exporter: 순 수출국 ** scheme: 체계, 조직
you have no money
* hospitality industry: 서비스업(호텔·식당업 등)
you have a poor appetit
Advantages of Competition in Business
you can’t find vegetarian food
Crises in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry
you want to donate food to the poor
Essential Features for Your Tourism Mobile
you want to change your eating habit
Importance of ICT Advancement in the Tourism and
Hospitality Industry
The Tourism Industry’s Biggest Threat: [연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 37번]

Communication Technology 41.

z b4 1) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이
적절하지 않은 것은?

Most people have a perfect time of day when they

feel they are at their best, whether in the
morning, evening, or afternoon. Some of us are
night owls, some early birds, and others in between
may feel most active during the afternoon hours.
If you are able to organize your day and divide your
work, make it a point to deal with tasks that demand
attention at your best time of the day. However, if
the task you face demands creativity and novel
ideas, it’s best to tackle it at your “worst” time of
day! So if you are an early bird, make sure to attack
your creative task in the evening, and vice versa
for night owls. When your mind and body are
more alert than at your “peak” hours, the muse of
creativity awakens and is allowed to roam more
freely. In other words, when your mental machinery
is loose rather than standing at attention, the
creativity flows.

*roam: (어슬렁어슬렁) 거닐다

고1 15
[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 38번]

zb4 2) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 우리말에 맞도록 <조건>에 맞게 [연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 39번]

바르게 영작하시오. 43.

z b4 3) 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한

Television is the number one leisure activity in the 것은?

United States and Europe, consuming more than half We often associate the concept of temperature with
of our free time. We generally think of television as how hot or cold an object feels when we touch it. In
a way to relax, tune out, and escape from our this way, our senses provide us with a qualitative
troubles for a bit each day. While this is true, there indication of temperature. (A) ________, our senses
is increasing evidence that we are more motivated to are unreliable and often mislead us. (B) ________, if
tune in to our favorite shows and characters when you stand in bare feet with one foot on carpet and
we are feeling lonely or have a greater need for the other on a tile floor, the tile feels colder than
social connection. Television watching does satisfy the carpet even though both are at the same
these social needs to some extent, at least in the temperature. The two objects feel different because
short run. Unfortunately, it is also likely to “crowd tile transfers energy by heat at a higher rate than
out” other activities that produce more sustainable carpet does. Your skin “measures” the rate of energy
social contributions to our social well-being. 우리가 transfer by heat rather than the actual temperature.
텔레비전을 더 볼수록, 우리는 사람들과 함께 시간을 덜 보 What we need is a reliable and reproducible method
내기 쉽다. In other words, the more time we make for for measuring the relative hotness or coldness of
Friends, the less time we have for friends in real life. objects rather than the rate of energy transfer.
Scientists have developed a variety of thermometers
*Friends: 프렌즈(미국의 한 방송국에서 방영된 시트콤)
for making such quantitative measurements.

*thermometer: 온도계
(A) (B)
1. likely, spend, watch를 이용할 것.
However Therefore
2. 「the + 비교급 ~, the + 비교급 ...」 구문을 포함할 것.
However For instance
3. 총 15단어로 쓸 것.
Similarly For instance
Similarly As a result
Nevertheless Therefore

16 고1

[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 40번] [연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 41~42]

