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Experiment # 5

5.1 Objective :
To measure the total theoretical head using Bernoulli equation.

5.2 Apparatus :
 Pump.
 Valve.
 Bench.
 Piezometer.
 Pittot.
 Acrylic duct.

Fig 5.1 bernoulli apparatus

5.3 Theory:
The Bernoulli Equation, a fundamental principle in fluid dynamics, describes the
relationship between pressure, velocity, and potential energy of a fluid in a moving
streamline. This equation is rooted in the law of conservation of energy, stating that as a fluid
flows through a pipe or over an object, its total mechanical energy remains constant along a
streamline. The Bernoulli Equation mathematically represents this principle by accounting
for three main terms: kinetic energy (associated with fluid velocity), potential energy (linked
to the fluid's elevation), and pressure energy. When there's an increase in the fluid's velocity,
there's a corresponding decrease in pressure, and vice versa. This relationship is particularly
evident in applications like aircraft flight, where increased speed corresponds to lower air
pressure, and it helps explain phenomena such as lift.

Pump :
A pump is a mechanical device designed to move fluids, usually liquids, from one
place to another. Pumps are widely used in various industries, including manufacturing,
agriculture, water supply, and wastewater management, as well as in everyday applications
like fuel pumps in vehicles and water pumps in homes. There are various types of pumps,
each designed for specific purposes, but they all share the common function of transferring

Valve :
valves are used to precisely regulate the flow or pressure of a fluid in response to a
control signal.

Piezometer :
A piezometer is a device used in geotechnical and hydraulic engineering to measure the
pressure of groundwater or liquid in soil or rock at a specific point. The primary purpose of a
piezometer is to monitor water levels and pressures in the subsurface, providing critical data
for various applications, including geotechnical investigations, environmental studies, and
groundwater management.

Fig 5.2 piezometer

Pittot tube :
A Pitot tube, named after its inventor Henri Pitot, is a device used in fluid dynamics to
measure the velocity of a fluid, typically a gas (such as air) or a liquid. It's widely employed
in various industries, including aviation, meteorology, and engineering, for the measurement
of fluid flow rates.

Fig 5.3 pittot tube

Acrylic duct :
Acrylic duct is not a common term in the field of HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning) systems or ductwork. However, it seems like you might be referring to ducts or
components that are made from acrylic material or have an acrylic coating.If you are
referring to acrylic material used in ductwork, it's important to note that traditional ductwork
in HVAC systems is typically made from metal, such as galvanized steel or aluminum, due to
its durability and resistance to high temperatures. Acrylic is a type of plastic known for its
transparency and is used in various applications, but it is not a common material for HVAC

5.4 Procedure :
 First set the Bernoulli apparatus on the bench.
 Then open the valve to flow the water in venture duct.
 Note down the pressure head from the manometer.
 Then find the theoretical pressure using pressure valve taken from manometer.
 Find theoretical velocity head.
 Repeat this process for different tapping points on venture duct.

5.5 Table :

Theoretical Theoretical
Tube diameter Measure velocity head pressure head
Sr. No
(m) pressure head (m) (m)
1 1
(m) T.h =8Q2 /g 𝜋2 (1 (P1 - P2) = 2𝑔(v22 -
/(d2)2 - 1/ (d1)2 𝜌𝑔

5.6 Calculations:
5.7 Conclusion :

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