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The Green Project

Acala, Jen
Vaflor, Frank
Gonzales, Irish
Bronosa, Majean
Bolastig, Alessandra
Aboy, Ana Grace
Fortades, Justine
Lebantino, Rechelle
Nabos, Maeliz
Dalumpines, Marie fe
Yonson, Norbeto
Table Content

I. Introduction
II. Rationale
III. Project Description
IV. Goal
V. Objective
VI. Methodology
VII. Budget Plan

I. Introduction
Tree planting is the procedure of transferring tree seedlings for landscaping,
forestry, or land reclamation. Our planet Earth, with all of its resources, is
something that past generations have left to us. Among them are the trees, which
function as sponges by absorbing harmful emissions and other pollutants that are
emitted into the atmosphere by vehicles and industrial. One of the main causes of
the current climate change crisis is deforestation. Additionally, this explains why it
is frowned upon to tear down trees and why the government actively promotes
planting more and more trees. The concept therefore will flow with our team by
organising all of the steps needed to make this project work. In order to tackle
Deforestation we have concluded various of ways to solve it the first thing on our
list is we'll encourage more people to know what is happening in our surroundings
in todays world. Encouraging people by giving them expert knowledge about our
advocacy would make this project more efficient not only by providing facts but
also by pushing them to change their ways. By the end of our summary of our
discussion with them we would proceed to the main goal, and thats to plant more

II. Rationale
The classification of the Philippines as a tropical nation stems from its
geographical proximity to the equator, resulting in distinct wet and dry seasons.
This stands in stark contrast to other nations, which, owing to their geographic
positions, experience a multitude of seasons.
Transitioning to the environmental landscape of Cavite, in 2010, over 40% of its
territory was enveloped by 22.9 thousand hectares of natural forest. However, a
regrettable loss of 14 hectares occurred in 2022, equating to 6.31 kilotons of CO2
Shifting focus to public sentiment, a comprehensive survey revealed that 64.3% of
Filipino respondents perceived climate change as a "serious and immediate threat
to the well-being of my country." An additional 33.3% regarded it as "an important
issue that deserves monitoring," culminating in a noteworthy 97.6% of respondents
for whom climate change emerged as a major concern.
Delving into the ecological benefits of trees, their expansive canopies play a
pivotal role in mitigating soil erosion by minimizing the impact of rainfall on the
ground. This occurs as rainwater redirects into the soil and runs down leaves and
branches, mitigating the force upon reaching the ground.
Transitioning to air quality dynamics, the volatility of air quality, influenced by
numerous factors, is evident in the 2020 data from, indicating that
Cavite City maintained "Moderate" air quality throughout the year, falling within
the 12.1 to 35.4 µg/m³ range. April recorded the cleanest air at 14.9 µg/m³, while
September exhibited the highest pollution level at 24.4 µg/m³.
In the context of air quality improvement, the data reveal a noticeable positive
shift from an average value of 26.2 µg/m³ in 2019 to 19.6 µg/m³ in 2020. This
improvement aligns with reduced vehicular activity due to office closures and the
shift to remote work during the pandemic. Additionally, the temporary closure of
factories and non-essential production units contributed to global improvements in
air quality.
Transitioning to hazard assessments in the selected area of Cavite, river flood
hazard is classified as low based on modeled flood information. Simultaneously,
the extreme heat hazard is classified as medium, signaling a more than 25% chance
of prolonged exposure to extreme heat in the next five years. The IPCC's
assessment emphasizes the inevitability of further warming due to continued
greenhouse gas emissions, resulting in more frequent hot temperature extremes
globally over the next fifty years. While the temperature increase in Cavite over
the next fifty years is anticipated to be lower than the worldwide average, it
remains significant. Thus, prudent project design is recommended to ensure
resilience to long-term global warming.