zb4 4) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? 45.
z b4 5) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 우리말에 맞도록 <조건>에 맞게
바르게 영작하시오.
My colleagues and I ran an experiment testing two
different messages meant to convince thousands In a society that rejects the consumption of insects
of resistant alumni to make a donation. One message there are some individuals who overcome this
emphasized the opportunity to do good: donating rejection, but most will continue with this attitude. It
would benefit students, faculty, and staff. The other may be very difficult to convince an entire society
emphasized the opportunity to feel good: donors that insects are totally suitable for consumption.
would enjoy the warm glow of giving. The two However, there are examples in which this reversal
messages were equally effective: in both cases, 6.5 of attitudes about certain foods has happened to an
percent of the unwilling alumni ended up entire society. Several examples in the past 120 years
donating. Then we combined them, because two from European-American society are: considering
reasons are better than one. Except they weren’t. lobster a luxury food instead of a food for servants
When we put the two reasons together, the giving and prisoners; considering sushi a safe and delicious
rate dropped below 3 percent. Each reason alone was food; and considering pizza not just a food for the
more than twice as effective as the two combined. rural poor of Sicily. In Latin American countries,
The audience was already skeptical. When we gave where insects are already consumed, a portion of the
them different kinds of reasons to donate, we population hates their consumption and associates it
triggered their awareness which someone was with poverty. There are also examples of people who
trying to persuade them ― and they shielded have had the habit of consuming them and
themselves against it. abandoned that habit due to shame, and because
they do not want to be categorized as poor or
* alumni: 졸업생 ** skeptical: 회의적인
uncivilized. According to Esther Katz, an
anthropologist, if the consumption of insects as a
food luxury is to be promoted, there would be more
chances that 이러한 습관을 보이지 않은 몇몇 개인들이
그들이 교육받았던 생각을 극복한다. And this could also
help to revalue the consumption of insects by those
people who already eat them.

1. 주어진 단어를 모두 사용하시오.
present / not / this / educate / individual / be /
habit / they / who / which / idea / some / do /
overcome / under
2. 필요시 주어진 단어의 형태를 변형할 것.

고1 17
[연계문항 2022년 9월 교육청(고1) 43~45]

zb4 6) 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

A boy had a place at the best school in town. In

the morning, his granddad took him to the school.
When he went onto the playground with his
grandson, the children surrounded them. “What a
funny old man,” one boy smirked. A girl with brown
hair pointed at the pair and jumped up and down.
Suddenly, the bell rang and the children ran off to
their first lesson. The old man took his grandson
firmly by the hand, and led him out of the school
gate. “Brilliant, I don’t have to go to school!” the boy
exclaimed. “You do, but not this one,” his granddad
replied. “I’ll find you a school myself.” Granddad
took his grandson back to his own house, asked
grandma to look after him, and went off to look for
a teacher himself. Every time he spotted a school,
the old man went onto the playground, and waited
for the children to come out at break time. In some
schools the children completely ignored the old man
and in others, they made fun of him. When this
happened, he would turn sadly and go home. Finally,
he went onto the tiny playground of a very small
school, and leant against the fence, exhausted. The
bell rang, and the crowd of children ran out onto
the playground. “Sir, are you all right? Shall I bring
you a glass of water?” a voice said. “We’ve got a
bench in the playground ― come and sit down,”
another voice said. Soon a young teacher came out
onto the playground. The old man greeted him and
said: “Finally, I’ve found my grandson the best
school in town.” “You’re mistaken, sir. Our school is
not the best ― it’s small and cramped.” The old man
didn’t argue with the teacher. Instead, he made
arrangements for his grandson to join the school,
and then the old man left. That evening, the boy’s
mom said to him: “Dad, you can’t even read. How do
you know you’ve found the best teacher of all?”
“______________________________,” the old man

*smirk: 히죽히죽 웃다*cramped: 비좁은

Teaching is a work of heart

Judge a teacher by his pupils
Don’t judge a student by his percentage
Your judgement judges you and defines you
Poor is the pupil who does not surpass his master

18 고1

◇「콘텐츠산업 진흥법 시행령」제33조에 의한 표시

◇「콘텐츠산업 진흥법」외에도「저작권법」에 의하여 보호
1) 제작연월일 : 2022-09-06
되는 콘텐츠의 경우, 그 콘텐츠의 전부 또는 일부를 무
2) 제작자 : 교육지대㈜
단으로 복제하거나 전송하는 것은 콘텐츠산업 진흥법
3) 이 콘텐츠는 「콘텐츠산업 진흥법」에 따라 최초
외에도 저작권법에 의한 법적 책임을 질 수 있습니다.
제작일부터 5년간 보호됩니다.

[출제의도] 빈칸에 적절한 내용을 추론한다.

