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JJ Maybank Centric One-Shots

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: Gen
Fandom: Outer Banks (TV)
Relationships: JJ Maybank & John B. Routledge, Sarah Cameron & JJ Maybank, JJ
Maybank & Luke Maybank, Rafe Cameron & JJ Maybank, JJ Maybank
& Everyone, Kiara "Kie" Carrera & JJ Maybank, Pope Heyward & JJ
Maybank, JJ Maybank & Victor Shoupe
Characters: JJ Maybank, Luke Maybank, John B. Routledge, Sarah Cameron, Rafe
Cameron, Pope Heyward, Victor Shoupe, Kiara "Kie" Carrera
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Hurt JJ Maybank, Child Abuse, Abuse, JJ Maybank
Needs a Hug, Protective JJ Maybank, Abused JJ Maybank, JJ Maybank-
centric, Good Friend JJ Maybank, Protective John B. Routledge, Good
Friend John B. Routledge, JJ Maybank & John B. Routledge are Best
Friends, Sarah Cameron & JJ Maybank Friendship, Protective Sarah
Cameron, Protective Victor Shoupe, Fatherly Victor Shoupe, Luke
Maybank Being an Asshole, Bad Parent Luke Maybank, Mentioned
Luke Maybank, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Alcohol
Abuse/Alcoholism, Physical Abuse, Past Sexual Abuse, Verbal Abuse
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of JJ Centric One-Shots
Stats: Published: 2024-01-08 Updated: 2024-01-14 Words: 11,433 Chapters:
JJ Maybank Centric One-Shots
by Jason_Todds_Thigh_Holster


A collection of Outer Banks JJ-centered requests. Most have to do with hurt comfort,
whump, or angst. Please feel free to request!

I've decided to make a one-shot book for JJ, the requests and one-shots will be centered
around him. I do tend to write a lot of whump, hurt-comfort, and I will end up touching on
the abuse that JJ deals with in some of these.

That being said this definitely will involve some triggering content, with some themes of
abuse, discussion of injuries, blood, etc. Some might even have darker themes than that but
it'll be discussed at the beginning of the one shot.

As stated I do write platonic fics, hurt comfort, whump, depressive topics, mental health
subject, angst, etc. So requests and prompts like those are always welcome.

However, I don't typically write anything to do with couples, at least not as the main focus of
the one-shot. It generally just depends on the request. I for sure don't write smut or anything
of that sort though.

Sarah, Kiara, John B, Pope, and Deputy Shoupe will all be included eventually in these one-
shots. Topper could be as well and I've been thinking about trying to write Rafe.

Anyway, feel free to send in requests! I genuinely appreciate them all.

That's Not Love {John B & JJ}

John Booker Routledge had always been the one to patch his best friend up, he knew how to
clean up JJ's injuries as well as he knew the back of his hand even though he wished he
didn't. It didn't matter what the scenario was, whether it be a drunken fight they'd been
involved in while at a party, a careless surfing accident JJ had sustained, or maybe the worst
one; Luke. JJ's dad roughed the blonde up time and time again. So much in fact that it was
the most common cause of his best friend needing to be patched up. It wasn't surprising when
JJ showed up needing his assistance. Didn't mean he hated it any less either.

Gently, he turns his friends face to the side. Tilting it to where he could get a good look at the
opened cut. The more that he dabs at JJ's cut-up cheek with rubbing alcohol — does he make
sure to voice as such.

''Hold still, no, fully still — not whatever that was. Sure, that works, I guess,'' John B sighed,
the noise sounding deep and heavy. Fed up even. He is, just not at JJ. ''You can't go on like
this, you know,''

The blonde dodges him and the rubbing alcohol once again, he tries not to act on the pang of
annoyance that strikes him. Watches the other's eyes instead as they bore holes into the bottle
of rubbing alcohol that sits beside John B. Ultimately JJ's eyes abandon the container in favor
of flickering toward his, an easygoing grin plastered on thin lips.

''I know that dude, you've said this before. Can we spare the lecture for when my head isn't

John shakes his head, inducing JJ's grin to dim just a bit.

''No, I'm being fucking serious JJ,'' He presses. ''We can't keep letting this go on, I'm tired of

''Believe me, I don't like it any more than you do,'' JJ wisecracks. ''I don't like getting my
pretty face bashed in,''

John B's expression sours.

''I'm not kidding, I can't keep patching you up just for this to go and happen again,''

''Then don't,''

''JJ,'' John begins,

''If you don't want to help me out then don't. I'll figure it out myself,''

He exhales deeply at that, the last thing he'd wanted was a bout of miscommunication with JJ.

''You know that isn't what I meant, JJ,''

JJ doesn't respond to him, the only answer he gets out of his friend is JJ getting up. Deflecting
him, the rubbing alcohol, and their current conversation all in one motion. Apparent plans of
leaving, of evacuating and abandoning this conversation already in the blonde's mind. JJ's
back faces him and he could let it stay that way.

Only John B himself isn't ready for that to happen. He doesn't want this to be like all of the
other times where JJ deflects, when the other throws a few jokes his way and expects him to
drop the bigger matter at hand. He gets up too.

''Where d'you think you're going? Don't tell me you're actually thinking of going back right

JJ reels around, facing him. Features all pinched up in the beginnings of anger. It doesn't
phase John B, he isn't backing down this time. Not even as the blonde speaks.

''It's better than staying here and being dogged on by you,''

''Really,'' John B fires back. ''So that's it then, I patch you up and then you just run off? Like
it's not going to happen again,''

JJ cringes.

''Shut up, dude, It's not even like that, you make it seem like I just used you to patch me up,''

Except that isn't what he's implying at all and he thinks JJ must know that as well. That JJ's
purposely being thickheaded, deliberately choosing to be daft and miss what he's saying
because it's easier. He knows that the truth'll hurt his friend, god does John B know it. But he
has to say it. Needs to get it out there and in the open because he needs JJ to know that JJ
deserves better.

''No, you want to know what it's like? I'll tell you because I'm sick of sitting back and
watching you get hurt — Luke doesn't love you, and he never will,''

It's blunt. And a tad too far, he knows it is, JJ does as well. But John B doesn't have the grace
to take it back when it's true.

''No, you're wrong about that, don't,'' JJ pauses for a moment to steady the voice from
wavering any more. ''Don't say shit like that,''

''Okay, that's it. You can say I don't know what I'm talking about all you want but it doesn't
change the fact that your dad doesn't know how to love you, JJ. I'm sorry, I'm sorry that he
doesn't know how to love anything but the booze and the drugs,''

''Stop talking about him like that,''

''I'm not going to. I'm sick of you getting yourself caught In the crossfire because you think
any different,"

JJ's brows furrow in a frenzy of emotions. And then the smaller teen is stepping closer to
him. His friend's furiosity doesn't deter him, he doesn't even brace himself for being on the
receiving end of it. He knows JJ's all bark, that despite the bad reputation that comes with
being Luke Maybank's son — JJ would never actually lay an ill-intended finger on him. JJ's
too good for that.

