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The Nano World

Name: Josielyn L. Taro Section: CpE 201 Date: April 8, 2019

Instruction: In no more than 50 words, answer each of the questions below. (2 items x 10 points)

1. After reading the article, would you recommend the use of nanotechnology in food items or
food packaging? Why or why not?

After reading the article, I will still recommend the use of nanotechnology in food
items or food packaging. The benefits of nanotechnology for the food industry are
many and are expected to grow with time. This new, rapidly developing technology
impacts every aspect of the food system from cultivation to food production to
processing, packaging, transportation, shelf life and bioavailability of nutrients.
Commercial applications of nanomaterial will continue to impact the food industry
because of their unique and novel properties. Human exposure to nanomaterial, as a
result, is increasing and will continue to increase with time. Therefore, the health
impact of nanomaterial in food is of public interest and concern. Public acceptance of
food and food-related products containing nanomaterial will depend on their safety.
Consequently, a uniform international regulatory framework for nanotechnology in
food is necessary.

2. How can humans avoid the possible damaging effects of nanotechnology?

Traditionally, doses are measured in terms of mass because the harmful effects of any
substance depend on the mass of the substance to which the individual is exposed.
However, for nanoparticles it is more reasonable to measure doses also in terms of
number of particles and their surface area because these parameters further determine
the interactions of nanoparticles with biological systems. Therefore, it is possible for
humans to avoid the damaging effects of nanotechnology by controlling its dosage and
using it in moderate amount.

Rubric for scoring:

Provided pieces of evidence, supporting
Content 6
details, and factual scenarios
Used correct grammar, punctuation, 1
spelling, and capitalization
Organization of Expressed the points in clear and logical 2
Ideas arrangement of ideas in the paragraph
Format Adhered to the required style/appearance 1
Total 10

09 Worksheet 1 *Property of STI

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