1 2 서술형 3 4 5 [정답]
[해설] 고객을 만족시키는 것이 불가능하다고 판단되면,
6 7 서술형 8 9 10
그 요구를 거절하고 다른 고객들에게 주의를 돌리라
11 서술형 12 13 14 15 는 내용의 글이다. 그런데 ‘고객 중심의 비즈니
스가 되는 것은 당신에게 상품과 서비스로 고객의
16 17 18 19 20 필요와 기쁨을 예측할 수 있도록 한다’는 글의 문맥
21 22 23 24 25
상 적절하지 않다.
[출제의도] 문맥상 어색한 문장을 고른다.
26 27 28 서술형 29 30
31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40 [해설] 아이들의 집중을 돕기 위해 과도한 교실 장식은
지양할 필요가 있다는 내용의 글이므로, 지나친 장
41 42 서술형 43 44 45 서술형 식과 장식이 전혀 없는 것 사이의 적절한 균형을 찾
는 것이 우리의 일이라고 하는 것이 자연스럽다. 따
라서 abundance(풍부)는 absence(없음, 결핍)
와 같은 단어로 바꿔 써야 적절하다.
1) [출제의도] 문맥상 어색한 단어를 찾는다.
[해설] ‘~하면서, ~한 채’라는 의미를 나타내는 <with + 6)
명사(구) + 분사> 구문으로, 이때 명사(구)와 분사의 [정답]
관계가 능동이면 현재분사를, 수동이면 과거분사를 [해설] (A) 집단에 소속되는 것이 진화에 유리하다는 내
쓴다. 여기서는 명사구 the ingredients와 분사가 용의 글이다. 따라서 관계를 ‘형성하는’ 것이 생존과
‘성분이 목록으로 작성된 채로’의 의미로 수동 관계 번식 모두에 유용할 것이므로, forming이 적절하다.
이므로 현재분사 listing은 과거분사 listed로 고 (B) 집단의 장점을 언급한 다음, 구체적인 예시를 드
쳐야 한다. 는 부분이므로, 한 개인과 한 집단이 같은 자원을
[출제의도] 어법상 어색한 단어를 찾는다. 원하면 집단이 일방적으로 ‘이길’ 것이므로, prevail
이 적절하다. (C) 집단에 소속되어 있으면 번식을
2) 촉진시킨다는 내용의 예시로 특히 자녀들은 한 명보
[정답] with as much force as I could manage 다 많은 돌보는 이가 있으면 훨씬 ‘더’ 생존하기 쉬
[해설] ‘내가 할 수 있을 만큼 많은 힘’은 ‘~만큼 …한’의 울 것이므로 more가 적절하다.
뜻을 나타내는 「as + 원급 + as ~」 구문을 활용하 [출제의도] 문맥상 적절한 어휘를 찾는다.
여 as much force as I could manage로 나타낸
다. ‘~을 가지고’는 전치사 with로 나타낼 수 있으므 7)
로, with의 목적어가 되도록 with 뒤에 as much [정답] Those that are brave enough to take those
force as I could manage를 쓴다. roads less travelled are able to get great
[출제의도] 주어진 우리말에 맞도록 조건에 맞게 영작한 returns
다. [해설] ‘사람들이 잘 다니지 않는 이런 길’은 those
roads가 과거분사구 less travelled의 수식을 받는
3) 형태로 those roads less travelled로 쓴다. ‘~을
[정답] 택할 만큼 충분히 용감한’은 ‘~할 만큼 충분히 …한’
[해설] 글을 쓸 때보다 말할 때 더 많은 단어를 사용해야 이라는 뜻의 「형용사/부사 + enough + to부정사」
한다는 내용의 글이다. 따라서 화자들이 같은 아이 구문을 이용하여 brave enough to take로 쓴다.
디어를 표현하기 위해 글을 쓸 때 사용될 단어수보 ‘~한 사람들’은 지시대명사 those가 주격 관계대명
다 그것들(요점)에 대해 더 많은 단어를 사용하여 사 that이 이끄는 절의 수식을 받는 형태로 those
‘그들의 요점에 대해 더 길게 말할’ 필요가 있다는 that are ~로 쓴다. ‘엄청난 보상을 받을 수 있다’
내용이 되는 것이 문맥상 자연스럽다. 는 ‘~할 수 있다’라는 뜻의 「be + able + to부정사」

고1 19
구문을 이용하여 are able to get great returns로 는 것이 자연스럽다. 따라서 expensive(값비싼)는
쓴다. inexpensive(값싼)와 같은 단어로 바꿔 써야 적절하
[출제의도] 주어진 단어를 조건에 맞게 배열하여 영작한 다.
다. [출제의도] 문맥상 어색한 단어를 찾는다.