"Cut the self-righteous bullshit out, You," JJ says, poking a finger into John B's chest. "Do
not know anything, and I mean anything, about love. And you do not know anything about
my dad and me either,"

John B tries to ignore that last remark. He does. Despite his efforts, he still can't help that the
statement stings. Has him snapping back with one of his own,

''Right, I've only known you since third grade. Yet somehow I've picked up absolutely
nothing about you,'' He snaps. ''I for sure don't know anything about you Or your dad, you're
so right,''

JJ doesn't say much else, ignoring him and choosing to head toward the front door. And John
B? He is at a loss, doesn't feel like it's his place to stop the blonde after all he's said. They're
both at a standstill.

''Fine then, run off, man. As long as you know that I'll be here when you've realized,'' John B
shouts after him. ''Someone that loves you wouldn't beat on you, JJ,''

Taking one last look at him before turning away, JJ's composure as well as the teen's
expression crumples before John B. There's this harsh set in JJ's jaw, one that he knows is
from JJ fighting against the onslaught of tears.

''Yeah, can't you just fuck off with that,'' JJ retorts. ''I'm telling you he loves me, John B. He
does. Sure, maybe not the way your father loves you or whatever but my dad does, he's told
me so,''

Unfortunately, John B doesn't get a chance to dispute that. In fact, he doesn't have the chance
to do much of anything. Considering that there isn't even half a second for him to say much
of anything before JJ slams the door to the Chateau closed. He swallows heavily, vision
directed at the door that JJ had just used to leave. He could follow his friend, probably should
even. Then again they never did anything they should within their friendship. That, and the
fact that he doesn't think JJ would appreciate him bombarding the blonde all that much.

Decidedly John Booker doesn't go after the other. Unmistakably that also proves to be a huge
mistake on his account.

It'd been a mistake letting JJ out of his sight, of letting JJ leave in general. John B knew that
now. Even more so considering it'd been a week since then, a whole week since JJ had
contacted anyone. No one had heard from the blonde since their argument had unfolded.
That is, If you could even call it one, John B doesn't like to call it that. At the end of the day,
they'd done and said way worse to one another and always ended up fine. Labeling it as an
argument just made it sound final, and harder to come back from. In his mind arguments are
what ripped people apart, John B didn't want that to happen to them. He couldn't let that
happen to them.

His refusal of letting JJ part from his life didn't mean John B didn't feel bad for what he'd said
and done. Boy, did he feel fucking bad. The guilt festered deep in his gut for what he'd said,
for how JJ had reacted. To put it lightly after it'd been all said and done and he now had time
to think on it — John B felt like total shit for the whole ordeal.

The terror and worry he'd been feeling didn't magically lessen the more the days went on. It
only doubled, until he found it increasing tenfold.

In JJ's absence, he can't sleep, can't find it in himself to eat properly. He tries...— it just
doesn't seem to stick. Maybe it's because of the terror he feels.

He feels it, he knows he does. John Booker Routledge is fucking terrified.

He's terrified because it's been a week, a week since he'd glimpsed upon his friend's face.
And sure JJ can be petty as all hell when the other wants to be. But not like this, not ever like
this. To the point where the other would stay away this long, John B knows something isn't
right. Practically has a third sense when it comes to his best friend. Maybe that feeling of
overall wrongness, that anonymity he feels is what keeps him up every night. Maybe it's what
has him unable to sleep, never mind the dreams that've begun clouding him. The dreams
filled with JJ's screams, of JJ, his best friend — his brother being beaten within every inch of
the teen's body. All while Luke screams of discipline of how much the sick fuck apparently
loves the teen.

It's no surprise to him that he wakes up screaming, so loudly and agonizingly that his voice
grows hoarse. He screams and screams even once he's certain that he's awake. That from
what he knows JJ isn't on the floor, bloodied and beaten. Still, he screams. He does so simply
to differentiate Luke's shouts he'd heard from his own.

Only when his breath has seemingly run out does John B realize a few things. He sounds,
acts, and is nothing like Luke Maybank. His entire being exists to rival Luke's own.

No, he's nothing like Luke. He cares for JJ, is there for JJ, loves the guy more than anything
else whereas Luke can't say the same. To Luke, JJ is nothing but leverage, leverage for drugs,
money, and booze. Luke Maybank expects JJ to come up with it all, to con people out of the
money, drugs, and booze, and on the off chance that JJ can't? Then his friends made to pay
for it, made to feel like nothing less than the scum on someone's shoe. Nothing less than a

So no, John B Routledge couldn't be anything further from what Luke Maybank has become,
what JJ's father is. Frankly, he thinks he'd rather someone kill him before the line between
him and Luke ever became blurred.
Because JJ is one of the few things he's ever cared about and he's not letting that go to waste.
JJ isn't a waste to him.

The scent of blood is pungent as John Booker pushes his way through the door. It's thick and
metallic smelling, he lingers there in the doorway a second too long, nose crinkling at the
sharp smell, the feeling of unease increasing. The more he steps into the house the stronger
the smell is. And then it's made perfectly clear why that is,

''Holy shit,'' He curses, feeling physically unable to tear his eyes apart from where they stay
stuck on JJ's form.

JJ lies there, on the dirtied floor, sprawled out in such a way so that only half of the blonde is
revealed to him. Cerulean blue eyes are closed, hidden beneath closed lids. Blood dotting
along the left side of the other's temple. Thick lashes seem to tickle against bruised skin.

There's no response to his earlier comment terrifyingly enough. In desperation, he closes the
distance between them. He drops to his knees beside the kid, uncaring that his knees scrape
against the floor upon doing so, desperation flickers within his gut. There's no movement.
Even as he shakes his best friend there's not a single twitch in the teen's facial expression.

''Fuck, JJ, buddy, hey man, you've gotta' answer me, okay? Answer, JJ...please just let me
know you're okay,''

Nothing. Shit, shit, shit. This wasn't just JJ messing with him, JJ wasn't just going to jump up
and tell him it'd all been one screwed-up joke. His friend couldn't because evidently, Luke
had done actual damage this time. Enough to either knock the blonde unconscious or, or....

Was he too late then? Had he irreversibly screwed up by sending JJ away, straight into the
grasp of Luke Maybank?

''I'm sorry, JJ, I'm sorry, alright, I didn't mean to hurt you. There I said it. Said I was sorry, so
you can wake up now,'' John B rambles, voice gentle. ''Fuck, JJ, please be okay, wake up,''

Nothing. John B's eyes sting, he lowers his head, brunette strands dropping on JJ's skin,
forehead resting against his friends.

''JJ, please,''

Somehow a hand bats at him, John B grins in relief. Raising his forehead away from his
friends to see that the blonde's eyes have cracked open.

''C'lm down m' up,'' JJ's voice slurs.

''Thank fuck you are,'' John B surveys his friend's form, frowning. Before asking a question
he already knows the answer too. ''This all from Luke?''
''Mhm' yea' it is,''

''I'm going to fucking kill him, I mean it this time JJ,'' He commends. ''Where's he at?''

''Leave it alone,''

''I didn't ask if you thought I should drop it or not, I asked where he is, JJ,''

''To hell if I should know,'' JJ enunciated, voice beginning to slur less as JJ fought with its
coherency. ''Probably had enough fun kicking my ass and decided to top it off by drinking
with some friends. Can't we — can we just go home?''

John B freezes at what JJ had said, home. The blonde had never once in JJ's lifetime called
something as such. And yet he and the Chateau had just earned that title. Pride swells in him
at the word alone and John B smiles silently to himself.

