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Think of appropriate Modification and/or modifications to support the learners faced with the following difficulty

Barriers Modifications/Accommodations
Learners is unable to comprehend lengthy
 Break instructions into smaller, manageable chunks:
Instead of providing one long set of instructions, break
them down into smaller, step-by-step instructions. This
allows learners to focus on one task at a time and reduces
cognitive overload.
 Use visual aids: Supplement written instructions with
visual aids such as diagrams, charts, or infographics.
Visual representations can help learners better understand
the information and make connections between different
steps or concepts.

Learner is unable to comprehend lengthy  Simplify the language: Use clear and concise language
instructions when providing instructions. Avoid using complex
vocabulary or technical jargon that may confuse the
learner. Break down complex sentences into shorter,
simpler sentences.
 Use visual aids: Supplement written instructions with
visual aids such as diagrams, charts, or illustrations.
Visual representations can help the learner visualize the
steps and better understand the information.
Remember to create a supportive and inclusive learning
environment where learners feel comfortable asking for help.
Adapt the modifications based on the individual needs and
preferences of the learner.
Learner can’t write his name properly  Provide visual guides: Create a visual guide or template of
the learner's name with dotted lines or tracing lines. This
can help them practice forming each letter correctly and
provide a visual reference for letter formation.
 Break it down: Break the name into individual letters or
syllables and practice writing them separately. This allows
the learner to focus on one letter at a time and gradually
build up to writing the full name.
 Use tactile materials: Incorporate tactile materials such as
sand, clay, or textured surfaces to help the learner practice
forming the letters. This can provide a multisensory
experience and enhance their understanding of letter
shapes and movements.

The learner is unable to follow correct

procedures in answering word problems  Identify the question: Help the learner identify the specific
thus, is having difficulty arriving with the question or problem they need to solve. This can help
correct answer them focus their attention and understand the goal of the
 Break down the problem: Break the problem down into
smaller, more manageable parts. Encourage the learner to
identify the relevant information and separate it from any
extraneous details.
 Use visual representations: If appropriate, encourage the
learner to create visual representations such as diagrams,
charts, or number lines to help them visualize the problem.
This can make it easier for them to understand the
problem and develop a solution strategy.
 Discuss problem-solving strategies: Teach the learner
different problem-solving strategies, such as drawing a
picture, making a table, or working backward. Help them
choose the strategy that best fits the problem and guide
them through the steps.
 Provide guided practice: Offer guided practice sessions
where the learner can solve similar word problems with
your support. Walk them through the problem-solving
process, asking guiding questions and providing hints
when needed.


SHS-Teacher III

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