8) 13)
[정답] [정답]
[해설] (A) 각 대륙에서 2020년의 도시 인구 점유율이 [해설] (A) 뒤에 완전한 절이 이어지므로 동사 is의 보어
1950년의 점유율보다 ‘더 크게’ 증가했다. 따라서 역할을 하는 명사절을 이끄는 접속사 that이 적절하
larger가 적절하다. (B) 아프리카의 도시 인구 점유 다. (B) 선행사 social contexts를 수식하며 뒤에
율이 14.3%에서 43.5%로 ‘상승’했으므로, rose가 완전한 절이 이어지므로 관계부사 역할을 하는 <전
적절하다. (C) 아시아의 도시 인구 점유율은 1950년 치사 + 관계대명사> 형태인 in which가 적절하다.
과 2020년에 각각 17.5%와 51.1%로 두 번째로 ‘가 (C) 등위접속사 and로 smile, use, play가 연결되
장 낮은’ 수치이므로, lowest가 적절하다. 어 있으므로 동사원형 play가 적절하다.
[출제의도] 문맥상 적절한 어휘를 찾는다. [출제의도] 어법상 적절한 단어를 고른다.

9) 14)
[정답] [정답]
[해설] 주어진 글에서 Wilbur Smith는 역사 소설을 전 [해설] 현대인의 신선 식품 선호는 광범위한 온실 사용과
문으로 하는 남아프리카 소설가였다고 인물 소개를 온도 조절, 살충제 등을 포함한 총체적인 품질 관리
시작하고 있으며, (B)에서 그는 언론인이 되고 싶었 로 이어지며, 식량 낭비에 대한 우려의 원인이 되고
으나 아버지의 반대로 세금 회계사가 되었고, 후에 있다는 내용의 글이다. 따라서 이 글의 제목으로 가
그가 사랑하는 글 쓰는 일로 돌아왔다는 내용이 오 장 적절한 것은 ‘신선함과 품질 대 환경과 관련
며, (A)에서 그의 첫 번째 소설이 실패한 다음 두 된 영향’이다.
번째 소설 When the Lion Feeds가 성공을 거두었 [출제의도] 글의 제목을 추론한다.
다는 내용이 오며, (C)에서 유명 배우가 When the
Lion Feeds의 영화 판권을 샀다는 흐름으로 이어지 15)
는 것이 자연스럽다. [정답]
[출제의도] 글의 순서를 파악한다. [해설] 주어진 글에서 1950년대 메사추세츠 공과대학의
Colin Cherry의 연구에 대해 소개하였으며, (B)에서
10) 실험의 방법을 구체적으로 제시한 후, (D)에서 실험
[정답] 의 속임수에 대한 부연 설명이 이어지고 (C)에서
[해설] 뇌의 크기가 반드시 인간의 지능의 지표는 아니라 Cherry의 연구 결과를 설명한 다음 (A)에서 연구
고 했으므로, 뇌의 크기는 지능 수준과 직접적인 관 결과를 정리하여 다시 말하는 흐름으로 이어지는 것
련이 있다는 는 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는다. 이 자연스럽다.
[출제의도] 글의 세부 내용을 파악한다. [출제의도] 글의 순서를 파악한다.