''Yeah, yeah, we can do that. Whatever you want, dude,''

''Thanks,'' JJ mumbles, and then, ''Think you were right, you know,''


''About this not being love,'' JJ divulges shakily. ''Hah, I wanted for it to be — wanted him to
love me. But I think I finally figured it out, and you were right, man, about it all, really. My
dad doesn't love me,''

''Oh, JJ, man, I'm sorry, I wish I weren't right about it, you should know though,'' He begins,
eyes earnest. ''That I love you a fuck ton,''

''Yeah, I think I know that,''

Beaten | Sarah, JJ, & Rafe
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

There had been a time when JJ was younger where he'd truly wondered if he was a
destructive, bad kid. One that was unbearable and troubled enough that not even a father
could manage to love — after all Luke Maybank clearly did not. Not in any way that was
normal or could be considered as adoration. No, Luke Maybank wanted control, nothing else.
His father had never once shown JJ an ounce of warmth or serenity beyond manipulating him
into compliance.

And while there was no warmth within their connection there happened to be a few scarce
moments that JJ had with his father where everything hadn't hurt. There were inklings of
laughter of normalcy between them. JJ always held those moments close wishing for more of
them. Also used them as ammunition and proof that his father wasn't all bad...that maybe it
was him.

Maybe he was the problem. It wasn't exactly hard for him to come upon the conclusion that
JJ was a bad kid while being treated as the very scum that littered his father's shoe.
Sometimes JJ had wondered if him misbehaving every so often is why his father left him
bruised and bloodied. As though it was justifiable.

It wasn't.

When he'd been younger he'd seen others misbehave so often, there were always punishments
for it. At the time It'd make sense, really - his father's treatment that is. He'd always tell
himself that it was because he was a bad kid, don't misbehave - don't get beat. But that wasn't
true then either, wasn't true now.

As a kid, he'd needed a reason why his father was doing these things to him. He'd wanted a
reason. Always asked himself why his father resented him so.

Now he didn't. Because now it was just a routine. The abuse was normal, and expected. It
was all he knew. JJ knew the mistreatment as well as he knew the back of his hand.

It was a Saturday morning. The sun had dawned on them and it isn't long after when JJ's door
was thrown open, hitting the wall with a loud bang. A few shreds of light splinter into his
room at the hurried entry. It doesn't have him stirring out of his sleep. Luke stoops down to
the floor, crouching onto one leg as the elder kneels beside JJ's mattress.
''Hey, there you lazy ass,'' Luke calls, sickeningly sweet sounding. The tone's mocking at
best. ''Rise and shine JJ, hello,''

Still half asleep JJ only complained, giving a groan of retaliation. Before turning over to face
away from the figure of his father. Luke's expression dims. Probably taking his involuntarily
reaction as outward disrespect.

That's not too far off if what his father says next is anything to go off of.

''Come on you worthless piece of shit can't you see I'm talking to you, get up,''

When JJ doesn't get up that instant Luke does it for him. Fisting a hand in his hair and
wrenching him up by the grip. His scalp burns at the action, protesting at the hold.

''Dad?'' JJ groaned tiredly, peeking his eyes open. His hands go to try and pry the grip away
although they drop when nothing works.

His dad neither lets go of the grip on his hair nor replies. Luke instead ignores him. And he'd
continued to be ignored so long as Luke was too amidst the man's own tirade.

''I know you heard me when I said to get up already, I don't have time to wait on you. Come
on, up and at 'em, boy,''

Mercilessly Luke yanks him up, out of his previous slumber and into a standing position, he
whines at the pain in his skull but JJ has just enough time to glance at his alarm clock.

''Huh, wait, wait a minute what time.. Oh, you're kidding me — Seven. Dad, it's seven in the

It's the wrong move, the wrong thing to say. Because his dad's head turns toward his alarm
clock at the indication. Seeing the time only has a shit-eating grin on the man's face. If
anything his father seems with himself.

''Yeah, so what if it is kid? Am I interrupting your beauty sleep,'' Luke sneered. ''Because I
couldn't care any less about what fucking time it is,''

JJ glowered.

''Will you listen to me already when I say I don't even know,'' JJ ground out. ''I don't know
what's going on, I'd just like to go back to sleep,''

''I'm sure you would, boy. But I was actually hoping you could fill me in on somethin',''


''Great, now I'm going to ask you this real nicely JJ, but I'm not going to ask you again, so
you better be a real nice boy and answer me,'' Luke says, tugging him closer to the man's face
by his hair. ''You got that?''

''Yes, sir,''
Ferociously his dad smiles at the term. More than happy at his abidance.

''I'm glad we're on the same page,''

Ever so slightly JJ nodded even as the subtle motion caused pain in his tender scalp. It was
unavoidable. Feeling it easier than it would be to force words through the sudden lodge in his

''That being said are you going to tell me where it is?''

JJ's coy about answering honestly.

''You're not making any sense where is what, Dad?''

''Goddamnit, son, you know what I'm talking about,'' In reply, JJ blinked slowly. Luke huffs,
''The goddamned liquor, that's what. What else would I be talking about, now where is it?''

''That's what this is about? How am I supposed to know where anything of yours is?'' JJ
mouths off. ''It's not like I keep track of your —''

Whatever else he'd been meaning to say goes unvocalized. Luke cuts him off by swiftly
backhanding him. JJ's head jerks to the side at the intensity of it. Lip splitting open with it.

But he supposes he's grateful for the hit seeing as his dad's hands are no longer in his hair.

''You want to try answering that again fucker? You might find it to be easier to lose your
smart-ass comments while you're at it,''

''Okay, I'm sorry,'' JJ forces out, his dad seems appeased by it. ''Your right, what I meant to
say was that I don't know where it's at because once again I don't keep track of your shit,''

Defiantly JJ looks up at his senior.

''Is that any better for you, is that what you wanted to hear Dad?'' JJ smirks.

He thinks that's what does it. That one display of disrespect is enough for the elder to snap.
His father is on him immediately, launching at him so quickly that it knocks them both to the
floor. He's rendered breathless, stunned even though he knows he shouldn't be.

The barrage of blows following do little to remedy that. Blood, his blood spews about
senselessly. And he's helpless to stop it.

''Oh, so this is how it's going to be JJ? That so,'' Luke grunts, throwing yet another punch at
his face. ''Well then, that's just fine, that's just perfect with me,''

''However I think my boy deserves a lesson taught on respect, now doesn't he?''

At the last moment, JJ regained enough sense to catch his father in the gut with his knee. The
action caught the elder off guard and against all odds JJ himself managed to stumble away.
Gliding through the house, and in turn away from his father, JJ tried to put as much distance
in between them as possible. Headed toward the front door albeit feeling more than a little
disoriented — he still knew his way around.

If JJ knew anything it was that he needed to find help, that much was clear. But JJ Maybank
also didn't know where he was going to get that.

Without a second thought, JJ hopped on his dirt bike, pulling out of the driveway as quickly
as possible. His dad's voice screaming incessantly at him as he left had his shoulders tensing.
Did the exact opposite of having him turning back — he knew what would happen if he did
at this point and none of it looked pretty.

Mind solely running on autopilot he drove. As he drove he couldn't help but realize he didn't
know what to do, where to go. Who to turn to.