III. Project Description

The goal of this initiative is to address the environmental problems that exist in
our school. In response to the growing issues brought on by rising temperatures,
greater pollution, and the demand for aesthetic enhancement, our initiative aims to
create a more environmentally sustainable, healthier, and aesthetically pleasant
ambiance within the school premises. This project is intended for usage by future
generations. We value the tree, so it's not simply a temporary solution; they will
profit from it. This approach is an excellent concept, there are so many people cut
trees for buildings or other items. The project's goal is to benefit everyone by
giving students a place to go and spend their leisure time. in addition, our group
create a clean and pleasant atmosphere around our school. Our eleven-person team
will be in charge of carrying out this project, which includes planting trees,
purchasing fertilizer, and tending to the trees.

IV. Goal
Goals The primary objective of The Green Project is to create a more environmentally
sustainable, healthier, and aesthetically pleasing atmosphere within the school premises in
response to the escalating challenges posed by rising temperatures, increased pollution, and the
need for aesthetic enhancement.
•Air Quality Improvement: -Trees, acknowledged as natural air filters, possess the unique ability
to absorb pollutants and release oxygen. The strategic planting of trees aims to significantly
enhance the overall air quality within the school, thereby fostering a healthier learning and
working environment for both students and staff. -We anticipate a discernible improvement in air
quality within the school premises, contributing substantively to the well-being and health of our
esteemed students and dedicated teaching staff.
•Temperature Regulation: -Recognizing the pivotal role of trees in temperature regulation
through the provision of shade, The Green Project proposes the introduction of a carefully
curated selection of trees. This initiative is designed to contribute to the cooling of the school
surroundings, enhancing comfort levels for everyone, particularly during hotter seasons.
•Aesthetic Enhancement: -Beyond the pragmatic advantages, The Green Project aspires to
elevate the visual appeal of Tanza National Trade School. The thoughtful addition of trees is
expected to create a more inviting and scenic atmosphere, fostering a positive and inspiring
learning environment.

V. Objective
The objective of Green Project is to achieve increasing the resilience of ecosystem and to
help minimize climate change effects. It will help to prevent air pollution that causes a lot of
disease on students. Green Project trees will help clean the air we breathe, provide a shade to
keep buildings cooler, contribute to the beautification of landscapes, and provide beauty and
enjoyment to improve our overall health. Trees roots help to keep the soil in place and prevent
landslides by preventing erosion. The purpose of this project is to make it usable for the future
students in (Tanza National Trade School).

VI. Methodology
A green project, often synonymous with environmental or sustainability projects, aims to
minimize negative impacts on the environment while promoting practices that contribute to
ecological well-being.
These projects can take across Tanza National Trade School and if we educate other by posting
some inspirational photos using the page of green project, in that case it can help them encourage
to plant as well.
Curriculum Integration: Incorporate sustainability-focused courses across various disciplines to
raise awareness and instill a sense of environmental responsibility among tradians.
Green Infrastructure: Invest in eco-friendly infrastructure, such as energy-efficient buildings,
green roofs, and water conservation systems, to reduce the TNTS's ecological footprint.
Community Engagement: Foster partnerships with local communities to address environmental
challenges collectively, organizing events, workshops, and awareness campaigns to involve both
students and residents.
Green Purchasing Policies: Adopt environmentally conscious procurement practices around
TNTS, sourcing products and services that prioritize sustainability and ethical production.
Student Involvement Programs: Establish Tradians-led green initiatives and clubs, empowering
the student body to take an active role in promoting sustainability on Tanza National Trade
School. The Green Project will may start at January 10th of 2024.

VII. Budget Plan

The estimated cash budget for the green project is total cost of 650 pesos
which will be used at implement the materials need. The materials will buy are
listed bellow.

Objectives Funds Budget

Pala/ Shovel Group funds 190 pesos

Seed – 50 pcs Group funds 157 pesos

Pataba/ Fertilizer Group funds 190 pesos

budget plan is an essential tool for managing resources and ensuring that the
project is completed within the available financial constraints Estimating Costs
The budget plan helps in estimating the costs associated with the project, including
personnel, equipment, materials, and other resources required.

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