11) 16)
[정답] it is your body that has the intelligence to [정답]
regain health [해설] (A) 독특한 경험과 편리한 서비스는 고객에게 만
[해설] 「It is ~ that ...」은 ‘…한 것은 바로 ~이다’의 의 족감을 주고, 결과적으로 서비스 제공자나 브랜드에
미를 나타내며, 강조하고자 하는 대상이 that 앞에 대한 고객의 ‘충성도’를 높일 것이므로, loyalty가
오므로 it is your body로 쓰며, ‘건강을 되찾게 하 적절하다. (B) 정보와 의사소통 기술의 진화가 관광
는 지성을 가진 것’은 to부정사의 형용사적 용법을 업과 서비스업에 미치는 긍정적인 영향에 대한 글이
활용하여 that has the intelligence to regain 다. 모바일 애플리케이션이 관광업 분야에서 받아들
health로 쓴다. 여진 가장 최근의 기술적 ‘상승’일 것이므로, boost
[출제의도] 주어진 우리말에 맞도록 조건에 맞게 영작한 가 적절하다. (C) 관광객에게 모바일 애플리케이션
다. 을 통해 다양한 서비스에 대한 접근 권한을 줌으로
써, 관광객의 흥미를 끌고 ‘상당한’ 수익을 만들어
12) 낼 것이므로 considerable이 적절하다.
[정답] [출제의도] 문맥상 적절한 어휘를 찾는다.
[해설] 소프트웨어 프로그램의 세부적인 지시에 따라 인
간은 생각하거나 적응하는 과정 없이 단순 업무만을 17)
반복적으로 하게 되고, 이것은 인간을 살로 만들어 [정답]
진 기계로 격하시킨다는 내용의 글이므로, 이러한 [해설] 주어진 문장은 ‘어떻게 이럴 수가 있을까?’라고
업무 환경에서 인간은 값싼 자원으로 취급된다고 하 질문을 던지는 내용이다. 앞에서 세계의 굶주린

20 고1

사람들의 79%가 식량 순 수출국에 살고 있다는 상 [출제의도] 글의 주제를 추론한다.

황이 제시되며, 뒤에서는 그 이유를 설명하고 있
으므로, 주어진 문장은 에 들어가는 것이 자연스 23)
럽다. [정답]
[출제의도] 문장의 위치를 파악한다. [해설] 노인이 손자가 다닐 학교를 찾아다니면서 몇몇 학
교에서는 학생들에게 무시를 당했고 다른 학교에서
18) 는 조롱을 받았으나, 마침내 노인을 공경하는 마음
[정답] 씨를 지닌 학생들이 있는 학교를 찾았다는 내용의
[해설] (A) 앞에서 집중을 요구하는 과업은 최적의 시간 글이다. 이어지는 문장에서 노인이 슬프게 돌아서서
에 처리하라고 하였으나, 뒤에서는 창의성이 필요한 집으로 가곤 했다는 내용으로 보아 welcomed
과업은 최악의 시간에 다루라는 내용이 나오므로 역 (환영했다)는 ignored(무시했다)와 같은 단어로 바꿔
접의 연결사 However가 들어가는 것이 적절하다. 써야 적절하다.
(B) 빈칸 앞에서는 주의력이 덜할 때 창의성의 영감 [출제의도] 문맥상 어색한 단어를 찾는다.
이 깨어난다고 하였고, 뒤에서는 이에 대해 다시 부
연 설명하고 있으므로, 빈칸에는 In other words가 24)
적절하다. [정답]
[출제의도] 빈칸에 알맞은 연결사를 추론한다. [해설] 과일과 채소는 가게에서 밀봉된 꾸러미로 사전 포
장된 것이면 환영한다고 했으므로, ‘과일과 채소
19) 를 가게에서 구입한 후 포장을 제거하여 가져와야