He could run this thing out of gas and it still wouldn't give him enough time to know what to

But John B's name always popped up in his mind at times like this. John B was there, and
John B always wanted him to go to the brunette with this kind of thing. The reminder of his
best friend was enough for him to decide to pull off to the side somewhere. That somewhere
happened to be the nearest gas station.

He parked in the parking lot. Kicking off of his seat and standing there, phone in hand.

Instantaneously he tried his best friend's cell. Sent to voicemail. Again. Voicemail. Okay,
Kiara, it was then. Oh, she's busy too. That's okay, that's fine, JJ was fine. He'd thought of
trying Pope. No, there was no chance the more he thought of it considering Pope had to of
been working for Heyward. Then...

Then that left Sarah. The newest addition to their group, of course, Sarah Cameron. That still
at the very least left the blonde-headed girl.

With a baited breath JJ's fingers fumbled with his phone, almost debating whether he even
wanted to do this or not. Nobody else had answered him as of yet though. He didn't have
much else he could try.

Before he could allow himself to either think or regret it — JJ tapped on Sarah's contact.
Instantly, he called. Listening as his phone began ringing the blonde girl, the call being set
into motion.

It rang once, twice, and by the third time it did, JJ was steadily losing hope. Impulsively he
almost hit the end call button when miraculously the Kook turned Pogue answered.
''Heya, JJ, did you need something or — '' Sarah's delicate voice started, only to get cut off by
his own.

It's not that he's trying to interrupt her at all it's just that he's so fucking overjoyed at having
someone answer him. Especially when he was beginning to wonder if Sarah would.

''Sarah,'' JJ noted simply in relief. ''You answered,''

A second went by of nothing, JJ bit his lip, irritating it more. Thoughtlessly, he kicked at the
pebbled ground.

''Of course, was I not supposed to?'' Sarah called into question.

''No, no, it isn't that,''

He heard as Sarah hummed back at him.

''Alright..that's good,''

''Cause' you know I'm actually glad you did, that you picked up and all,''

JJ just focused on his breathing that'd picked up. Slowing it down.

''Me too,'' Sarah amends. ''Is there something more going on with you though?''

''No, I — it's not that,''

''Okay, because if it's about the others not answering you I know John B is — ''

JJ's breath hitched, Sarah must've noticed seeing as the blonde cut off.

''...JJ?'' Sarah's voice hesitantly asked, sounding about as meek as he suddenly felt. ''What's
going on, you sound off, are you doing alright?''

Was he? He couldn't even be sure of that himself anymore.

"Hey now, JJ, It's going to be alright, if you aren't okay or maybe if things aren't right now it
will be eventually. We'll make it okay, and you know we always figure things out,'' Sarah's
concern was discernible even through the phone. ''You know that, I know you do you told me
that before,''

''I know,'' JJ admits fondly. ''I know I did,''

''And,'' Sarah paused seemingly gathering her thoughts. ''Lucky for you I'm here to listen,
always, so just talk to me when you're able,''

Silently JJ nodded uncaring that Sarah couldn't visibly see the gesture.

''Or I can talk to you if that's easier. Did something happen today that's got you like this?''

This was a mistake. All of this was a mistake.

''Nah, I uhm — you know what now that I'm thinking about it it's really not all that

''Sure it — ''

''It was nothing, was just me thinking it'd be funny to give you a call. Prank you and all, you
so fell for it,'' JJ chuckles.

It must sound too unconvincing or too wet. Because somehow the oddity that is Sarah
Cameron catches on.

''Oh god, no, JJ your dad,'' Sarah breathes out. Simply dismissing his attempts at brushing her
off. ''This is about your dad, isn't it? Tell me are you hurt,''

''No, that's not.. that's just not it. Everything isn't always about my dad Sarah,'' Frustration
welled up.

He waits for Sarah to object, say that's not what she meant, quarrel with him about lashing
out — pushing others away like Kiara does. Except she just...she doesn't.

She's understanding, all too knowing of why he does it. Soft-spoken when she responds. And
maybe that's what JJ needs at the moment.

''But this time is, isn't it? Which means you're hurt, aren't you, how bad is it JJ?''

Yeah, he needs it. He sure as hell doesn't deserve It though.

''Forget it, I'm sorry, probably shouldn't of called,''

''I'm not asking because I like hurting you JJ, I don't like to hear about the things your dads
done to you, none of us do. I'm asking because I don't want you out there hurting and alone,''

''I know,''

''So, don't do that, not to me, don't hang up. I'm glad you did call me, it's nice to hear from

''JJ, you should always call if you need,'' JJ's finger lingers over the end call button. ''Okay,
you should,''

''M'not okay, Sarah. You were right, you're right about everything about... — about my Dad.
It's just that he uh,''

''It's alright, I'm listening what happened with him JJ?''

''A lot. Things all went to shit and all I know is It's bad, real bad,'' There's a hitch in Sarah's
breath at that. ''And I don't know if I can — I'm not sure if I can fix myself up this time. I
was wondering if I could...''
JJ couldn't finish, not when he hated asking for help. He was being too demanding by what
he was asking, needy, and was no doubt coming off too... vulnerable. Sarah expresses

''Of course,'' Sarah interrupted his inner turmoil without an ounce of hesitancy. ''You already
know you're more than welcome, where are you right now though?''

''Thank you, Jesus, thank you, Sarah,'' JJ utters. Then looks around sheepishly at the parking
lot he's in. ''And I think I'm already nearby kinda' where you live,''

''Don't thank me, oh wait, there's something I do need to tell you though — ''

Whatever it was, was cut short as the call promptly lost its trek. He wasn't even sure if it was
caused on her end or his own. JJ was willing to bet it was his piece of shit phone that'd been
responsible for it.

Regardless of whose fault it was. The call cut outs, Sarah's voice going with it.

Which meant that Sarah had never gotten to inform him that she wasn't home just yet; that it
was only her brother home for now.

It doesn't take him long to get to Sarah's neighborhood, it takes him even less time to arrive at
the girl's house. It does however take him more time than it should to chalk up the nerve to
actually knock.

''Sarah are you there?'' JJ called out, rapping his knuckles against the door once more. ''Look I
know my phone kinda' decided to cut out on you but still, you'd said it would be okay for me
to come here,''

Nervously he peeks at the girl's neighbor's house. Relieved to see that nobody was outside to
take notice of him. With how beat up he currently looked he'd immediately raise attention if
someone saw him. Suspicion even as to what he was doing there, and the last thing he needed
was that.

''Uh, please Sarah come on,'' He dubbed again, rapping his knuckles harder on the door this
time. ''Y'know I'm just saying it'd be pretty shitty of you if you weren't here and you'd just
sent me to an empty house,''

''Then again who am I to judge?'' JJ muttered. ''Wouldn't be the worst thing to happen today,''

On queue to his statement, things got inexplicably worse. The door slid open, only Sarah's
shorter form didn't meet his vision the way he thought it would. Her brothers did, Rafe's taller
one met him. JJ looked up at the elder and willed himself not to stumble back in the sheer
unexpectedness of it all.

Fuck, fuck, fucking fuck. His day hadn't been bad enough apparently, no he apparently had to
run into Rafe fucking Cameron to top it all off.

