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ENPE 533/622




DUE: 12 noon W 5 Apr 2023

1) During a drawdown test a well flowed at 127 stb/d for 15.33 hours. The subsequent
pressure buildup data are given in A10.Problem1.xls. Well and reservoir
parameters are given in the table below. Determine the permeability and skin factor for
this well.
B_o 1.06 rb/stb
c_t 4.20E-06 1/psi
h 107 ft
porosity 0.25
viscosity 2.5 cP
r_w 0.29 ft

After numerically calculating the pressure derivative Δ𝑡 #$& , the diagnostic plot of the pressure
derivative indicates a period of stabilized flow between 20 and 30 h of elapsed time.

diagnostic plot: pressure derivative (psia) vs

elapsed time since shut-in (hrs)



0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
diagnostic plot: pressure derivative (psia) vs
elapsed time since shut-in (hrs) -- late time zoom


1 10 100

After computing Horner time +&
where tp = 15.33 h, the Horner plot is:

Horner Plot: BHP vs Horner time

1 10 100 1000 10000

The Horner time during stabilized flow is the interval between (15.33 + 19.75)/19.75 and (15.33
+ 28.5)/28.5, i.e. the interval [1.54, 1.78]. Showing only the BHP during the period of stabilized
flow, we find the straight line on the semilog Horner plot has slope m = (3222-3288) = -66
psia/log cycle.
Horner Plot: BHP vs Horner time with \Delta P_1
3300 hr marked on extrapolated straight line
1 10

The Horner time corresponding to 1 hr elapsed time is (15.33 + 1)/1 = 16.33 h. This time is
earlier than the stabilized flow period, so we take the value of Δ𝑃- /0 from the extrapolated
straight line of slope -66 psia/log cycle. The value BHP is 3208 psia, so the value of Δ𝑃- /0 =
𝐵𝐻𝑃4/5&67 − 𝐵𝐻𝑃-/0 = 2500 − 3208 = −708 psia.

The slope m determines permeability: k = -162.6(174)(1.06)(2.5)/(107)/(-66) = 11 mD

The value of Δ𝑃- /0 determines the skin factor S = 1.151{(-708)/-66 –

log[(0.0002637)(11)/{(0.25)(2.5)(4.2E-06)(0.292)}] – 0.351} = 7.2

2) The following reservoir, well and fluid data are known:

Depth (D): 4,000 ft
Tubing inner diameter (dti): 1.995 in.
Oil gravity (API): 32 API
Oil viscosity (cp): 5 cp
Production GLR (GLR): 50 scf/bbl
Gas specific gravity ( g): 0.7 air =1
Flowing tubing head pressure (phf): 100 psia
Flowing tubing head temperature (thf): 80 F
Flowing temperature at tubing shoe (twf): 130 F
Water cut (WC): 0 %
Reservoir pressure (pe): 1700 psia
Bubble point pressure (pb): 1700 psia

Productivity above bubble point (J*): 0.916 stb/d-psi

Permeability, k 176 mD
reservoir thickness, h 35 ft
B_o 1.1 rb/stb
drainage radius, r_e 3000 ft
wellbore radius, r_w 0.25 ft

Based on the HagedornBrown correlation and the Vogel model (BottomHoleModalOil-

HB.xls), the operator is expecting a flow rate of about 890 stb/d as the operating point

The actual flow rate observed is 750 stb/d.

a) A service company representative claims that paraffin deposition is common in
reservoirs like yours and that the reduced tubing cross section is causing the lower
than expected flow rate. Evaluate this claim by determining the tubing ID that would
be consistent with the actual flow rate.
• Assume that paraffin uniformly coats the entire tubing,
• use Hagedorn Brown Correlation with smaller values of tubing ID until you
obtain the actual flow rate.
SOLUTION: A tubing ID of 1.55 in changes the TPR curve so that the operating point is 750
stb/d, as shown below