[정답] 한다’는 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는다.
[해설] 우리가 외롭다고 느끼고 있거나 사회적 관계를 위 [출제의도] 글의 세부 내용을 파악한다.
한 더 큰 욕구를 가질 때 우리가 좋아하는 쇼들과
등장인물들을 보려는 동기가 더 부여된다는 증거가 25)
늘어나고 있다고 했으므로, ‘우리가 사회적 관계 [정답]
를 원하지 않거나 혼자 있고 싶을 때, 우리는 텔레 [해설] 주어진 문장은 그것의 내부에 무슨 일이 일어났을
비전을 보는 데 몰두한다’는 글의 내용과 일치하지 지도 모르겠다고 생각하면서, 덮개를 열고 키들을
않는다. 들어 올려 종이 집게가 들어 있는 것을 발견했다는
[출제의도] 글의 세부 내용을 파악한다. 내용으로, 이는 ‘I’가 타자기를 힘껏 눌렀으나 아무
일이 일어나지 않았다는 내용 이후에 들어가는 것이
20) 자연스럽다. 뒤에서 키들이 움직일 공간이 없었
[정답] 다는 것은 타자기 안에 있던 종이 집게 때문이었음
[해설] 사람은 에너지 전도율을 온도 개념과 연관 지어 을 유추할 수 있으므로, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에
생각하며 이러한 정성적인 지표는 신뢰할 수 없으므 가장 적절한 곳은 이다.
로, 우리에게 물체의 상대적 뜨거움과 차가움을 측 [출제의도] 문장의 위치를 파악한다.
정하기 위한 신뢰할 수 있고 재현 가능한 수단이 필
요하다는 내용의 글이다. 따라서 과학자들이 ‘그런 26)
정량적인 측정을 하기 위해’ 다양한 온도계를 개발 [정답]
해 왔다는 내용이 되는 것이 문맥상 자연스럽다. [해설] 동사 makes의 가목적어 it 뒤에서 목적격보어 역
[출제의도] 빈칸에 적절한 내용을 추론한다. 할을 해야 하므로 necessarily는 형용사
necessary로 고쳐야 한다.
21) [출제의도] 어법상 어색한 단어를 찾는다.
[해설] 기부금을 내려고 하지 않는 졸업생들에게 기부하 27)
도록 납득시키는 두 개의 다른 메시지를 보내는 실 [정답]
험에 관련된 글이므로, 두 경우 모두에서 6.5%의 [해설] (A) 관계대명사 which의 선행사는 a famous
마음이 내키지 않은 졸업생이 결국에는 기부했다는 company로 단수이므로 주격 관계대명사절 안의 동
것이 자연스럽다. 따라서 willing(기꺼이 하는)은 사도 단수형이어야 한다. 따라서 makes가 적절하
unwilling(마음이 내키지 않은)과 같은 단어로 바꿔 다. (B) 문장의 주어인 the warranty expert of
써야 적절하다. the company에 이어지는 동사가 없으므로, 본동사
[출제의도] 문맥상 어색한 단어를 찾는다. 역할을 할 수 있는 explains가 적절하다. (C) 관계
대명사절 안의 she says는 삽입절이고, 동사는 are
22) 이므로 관계대명사절의 주어인 주격 관계대명사
[정답] who가 적절하다.
[해설] 곤충 섭취와 그것을 거부하는 사회적 인식을 설명 [출제의도] 어법상 적절한 단어를 고른다.
하는 글이다. 따라서 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은
‘식품 자원으로서 곤충들 그리고 혐오 요인’이다. 28)