''Oh, fuck,'' JJ swore. Swearing yet another time, JJ had to admit he was on a roll. He was
good at cussing. ''Fuck,''

''Is that all you Pogues are capable of saying?'' Rafe asked, condescendingly.

JJ was still stuck on who'd answered the door.

''It's you, but,'' Rafe maintained eye contact with him as JJ spoke, and holy shit Rafe thought.
The way JJ stared back, all saddened eyes and dejected posture — made it seem as though
Rafe was going to kick the younger out. ''But Sarah said it was okay for me to be here, that I
could — ''

''Come here, and yeah believe me I already know. My sister told me one of you would be
stopping by before you even showed up here, just didn't mention who,''

''Ok, yeah I'm just going to go then. I don't need the Kook princess himself finishing me off,''
JJ quipped, making a move to turn and retreat. It was intercepted immediately as Rafe
reached out and pulled at his wrist.

''I wouldn't. I'm only contemplating it,'' Rafe remarked dryly. ''Now get your ass back in here
already. I didn't get up and answer the door for nothing,''

''Fine, how comforting of you,'' JJ ripostes. Following the elder inside nonetheless. ''Well,
since you're obviously here and Sarah well... isn't where's she at now?''

''You're asking me? To hell if I know. All she said was that she was on her way home,''


He was here by himself with someone who most definitely hated his guts. And It was getting
harder to keep his head from lulling off to the side. JJ only nodded in response.

It was at that moment that Rafe seemed to of finally gotten a good look at him. Eyes
muddying at the sight of him.

''Jesus Christ, the fuck happened to you — I've got to ask what'd you do to yourself anyway,

''Nothin', didn't do anything to mys'lf,'' JJ slurred in outrage. ''Stupid — prick,''

''Funny, that isn't what it looks like, you fool,'' Rafe insulted sharply. ''Take it you got your ass
kicked in another fight, again? Too proud to admit it,''

''Mhm, sure, guess you could say it's somethin' like that,'' JJ winced. ''You think Sarah's g'nna
be here soon?''
Rafe's eyes widened at his response

''Wow, way to be cryptic. And you just asked about my sister. Obviously, she's not here, as in
not present at the moment. And no I'm not sure when she'll be back. Wait shit, shit, no,'' JJ's
eyelids were beginning to grow heavy. ''JJ don't you even think of passing out on me, Don't,''

''Rafe, m' tired, only wanna sleep,''

''I know, alright, I know you are, but you can't sleep just yet. You can sleep later, not in my
kitchen. Say it, JJ,''

''Can't sl'..sleep,''

''Good enough, now hold on a minute,'' Rafe demanded. Going to go get the first aid kit.
''Let's get you sitting up, can't have you slouching right now,''

JJ seemed to sober up from the pain a bit, raking a hand through his blonde threads of hair.

''Fine,'' JJ swatted at Rafe's hands. Sitting up now. ''Fine, man, I'm up already,''

''Good,'' The elder says shortly. ''So, what the hell happened to you, anyway,''

JJ isn't sure when exactly the other had begun tidying up his wounds. All he knows is that at
some point Rafe had started to. They occupy themselves with the steady thrum of
conversation as Rafe fixes him up.

''What didn't happen?''

''Honestly fair point,'' Rafe affirms. ''That might just be the smartest thing I've heard you say,''

''Oh, I'm sure it is,''

''Really though, Pogue, what's going on, I'm not exactly your first choice of people to come
to, now am I?''

''I didn't come to you, I went to Sarah,''

''I live here too, Sarah isn't here. Therefore you came to me,''

''Guess so, surprisingly you aren't the last person I'd go to either,'' Rafe's expression lifts up in
surprise. ''It's stupid though,''

''So is the rest of the stuff that comes out of your mouth,''


''Either way, you think I care how stupid it is when you look like this?'' Fair point. ''Tell me, I
want to know what happened to you, JJ,''

''With how you're talking it up and making it sound I wish I had a better story for you,'' JJ
grinned self-deprecatingly. ''But it's not a big deal, not really. Wasn't much for me to tell you
either was just — just my dad,''

''Just your dad?'' Rafe repeated incredulously. Suddenly looking at him like he's the insane
one out of the two.

''Yeah, I'll admit it was mainly my fault this time,''

''I fail to see how anything, that even you, could've done warranted this, Maybank,'' Rafe
argues. ''Truly, is there even any part of you that isn't bruised. There isn't. Damnit, Maybank,
you're a goddamned mural of bruises,''

''No, really you don't get it this time — this time I had it coming,''

Rafe looked mortified.

''He'd been doing so well. Like I hadn't even seen him drink in a bit. It'd been the first time I'd
seen him like that in forever, I thought..I thought he was serious about it this time. About
getting sober so I — ''

''So you hid it,'' Rafe finished for him. ''That's it. You hid his alcohol, didn't you?''

''Yeah, yeah I ended up hiding it, bright idea, right? Long story short he didn't exactly like it,
got in a bit of a fight, had my ass handed down to me, yadda I'm sure even you get the gist of

''Know more than you think about that, doesn't mean you deserved any of this though,''

Noncommittally JJ nods. He doesn't ask more on what Rafe means, he thinks he knows

Chapter End Notes

First off I literally adore Sarah. Second off this would most likely take place sometime
in season one at least that's what I envisioned. Preferably before they had as much bad
blood between them.

I've had people before who've wanted me to try and include Rafe in something and write
him. So here's my attempt at that. It's definitely not fully accurate. The way I wrote him
is more of a Rafe Cameron goes to therapy version of himself. Lmao.

Then again he's honestly a pretty difficult character to get right.

Anyway, look at me — I made JJ and Rafe hate each other a little less.
Revelation {Shoupe & JJ}

Victor Shoupe was getting too old for this shit. It seemed that with his ongrowing age, he was
only finding less and less to be grateful for. While noticing more that he detested about the
world and his own personal life.

So much in fact that there were numerous days where Shoupe reflected on his life. Where he
wondered if he'd gotten involved in the right career path. Even more of his days were spent
thinking about how he really, truly, and honestly was beginning to despise his job.

The police force he worked for weren't even doing anything worthwhile as of late it seemed.

No, instead of doing anything worthwhile he was standing there. Having to enforce
indictments against teens, literal kids. Charges that were made by petty-ass adults all because
one of their expensive toys were ruined. It was childish. Even more so considering that the
parents and their children weren't entirely blameless in this either. The expensive toys that
were ruined had been because of their own kids. Their kids that happened to be some kooks
that believed it to be acceptable to treat those poorer than them like they were nothing less
than dirt.

This was not something he'd signed up for. Political matters weren't something he'd ever
thought he'd get involved in when it came to this line of work. Frankly, he was beginning to
see that the law wasn't equal — not in Outer Banks, the supposed paradise on earth. And
Shoupe was beginning to realize it wasn't necessarily all that moral, for that matter either.

Hell, even he knew that no poor kid was going to be able to pay off a lawsuit filed for minor
infractions. He knew JJ couldn't honestly be expected to chalk up the cash needed for these

Then again, it didn't surprise him. That's how it always was. Small things such as cutting
across a yard earned the label of trespassing. Defending yourself against the wealthy kids that
beat on you day in and out suddenly was screwed and warped into assault. The folks from
Figure Eight were more than quick to spew charges at people, even kids... It left a bad taste
in Shoupe's mouth just thinking of it.

