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Community Health Nursing Duty Report: A Three-Day Expedition

Day 1 – November 23, 2023: A Prelude to Engagement

In the early light of Barangay Tabuk, my journey into community health nursing unfolded on November 23, 2023. As a student
nurse from Basilan State College, I joined my clinical instructor and rotation mates at 7:50 am at the Barangay Hall. A pre-
conference at 8:00 am set the tone for the day, providing insights into the rules and regulations guiding our activities.

From 8:30 am to 10:00 am, we engaged in spot mapping, laying the groundwork for our subsequent home visits. The Absari
residence became my first point of connection with the community, where interviews and assessments revealed the health
dynamics within this family. Accompanying Umair, my partner, we navigated the community, completing rounds, and breaking
for lunch provided a brief reprieve.

Assessments continued into the afternoon, concluding with families Sahi and Sappayani. A post-conference at 2:00 pm allowed
for reflections, solidifying the day’s experiences in a tapestry of community engagement.

Day 2 – November 24, 2023: The Art of Documentation

Day 2 commenced with a short conference at 8:00 am, mirroring the previous day’s routine. The focus, however, shifted to the
meticulous documentation of information in the manual. As the clock struck 3:00 pm, the manual became a repository of
insights into the health profiles of each family. This day, while seemingly routine, laid the groundwork for the nuanced
understanding required in community health nursing.

Day 3 – November 25, 2023: A Symphony of Teaching and Connection

On the final day, the dawn of November 25, 2023, marked the culmination of our journey. The day began with a short
conference at 8:00 am, paving the way for an expedition into health teaching. Armed with pamphlets crafted for our clients, I
embraced the role of an educator, disseminating knowledge to empower the community.

By 11:00 am, our teaching sessions were complete, and a sense of accomplishment permeated the air. A communal picnic on a
footbridge became the canvas for shared laughter and camaraderie. The day concluded with group photos, frozen moments
capturing the unity forged during this three-day odyssey.


This three-day community health nursing duty transcended the boundaries of a mere obligation. It evolved into a narrative of
connection, understanding, and empowerment. As I bid farewell to Barangay Tabuk, I carry with me not just the documented
data but a tapestry of experiences, a testament to the transformative power of community health nursing. The journey was
more than duty; it was a shared narrative of growth, collaboration, and the pursuit of a healthier, more connected community.

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