고1 21
[정답] (A) what → that (B) overstimulating → 들과 달리 오늘날에는 많은 사회 구성원들이 생존을
overstimulated (C) learning → learn 위한 과업을 분업화하고 있기 때문에 과거에 비해
[해설] (A) 뒤에 완전한 절이 이어지므로 indicates의 목 인간의 뇌의 크기가 작아졌다는 내용의 글이므로,
적절을 이끄는 접속사 that으로 고쳐야 한다. (B) 문 오늘날에는 생존의 많은 과업이 더 넓은 사회로 위
장의 주어 the children과의 관계가 수동이므로 현 탁되었다고 하는 것이 자연스럽다. 따라서 smaller
재분사 overstimulating은 수동의 뜻을 나타내는 (더 작은)는 wider(더 넓은)와 같은 단어로 바꿔 써
과거분사 overstimulated로 고쳐야 한다. (C) 등위 야 적절하다.
접속사 and로 인해 동사 are, spend와 병렬 구조 [출제의도] 문맥상 어색한 단어를 찾는다.
를 이루고 있으므로 learning은 동사원형 learn으
로 고쳐야 한다. 34)
[출제의도] 어법상 어색한 부분을 찾아 올바르게 고친다. [정답]
[해설] 허브가 병을 고친다는 진술은 비과학적이고 근거
29) 가 없으며, 건강을 되찾을 수 있는 지성을 가진 것
[정답] 은 허브가 아닌 자신의 몸이라는 내용의 글이다. 그
[해설] 진화는 소속하려는 강한 욕구를 가진 것들에 미소 런데 ‘우리의 몸은 자연적이고 순수한 치료를 받
지었다고 하였으며, 다른 사람들과 관계를 형성하는 도록 만들어 졌으며, 그것이 천연 음식과 천연 허브
것이 생존과 번식에 모두 유용하다고 하며 구체적인 를 먹는 것이 필수적인 이유이다’는 글의 문맥상 적
예를 들고 있다. 따라서 이 글의 제목으로 가장 적 절하지 않다.
절한 것은 ‘소속감: 가장 기본적이고 가장 사회 [출제의도] 문맥상 어색한 문장을 고른다.
적인 인간의 욕구’이다.
[출제의도] 글의 제목을 추론한다. 35)
30) [해설] 동사 ask는 to부정사만을 목적격보어로 취하는
[정답] 동사이다. 따라서 think를 to think로 고쳐야 한
[해설] 미지의 세계에 대한 두려움으로 자신의 안전 구역 다.
을 벗어나지 못하면 자신의 잠재력의 최고 수준을 [출제의도] 어법상 어색한 단어를 찾는다.
달성할 수 없으므로, 용감하게 결정을 내려야 한다
는 내용의 글이다. 따라서 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 36)
것은 ‘안전 구역을 떠나는 것을 두려워하지 말아 [정답]
야 성공에 이른다.’이다. [해설] 인간이 물리적, 사회적인 환경의 영향을 받지만
[출제의도] 글의 요지를 추론한다. 그 환경들과 상호작용하고 변화시킴으로써, 자신의
발달에 주체적인 역할을 한다는 내용의 글이다. 따
31) 라서 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은 ‘인간은 주
[정답] 변 환경과 영향을 주고받는 상호 유기적인 관계를
[해설] 1950년에 유럽의 도시 인구 점유율은 51.7%로 통해 성장하며, 자신의 성장에 있어 주체적인 역할
라틴 아메리카와 카리브해 지역의 도시 인구 점유율 을 한다.’이다.
인 41.3%보다 더 컸지만, 2020년에는 유럽의 도시 [출제의도] 글의 요지를 추론한다.
인구 점유율이 74.9%이며 라틴 아메리카와 카리브
해 지역의 도시 인구 점유율은 81.2%로 반전된 상 37)
황이다. 따라서 밑줄 친 부분이 의미하는 바로 가장 [정답]
적절한 것은 ‘라틴 아메리카와 카리브해 지역의 [해설] 주어진 문장은 신선함에 대한 요구는 또한 식량
도시 인구 점유율이 2020년에 유럽의 도시 인구 점 낭비에 대한 우려의 원인이 되어 왔다는 내용으로,
유율을 넘어섰다’이다. 앞에서는 신선 식품 관리에 대한 내용이 나오다
[출제의도] 밑줄 친 부분이 의미하는 바를 추론한다. 가 뒤에서 ‘유통 기한’, ‘판매 시한’ 등 식량 라
벨 사용으로 인한 식량 낭비에 대한 부연 설명이 이
32) 어지고 있으므로 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적
[정답] 절한 곳은 이다.
[해설] ‘Wilbur Smith는 역사 소설을 전문으로 하는 남 [출제의도] 문장의 위치를 파악한다.
아프리카 소설가였다’라는 의미로, 수식하는 명사
novelist와 동사 specialise가 능동 관계이므로 현재 38)
분사 specialising으로 고쳐야 한다. [정답]
[출제의도] [해설] (A) 뒤에 완전한 절이 이어지며, 문맥상 ‘~인지
아닌지’의 의미여야 하므로 접속사 whether가 적절
33) 하다. (B) a message를 선행사로 하는 목적격 관계
[정답] 대명사 that이 적절하다. (C) whether가 이끄는 명
[해설] 생존하기 위해 기지를 발휘해야 했던 과거의 인간 사절 안의 주어는 the message in the other ear