So yeah, Victor Shoupe loathed his job at times. He hated the injustice that was often dealt.
Couldn't stand that it was often dealt toward kids that he was supposedly here to protect.

Shoupe exhaled heavily, adjusting his hand on the side of his belt as JJ spoke. Plans of
ridding Pope of the blame for sinking the Thornton's ship already spewing from the blonde's

His eyes darted between the two as the teens had it out with one another. Shifting the blame
back and forth, ironically fighting for who would shoulder the blame, and the charges. Who's
fault it was.
It eventually fell on JJ. And it stayed there, he knew it would.

JJ Maybank was definitely no exception to the injustice and general unfairness around the
island. Even as much as Shoupe wishes the kid almost was.

JJ would always just be some poor pogue that never stood a chance in the eyes of the
beholder. And the beholder happened to be those around the island who judged and compared
the kid to Luke Maybank.

''Shut up Pope, just shut don't get it. He's a good kid,'' JJ insisted voice ardent. As the
kid looked then over at him determinedly. ''An' you know where I'm from,''

Shoupe turned, looking over to his side where JJ stood. Then let his eyes fall downward for a
second only to glance right back up at the hard-headed teen a beat later.

''Yeah,'' He confirmed simply, unthinking of the implication. Of what it meant to the younger.

Except he almost regretted ever speaking, ever uttering the word as JJ's lips screwed up into
an unimpressed half smile. Eyes bleak. The kid's split lip tugging upward with it. Shoupe
knew by the expression alone that JJ had already been expecting him to say as such. But
before he could even be certain he'd seen the falter in Maybank's expression — it was gone.
JJ's eyes never fell back to his own, the boy's stance all too compliant for someone so tense.

Victor had a suspicion then and there that things weren't as they seemed. And he definitely
wasn't buying that JJ had sunk the Thortons's ship alone.

If Victor Shoupe could do it all over again then he would. He'd react quicker on that same
hunch, he'd figure out why JJ had been so okay with taking the apparent fall for Hayward's
son. He'd find out why JJ was so foolishly loyal even when it got the younger into heaps of

If he'd managed to buy JJ a way out of these charges, out of having to be taken to the police
station then he would've.

It's unclear to him why that is.

To be frank, he doesn't know what's got him feeling so passionate toward this subject, toward
JJ Maybank particularly. Who up until now he'd seen as nothing but a thorn in his side. He
couldn't tell you why now he cares so much. Honestly, he doesn't know why that is himself.
Perhaps frustratingly enough Shoupe is nearly answerless.

He chalks it up as it being nothing more than his general distaste toward Luke Maybank. Of
secretly wanting and hoping for JJ to be better.
Everyone knew Luke was the lowest of the low, even beneath the scum on his shoe. He knew
of the drugs, of Luke's nature of being an alcoholic. JJ didn't need to be that way too. Already
had too much potential of being better.

While JJ was inexplicably better than the kid's father, he knew that JJ Maybank was still
roughened around the edges, that the kid was seen more often than not with bruises and
littered with bruises.

Guess he'd never quite put two and two together, and had overlooked the bigger picture.

All he knew was that kid, and John Booker were always sticking their noses where it
shouldn't be. Always getting into trouble, getting into scraps and fights with others.

Granted he'd just assumed that's all it was... hadn't thought of the possibility of Luke
Maybank beating on his own son. But maybe he should've seen that, a piece of him said that
he'd been careless in not doing so. They all had. He and Peterkin shouldn't of ruled it out so
quickly. After all, back when he'd been taking the teen to the station — he'd seen the way JJ
had cringed at his contact, or better yet any contact. He'd seen how the kid had fought with
every fiber of the kid's being not to cringe or jerk away as he held onto JJ's arm. It'd had him
lessening his hold ever so slightly. Something JJ didn't quite seem to understand as kicked
puppy-dog eyes looked at him. Examining him in his fullness.

They'd examined him for if he'd had an ulterior motive. Shoupe had seen it. Hadn't wanted to
admit how god-awful it'd made him feel.

Victor had tried not to pay the gaze any mind or reaction, he'd shouldered the doubt he'd felt.
Before leading the kid into the back of his police cruiser. Hopping into the driver's seat
afterward. He'd expected cussing, the teen's mouthy and sometimes even borderline vulgar
words, or...or something. It never came. And what he hadn't expected was pure and total
silence as the blonde sunk into the back seat. Practically willing it to swallow the teen whole.
His lips had thinned into a line, eyes darting to the rearview mirror to catch a glimpse of the
usually rowdy kid. It caught him off guard to see how dejected the other looked. Even more
so with the way, the blonde was silent, not even a hint of the usual mouthiness. His eyes had
shifted away the exact moment JJ's flashed to his own within the mirror.

Only, It didn't just stop there. The more he'd drove the more Victor's unease grew. Eminently
Shoupe found himself noticing things he never would've before. Sure, maybe one could say
he was reading too much into it. Or maybe he wasn't. Maybe he was finally glimpsing behind
the curtains, behind the obscured lines as he should've before.

And then there was how tense JJ'd been the entire time at the station

Even more tense the second Luke Maybank had arrived to pick the kid up. JJ's body and form
tightened like a rusted spring. And then with all the begrudgeness in the world, JJ trotted over
to Luke Maybank.

Shoupe watched.
The kid stood in front of the elder Maybank, head downcast when Luke wrenched the kid's
arm into a grip. JJ from what he could see, tried not to draw any attention to how tightly Luke
was holding onto the kid's forearm. But Shoupe saw it, and when he did his eyes narrowed at
Luke. The other's eyes catching his own on the way out, progressively tightening the grip on
JJ's arm mockingly.

Something in Shoupe can't seem to let go of what he'd seen. Hayward's son's look of concern
that'd been directed at JJ when JJ had taken the fall, then there was the blonde-headed kid's
stiffness, and Luke Maybank's smugness while leaving the station all painted a bigger picture.
Something wasn't right. And for once Shoupe's done shaking it off — he's done only dealing
with trivial issues over real-world problems. If JJ is genuinely and honestly being mistreated
at home then it's not something that should be treated lightly.

Victor Shoupe doesn't want to take it lightly, he decides. Then before he can even doubt what
he's doing or second-think it, Shoupe's already out the front door of his house. Stalking
forward and slamming the driver's door behind him as he lifts himself into his truck,

Getting to the car is one thing, he barely remembers doing it. The ride to the Maybank
residence however was even more of a blur to him. He recalls wanting to get there as quickly
as possible. Remembers rushing there, and then once arriving he'd bounded out of his truck.
Surging forward to the residence's front door all in one stride. Harshly he bangs on the door
over and over again, there's nothing that greets the noise. Thirty seconds of silence go by
before he bangs on it again.

Apparently seeing that Shoupe had no plans of letting up, Maybank yielded. He hears a large
grunt come through the other side of the door and then the door swings open.

''What!'' Luke snaps at him gruffly. ''What're you doing prancing outside in my yard?''

Shoupe squares his shoulders, lips in a thin line. Nose pointed high as he levels the eldest
Maybank with a heated glare.

''No reason that contains you, I'm here for the boy, I need to speak with JJ. Where's he at?''

There was a lapse in Luke's murderous expression.