This implies a layer of paraffin 0.22 inches thick (diameter reduced by 1.995-1.55 = 0.445
inches). Not an unreasonable thickness, though it is unlikely to be distributed uniformly in the
b) A different service company representative claims that the produced water is
becoming supersaturated with respect to dissolved minerals as it nears the wellbore.
The precipitated minerals are damaging the near-wellbore formation. What skin
factor is consistent with the actual flow rate?
• Recall that in the Vogel IPR qmax is proportional to J* where 𝐽∗ =
J* = 0.76 stb/d/psi yields an IPR that yields an operating point at the actual production rate:

This corresponds to a skin of S = 1.8, determined by putting the given parameters into the IPR
equation and solving for S.

c) The first service company representative argues that permeability reduction from
mineral scale is typically only 20%. Assuming she is correct, estimate the radius of
damage zone

F 0
SOLUTION: Recall that 𝑆X = LF − 1V ln 0 Y . Since k/kd = 1/0.8 = 1.25, it follows that rd =
(0.25)exp(1.8/(1.25-1))=335 ft. Not an impossible situation, depending on what’s causing the
scale, but a distance too far to be remedied by acidizing.

d) The third representative asserts that the kill fluid used in recent workover on this
well caused clay particles in the near-wellbore region to swell and severely block
pores in the formation matrix to a radius of 1.25ft. He says clay swelling typically
reduces permeability by 90%. Can his assertions explain the actual flow rate?

SOLUTION: A damaged zone with kd/k = 0.10 extending to rd = 1.25 implies a skin factor of S =
(10 – 1)ln(1.25/0.25) = 14.5. This is much larger than the skin factor determined in part (b) and
would imply a much smaller flow rate than the actual flow rate.
3) A pressure buildup test indicates a large skin factor, along with the following reservoir
properties. An acid stimulation is proposed to remove damage and reduce the skin
reservoir depth 9840 ft
formation breakdown pressure 7232 psi
average reservoir pressure 4230 psia
wellbore radius, r_w 0.35 ft
formation thickness, h 100 ft
oil production drainage radius, r_e 3000 ft
oil permeability, k_o 5 mD
oil viscosity, \mu_o 2 cP
oil formation volume factor, B_o 1.4 rb/stb
skin factor, S 50
acid injection effective transient 4 ft
radius, r_e_trans
acid permeability, k_a 10 mD
acid viscosity, \mu_a 1 cP

a) In the months before the build up test, the well operated at a bottom hole flowing
pressure of 1900 psia. What was the flow rate, assuming single phase steady flow?

SOLUTION: The productivity index for oil flow is (5)(100)/[(141.2)(1.4)(2)(ln(3000/0.35)+50)] =

0.021 stb/d/psia. The drawdown was 4230 – 1900 = 2330 psia. The oil production rate was
therefore (0.021)(2330) = 50 stb/d.

b) Neglecting friction losses, what is the maximum allowable wellhead pressure to avoid
fracturing the formation while injecting acid? That is, what is the wellhead pressure
when the well is full of acid and the bottomhole flowing pressure Pwf equals the
formation breakdown pressure Pbd?

SOLUTION: Phf + \rho_acid g D = Pwf = Pbd . The hydrostatic gradient of the acid is (1.07)(0.433
psi/ft) = 0.464 psi/ft, so the pressure head of the acid in the wellbore is (0.464)(9840) = 4566
psia. Thus the wellhead pressure Phf = 7232 – 4566 = 2667 psia.

c) Acid injection begins at a pressure of 90% of the maximum wellhead pressure. Calculate
the expected acid flow rate into the formation. Assume zero friction losses in the
• Note: be sure to use the effective transient radius r_e_trans in the
injectivity formula
G._-`×-bcdFe /
𝑞^ = f.SghNO i𝑃jk − 𝑃lm;
• this accounts for the fact that the acid injection flow regime is transient