22 고1

로 단수이므로 단수 동사 was가 적절하다. 다는 내용 뒤에 한쪽 발은 카페트 위에 두고 다른

[출제의도] 어법상 적절한 단어를 고른다. 발은 타일 바닥 위에 놓는 상황을 구체적인 예시로
제시하고 있으므로 For instance가 들어가는 것이
39) 적절하다.
[정답] [출제의도] 빈칸에 알맞은 연결사를 추론한다.
[해설] 정보와 의사소통 기술의 진화를 통해 관광객에게
독특한 경험과 편리한 서비스를 제공할 수 있게 됨 44)
으로써 관광업과 서비스업은 상당한 수익을 창출할 [정답]
수 있게 되었다는 내용의 글이다. 따라서 이 글의 [해설] ‘우리는 누군가가 그들을 설득하려고 하는 중이라
제목으로 가장 적절한 것은 ‘관광업과 서비스업 는 그들의 인식을 유발했다’라는 의미로, their
에서의 정보와 의사소통 기술 발전의 중요성’이다. awareness와 someone ~ them은 동격 관계이므
[출제의도] 글의 제목을 추론한다. 로 which는 동격의 접속사 that으로 고쳐야 한
40) [출제의도] 어법상 어색한 단어를 찾는다.
[해설] 오늘날 전 세계에 거의 10억 명의 굶주린 사람들 45)
이 있고, 그 중 79%가 식량 순 수출국에 살고 있음 [정답] some individuals who do not present this
에도 불구하고 빈곤 때문에 굶주리고 있다는 내용의 habit overcome ideas under which they were
글이다. 따라서 현대에는 여러분이 식량이 없어서 educated
굶주리는 것이 아니라, ‘돈이 없어서 굶주리는 것’이 [해설] ‘이러한 습관을 보이지 않은 몇몇 개인들이’는
라는 내용이 되는 것이 문맥상 자연스럽다. some individuals를 선행사로 하는 주격 관계대명
[출제의도] 빈칸에 적절한 내용을 추론한다. 사 who가 이끄는 관계사절을 활용하여 some
individuals who do not present this habit으로
41) 쓴다. ‘그들이 교육받았던 생각을 극복한다’는 동사
[정답] overcome의 목적어로 ideas를 쓰고, ideas를 <전
[해설] 집중을 요구하는 과업은 최적의 시간에 처리하고, 치사 + 관계대명사> 형태인 under which 이하의
창의성을 요구하는 과업은 최악의 시간에 처리하라 관계사절이 수식하도록 하여 overcome ideas
는 내용의 글이므로, 정신과 신체가 정점인 시간보 under which they were educated로 쓴다.
다 주의력이 덜할 때 창의성의 영감이 깨어나 더 자 [출제의도] 주어진 단어를 조건에 맞게 배열하여 영작한
유롭게 거니는 것이 허용된다고 하는 것이 자연스럽 다.
다. 따라서 more(더, 더욱)는 less(더 적게)와 같은
단어로 바꿔 써야 적절하다. 46)
[출제의도] 문맥상 어색한 단어를 찾는다. [정답]
[해설] 노인이 손자가 다닐 가장 좋은 학교를 찾아다니다
42) 가 노인을 공경하는 마음씨를 지닌 학생들을 보고
[정답] The more television we watch, the less 최고의 선생님이 그 학교에 있음을 확신했다는 내용
likely we are to spend time with people. 의 글이다. 따라서 손자의 어머니가 노인에게 최고
[해설] ‘우리가 텔레비전을 더 볼수록’은 we watch 의 선생님을 찾았다는 것을 어떻게 아는지 묻자 노
television much에서 much를 「the + 비교급」으로 인이 ‘선생님은 그 제자를 보고 판단해야 해.’라고
바꾸어 The more television we watch로 쓴다. 대답하는 내용이 되는 것이 문맥상 자연스럽다.
‘우리는 사람들과 함께 시간을 덜 보내기 쉽다’는 [출제의도] 빈칸에 적절한 내용을 추론한다.
we are less likely to spend time with people에
서 less likely를 「the + 비교급」으로 바꾸어 the
less likely we are to spend time with people로
[출제의도] 주어진 우리말에 맞도록 조건에 맞게 영작한

[해설] (A) 앞에서 우리가 온도 개념을 어떤 물체를 만졌
을 때 그것이 얼마나 뜨겁게 또는 차갑게 느껴지는
지와 연관 짓는다고 하였으나, 뒤에서는 우리의 감
각은 신뢰할 수 없고 종종 우리를 잘못 인도한다는
내용이 나오므로 역접의 연결사 However가 들어가
는 것이 적절하다. (B) 우리의 감각을 신뢰할 수 없


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