''To hell if I know. Clearly, not around,''

''Really now?'' Cockily, Luke nods at him. ''That's awfully funny to me considering your
neighbors claim to of heard a disturbance coming from this residence. And they don't seem to
of seen JJ leaving at any point after that,''

Like a switch had flipped off Luke's expression loses any semblance of cockiness. Shoupe
''Nosy fucks,'' Shoupe hears Luke mumble under the man's breath. ''This about them' charges
of his or those fucking neighbors I've got?''


''Then we've got nothing to talk about,''

Shoupe huffs out a breath. Nearly ready to go and shove past the other.

''Step aside, Maybank,''

''I believe you're at my house, Sheriff,'' Luke retorts. ''You shouldn't be making demands,''

''I'm not asking you, I'm telling you to move,'' Shoupe snips right back. ''If you know what's
best for you Luke then you'll step aside,''

Luke stared back skeptically.

''What's the meaning of this anyway?''

''Your son,'' Shoupe grits out, Luke goes ramrod straight. ''I've got reason to believe that
you're mistreating him. You're treading a thin line, Maybank, I have reason to believe you've
been abusing him,''

Appearing caught, the alcoholic's face sharpens into something ugly.

''That so, Is that what a bit of discipline's called nowadays? Sensitive little motherfuckers you
are, all of you,''

''Yes, that's so,'' Shoupe steadies his tone. Trying to keep the threads of inky black anger from
bleeding into it. ''And I think we both know what's going on here qualifies as more than just

''Well, I don't know where you might've caught word of that, Sheriff, but JJ's doin' just fine.
God only knows the lil' fuckers a troublemaker,''

Shoupe's expression hardened.

''If that's the case you'll have no problem letting me in to see him for myself,''

''And if I do mind? I'd rather you didn't waltz around my goddamned house as you very well

''There's no way around it. Either you let me see the kid or I come back with a warrant, your

Luke didn't voice a reply, so he made his own. Shoupe took it as his queue to budge his way
No one, not even Luke goddamned Maybank was going to come in between him and finding
that kid.

The first thing he noticed was that the house was darkened as he made his way through,
pushing past Luke. He wondered if it just happened to be because all the lights had been
turned off or if the electricity as a whole had been shut off. It wouldn't surprise him.

Shoupe chanced a look back at the eldest Maybank who stood still in the doorway. It was true
that the man made no outward move to stop him. But it didn't mean that the man didn't
appear unnerved and downright pissed by his presence.

Cautiously Shoupe dragged himself forward. A hand warily kept close to his belt in case
Maybank tried anything. He surveyed the darkened house as he went through the numerous
rooms. His eyes resolutely adapted to the dimness. Checking off any room that was barren
and without JJ. He landed himself in the living room which once again proved to be sightless
of the blonde. While JJ was nowhere yet to be found Luke's innumerable alcohol bottles

Shoupe's expression wrinkled in disgust at the sight. Anticipation of finding JJ only growing.

''Kid? Hey, kid where are you?''

Nothing followed his call. Although he made a discovery of his own as his eyes flickered
around. Examining more than just the living room. Eventually, they fell to the floor at the
beginnings of the stairs.

It was there, a mere few feet away from where he stood currently, a speckle of red gleamed
up at him. Striding forward on his own accord, he walked over to it. Crouching down in front
of the staircase he inspected the speck. Blood it was then.

Raising his head, It was then that he noticed the splatters of blood that dotted uncleanly along
the stairs. Placing his hands atop of his knees Shoupe rose. Subsequently following the trail
up the stairs, careful to watch his footing so as not to step on or disturb the liquid. In case it
need be used for evidence later.

He followed it. Pursued it until it led him down a hallway, coming to a stop at a slightly ajar
door at the end of it. Unkindly he pressed the door open, words already jumbling out of his
mouth before he'd yet processed what was being seen.

''The hells going...'' Shoupe trailed off.

Admittedly, he wasn't sure what he'd expected. JJ Maybank or rather JJ Maybank's back was
not it. The boy sat there. Back was to Shoupe, so either JJ didn't care of his presence. Or
hadn't heard the door open, because JJ didn't react, neither in greeting or in fear at his
unexpected presence.

And then JJ for whatever reason did turn. Turned back to fully face him actually, an unsightly
plum-colored bruise tinging half the youngers face.

''—...JJ,'' Shoupe muttered astonished.

Finally reacting, the boy responded at his call of the kid's name. Dropping ahold of what the
other had been grasping out of the first aid kit. Flailing in premature surprise until the
younger fell off the edge of the bed. Afterward, the blonde sat there crumpled at the foot of
the bed, a hand clutching at most likely busted ribs. JJ didn't pick himself up off the floor.
The kid only groaned, eyes snapping up angrily to meet his own.

''What the shit, Officer Shoupe? Who the fuck just walks in on someone like that? And,'' JJ's
voice commenced. ''And I thought you needed a warrant to enter someone's place,''

And then Shoupe really got a good look at the kid. Except he wished he hadn't. There was
more blood and now discolored skin on JJ than there was anything else. To the point where
he couldn't even tell where it was coming from. He knew it was running from the kid's nose,
and from multiple cuts and contusions on the others face. But beyond that, he didn't know.
The kid sported what was now becoming that usual busted lip. Clearly had a bit of something
going on with those ribs as well.

And yet what might've concerned him the most were JJ's eyes...they weren't right. Defeat,
and submission lay heavy in them, dimming the usual mischievous spark that usually pissed
him off so greatly. Darkly, a piece of him distantly wondered if Luke had beaten it out of the

Now he was almost debating whether or not he missed that glint of mischievity.

Because None of this was right. Luke Maybank was a mean and nasty son of a bitch' to be
able to leave JJ looking like this. And still manage to sleep at night.

''You do,'' Shoupe responded shortly.

''Then what're you doing here? Wait, don't tell me you finally dropped your goody two-shoes
act? You going all bad cop on me now, that it?''

''Not an act, and yeah as an officer I'd need a warrant. I came here out of my own free will to
check on you though. Got concerned for you,''

JJ's lips stretched into a too-large and a far too-big grin. Pearly with teeth gleaming.

''Oh, you're joking then, aren't you? Gotta' say I didn't know you did that, Shoupe. Don't tell
me you're here to arrest me again? What on account of me getting my ass beat, is that it this

Shoupe sucked in a breath through clenched teeth. Deciding to rip the bandaid off of their
already limited conversation.
''Your pops' the one to do this to you?'' Shoupe asks instead.

Uncharacteristically bitter the other laughed at him. It sounded misplaced for the
conversation, throwing him off guard by how little that sound belonged in JJ's mouth.

''What's it matter to you if he did?''

Standoffishly Shoupe snaps back.

''It matters because if that's the case and he's the one that did this to you then you need to tell
me so that I can help you. Immediately,''

At first, JJ only scoffs in reply.

''That's rich, I mean really, fucking really? This —'' Angrily JJ's finger gestured to the boy's
face, ''All of a sudden bothers you now? Since fucking when? Why is it that you and your
fucked up stache care about me all of a sudden?''

''Kid —''

''Don't kid me. I'm not your kid or anyone else's so don't call me that. Seriously, when the hell
have you or anyone else given two shits about what happens to me? Half the time even if it's
in your direct line of sight you still couldn't give less of a shit. So you tell me did something
change that I need to know about, Shoupe, huh?''