SOLUTION: The injection Phf = (0.90)(2667) = 2400 psia. The corresponding bottomhole
pressure Pwf = 2400 + 4566 = 6966 psia. This is 270 psia below the fracture pressure, so this
provides a safety factor against inadvertently fracturing the formation. The pressure drop
between bottomhole and reservoir is 6966 – 4230 = 2736 psia. Thus the initial acid injection
rate is (4.917E-06)(10)(100)(2736)/[(1)(ln{(0.472)(4)/(0.35)}+50] = 0.26 stb/min

d) After acid injection begins, the injection rate is gradually increased to maintain the
wellhead injection pressure at 90% of the maximum allowable value. After 10 minutes
of injection, the injection rate is 0.75 stb/min. Estimate the skin factor after 10 minutes,
assuming no friction losses.

SOLUTION: The wellhead injection pressure Phf remains 2400 psia. At an acid injection rate of
0.75 stb/min, the skin factor implied by the injectivity formula is 15.5.

e) Acid injection continues until the skin factor is reduced to a value of 1. The formation
has a heterogeneous permeability profile. Estimate the total volume of mud acid
required for the stimulation using the maximum pressure maximum rate design.

The figure indicates about 17 gal/ft would be required to achieve S = 1. For the 100 ft
formation thickness, this implies 1700 gallons of mud acid would be needed.
f) The well is returned to production after the acid stimulation. Estimate the production
rate if the bottomhole flowing pressure the same as before the stimulation, i.e. 1900

SOLUTION: the productivity index after stimulation will be greater than the PI before
neo*ON qr O TUpOoJNO qr
stimulation by the ratio n = N = f.Rs
Rfff = 5.9
pOoJNO qr O TUeo*ON qr T-
NP f.Rs
Therefore Jafter =(5.9)(0.021) = 0.126 stb/d/psi. The drawdown will be 4230 – 1900 = 2300, so
the post stimulation production rate will be (0.126)(2300) = 293 stb/d.

4) Hydraulic fracturing stimulation is also being considered for the well in Problem 3. The
following geomechanical properties apply to the overburden and reservoir:
overburden density 187.2 lbm/ft^3
Biot alpha 0.7
fluid pressure 4230 psia
Poisson's ratio 0.25
tectonic stress 500 psia
tensile strength 500 psia
proppant mass concentration 2 lb/ft^2
frac half length 1000 ft
k_matrix, to oil 5 md

a. Estimate the bottomhole pressure required to initiate a fracture.

The vertical stress on the reservoir due to the overburden is (187)(9840)/(144) = 12800
The effective vertical stress is 12800 – (0.7)(4230) = 9830 psia.
The effective horizontal stress is (0.25)/(1-0.25)*(9831) = 3280 psia.
The horizontal stress is 3280 + (0.7)(4230) = 6240 psia.
Taking the minimum horizontal stress as 6240 psia, the maximum horizontal stress is
6240 + 500 = 6740 psia.
The formation breakdown pressure is (3)(6240) – 6740 + 500 – 4230 = 8250 psia

b) A fracture is created with a proppant coverage of 2 lbm/ft2 of propped fracture

surface area and a half length of xf = 1000 ft. Taking the matrix permeability to be the
oil phase permeability in Problem 4, determine the dimensionless fracture conductivity
FCD and the effective skin factor due to the fracture Sf.
SOLUTION: shows that the fracture conductivity is
4000 md-ft. The dimensionless fracture conductivity is (4000)/[(5)(1000)] = 0.8.

shows that the value of Sf +

ln(xf/rw) is 1.7. The skin factor due to the fracture is 1.7 – ln(1000/0.35) = -6.5.

c) What will the oil flow rate be after the fracturing stimulation, assuming the bottomhole
flowing pressure is 1900 psia?

SOLUTION: Proceeding as in the acidizing analysis of Problem 3, the productivity index after
fracturing is greater than the productivity index before fracturing by a factor of 22.7. This
means the post-frac PI will be (22.7)(0.021) = 0.487 stb/d/psi. The oil flow rate will increase to
(0.487)(4230 – 1900) = 1130 stb/d

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