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1 KELVIN TUKAE MSOSSY 230222452613
5 EUNICE EDWIN RWEBU 23022349874
6 MPOKI NOEL 230222431393

1. Give the meaning of the two terms;

a) Summarizing
Refers to the process of briefly restating the main points or key ideas of a text or
speech in your words.

b) Paraphrasing
Refers to the process of rephrasing a text or a passage using different words and
structure while maintaining the original meaning.

2. With not less than four points, differentiate between paraphrasing and summarizing.

a) Length
Paraphrasing is as long as the original text while summarizing is
considerably shorter than the original text.

b) Purpose
Paraphrasing aims to restate and clarify a particular portion of the text to
provide a clearer understanding while summarizing aims to condense the
entire text, giving an overview without delving into specific details.

c) Scope
Paraphrasing involves rephrasing a specific passage or text, restating it using
different words while retaining the original meaning while summarizing
entails providing a concise overview of the entire text, condensing the main
points and key ideas into a shorter version.

d) Content focus
Paraphrasing maintains the focus on specific details or sections of the
original text while summarizing focuses on the broader context, highlighting
the main ideas and key points of the entire text.

3. Take one-page passage from your specialized area, then;

a) Summarize it
b) Paraphrase it
From the below passage;

In the vast expanse of the universe, our planet earth is but a tiny speck. Yet, it is home to an
incredible diversity of life forms, each intricately connected to one another and to the delicate
balance of our ecosystem. From the towering trees of the amazon rainforest to the microscopic
organisms thriving in the depths of the ocean, every living being plays a vital role in maintaining
the harmony of our planet.

The interconnectedness of life on earth is evident in the intricate web of relationships that exist
between different species. Predators and prey, pollinators and plants, all rely on one another for
survival. For instance, bees diligently collect nectar from flowers inadvertently transferring
pollen from one plant to another, enabling the process of pollination. This, in turn, allows plants
to reproduce and produce fruits and seeds, which serve as a source of food for countless
animals. The circle of life continues as these animals become prey for larger predators, ensuring
the balance of nature.

However, human activities have disrupted this delicate equilibrium. Deforestation, pollution, and
climate change have led to the extinction of numerous species and the destruction of habitats. As
a result, the intricate connections that sustain life on earth are being severed, leading to a loss of
biodiversity and ecological imbalance. The consequences of these actions are far-reaching,
affecting not only the natural world but also human societies that depend on the resources
provided by nature.

To address this crisis, it is crucial that we recognize the importance of preserving biodiversity
and restoring ecological balance. Conservation efforts must be balance. Conservation efforts
must be intensified, and sustainable practices should be adopted to minimize our impact on the
environment. By protecting and restoring habitats, we can provide a safe haven for endangered
species and allow them to thrive once again. Additionally, reducing pollution and greenhouse gas
emissions can help mitigate the effects of climate change, safeguarding the future of our planet.

In conclusion, the interconnectedness of life on earth is a delicate and intricate web that sustains
our planet. However, human activities have disrupted this balance, leading to the loss of
biodiversity and ecological imbalance. It is imperative that we take immediate action to preserve
and restore our ecosystems, ensuring the survival of all species and the well-being of our planet.
a. Summarized version

The earth is home to a wide variety of life forms, all interconnected and dependent
on each other. This interconnectedness is evident in the relationships between
different species, such as bees and plants, which rely on each other for survival.
However, human activities like deforestation and pollution have disrupted this
delicate balance, leading to the extinction of species and economical imbalance. To
address this crisis, it is important to protect biodiversity, restore habitats, and adopt
sustainable practices. By doing so, we can ensure the survival of all species and the
well-being of our planet.

b. Paraphrased version

Our planet, though small in the vast universe, is teeming with diverse life forms that
are intricately connected to each other and the delicate balance of our ecosystem.
The interdependence between species, such as bees and plants, is disrupted by
human activities like deforestation and pollution, causing the extinction of species
and economical imbalance thus important to ensure the survival of all species and
the planet in general by taking immediate action to restore the ecosystem.

4. Explain 5 stages or steps which are used in paraphrasing.

a. Understanding the original text

Read and comprehend the original text thoroughly to grasp its main ideas,
concepts, and key points. Ensure you understand the context, tone, and
purpose of the text.

b. Note taking or outlining

Break down the text into smaller sections or main points. Take notes or
create an outline highlighting the key ideas, essential details, and important
information from each section.

c. Rephrasing in your own words.

Without looking at the original text, express the main idea or point in your
own words.
Use synonyms, different sentence structures, and alternate expressions to
convey the same meaning.
d. Compare and revise
Compare your paraphrased version with the original text. Check for
accuracy, making sure you haven’t distorted the original meaning while
written in your own words.

e. Citation and attribution

If you are using information from a source that needs citation, make sure to
acknowledge the original author or text appropriately according to the
citation cycle required. Even when paraphrasing, giving credit to the original
source is crucial to avoid plagiarism.

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