''Are you gonna' be done blabbing anytime soon son, or should I come back?'' JJ glared
defiantly at him but otherwise said nothing. ''Okay, good. Listen, your bleeding — you're
injured pretty badly. Set aside your personal feelings for me and let me help you,''

''You?'' JJ challenged. ''I think I'd rather bleed out,''

''Yeah, well you're about halfway to getting that wish as is,'' He watched as JJ winced. ''I
know you like to be independent and all but this looks bad. It's more than you can chew by
yourself. You know you aren't in any state to argue with me kid — you look about ready to
drop dead on your feet,''

JJ doesn't respond.

''I can't leave here until I know that you aren't bleeding out... and you know not all adults are
out to hurt you like him,''

''You're right, they aren't, most just ignore me. Ignore what's going on because it's easier
thinking that I'm a snot-nosed punk,''

''God damnit, kid,'' Shoupe cut the other off. ''We don't have time for this, save your whole
speal for later. I need to take you to the hospital,''

''I can take myself, thanks,''

''Yeah, a sixteen-year-old kids going to do everything himself. This isn't something to joke
about, you're messing with your life by refusing help. You're a kid, JJ, I don't give a shit what
your dad has told you, you're a sixteen-year-old kid. You need an adult —''

A flash of that usual glint in JJ's eyes found him. Only Shoupe inhaled at it because it wasn't
the same. It was much meaner, cruel. It was mischievous for all the wrong reasons. He knew
then and there that JJ's sole objective was to hurt. To lash out and wound someone with biting
words. Just as JJ had been hurt by them.

Shoupe would be that person.

''No, what I need is to be left the fuck alone. I needed an adult after my mother left and my
dad got stir crazy without her — when he'd bash my face in every night because he got a kick
out of it. When there was never any food. I needed an adult when I was praying every night
to something I didn't believe in for something to take me out before I did it myself. Now
though, Shoupe? Now I'll handle it myself, now I don't need nothing from any of you,''

Shoupe's heart splintered.

''You don't mean that,''

''I do, I really fucking do. I've gotta' say the bar's pretty low for how much I trust you,

''I get it, alright. I don't expect you to trust me or anyone else for that matter. Not after half the
shit you've just mentioned. And especially not after your piece of shit father. So what do you
say we fix that?''

''How? Holy shit, don't tell me you're going to send me to foster care — the land of unwanted
children,'' JJ's tone lost its lightheartedness. ''Please, I don't want to get sent away. Can't you
just look the other way?''

''JJ,'' Profoundly Shoupe sighed.

JJ mimicked the noise although the kid's own seemed more lost. More forlorn than his had.

''Jesus, I should've known that wouldn't be enough. Alright, how bout' this I'll — I'll be quiet
from now on. Y'know I'll stop causing noise complaints from the lousy neighbors and - ''

What the hell, what the actual hell — Shoupe can't bring himself to listen anymore. He
blanches, even feels as though he could vomit at any given second. It only worsens the more
that JJ's statement registers in his mind. Finally coming to a realization, that those noise
complaints filed against the Maybanks hadn't been what they'd seemed. All along they'd been
JJ actively suffering, vocalizing his father's abuse. And Shoupe as well as everyone else had
missed it. Been blind to it because no one had wanted to look past JJ being a supposed

And now, now it's different. Now Shoupe saw the situation in a new light. For what Luke
Maybank truly was and always had been, Victor Shoupe saw Luke for the monstrous man the
other happened to be.

The kid was offering to be quiet while Luke beat on the boy, begging him to leave it alone. if
only for Shoupe to leave the boy in the very home that was supposed to be protecting him.

''Goddamnit, JJ, no,'' Shoupe snarls, the younger only winces. He softens the blow of his
words at the reaction. ''No kid, listen to me. I'm not letting this go. Okay, I'm not. I can't do
that and still find it in myself to sleep every night,''

''Actually, you could. It'd be easier than you think, you're just choosing not to,''

And so what if he was?

''It's not,'' Not what? ''I'm not like everyone else who swept this under the rug, JJ. That just
isn't how this works, you don't just stick it out until — until what you graduate?''

JJ's head jerks.

''Yeah, that's still a ways away. I'm not letting you do that,''

''Oh,'' JJ says simply. Fight seeming to of died down. Only hopelessness remaining.

It's silent for a while. Thought invoking is what he sees it as. And Shoupe makes his decision

He looks thoughtfully at the kid. And then there's JJ in his mind, JJ Maybank in his line of
sight. It's JJ who's never been given a chance to truly live. Too misunderstood, too riddled
down with the weight of a facade, a front, put into place purely to ensure survival. JJ who
suffers under the brittle hand of abuse and abandonment.

And Shoupe? Well, Shoupe's already lost enough people in his life, from words he hadn't said
and things he hadn't done to get them to stay. He deals with that fact every day. It never gets
any easier, the shred of his heart never repairs itself for that shred is rightfully theirs. Theirs
no replacing that part of him. And he doesn't expect there to be. There are no replacements to
losing someone, there's just a void there day in and day out.

Yeah, Shoupe Is not ignorant when it comes to loss, is damaged just as much as the next.
Damaged as much as JJ and those kids are.

And yet Shoupe also knows that he can do better — that he could provide JJ solace. Provide
JJ with a place where the kid doesn't feel as though everyone is out to get him.

And Shoupe will be the first to admit that he may be out of his element, that he's never had a
son of his own to raise. That he'd mucked up a lot even as is with JJ.

But Shoupe sure as hell knows that anything is better than the bruised ribs, dislocated
shoulders, and broken arms that JJ's been dealt in life.

There's more to life than that. And he would sure as hell like to try and show that to the boy if
only the kid will let him.
''From how it sounds there aren't exactly a lot of options when it comes to you finding
somewhere to stay,'' JJ glowers at him. ''And, I'm not letting you go back to Luke, I'm sorry
kid I just can't. That being said you're obviously against Foster care,''

''Really? What gave you that idea,'' At Shoupe's half-hearted glare JJ spoke again. ''Go on, I'm
still listening,''

''So what do you say we come upon a compromise?''


''Yes, you do know what those are, right?'' JJ snorts, laughter being sent dryly at him. ''Good.
I'd be lying if I pretended that we knew each other all that well, because we don't. Not yet.
What I do know is I'm sure as hell not letting you stay with an abusive scum such as Luke
before we get this sorted out,''

''I'm not sure I get what you're saying, Chief,''

''What I'm saying is I have a place, and surely have an extra room for you to stay in, I'm
telling you that you'd be safe,'' Shoupe reaffirms. JJ's eyes widen at the word. ''It's a lot at
once I know so this would only be if you're open to the idea, JJ,''

The kid looks at him incredulously. Looks as though the mere fact that JJ's wanted by
someone is unbelievable. Shoupe's heart splinters into fragments of what it once was.

''Wait, you're serious about this? You aren't like pulling my leg or anything?''

''Have some faith in me will ya','' Shoupe smirks lopsidedly, JJ still seems a little unsure.
Waiting for the rug to drop out from underneath the boy, waiting for things to go to shit. So
Shoupe sighs. Then steadies his tone in reassurance. ''I wouldn't joke about this kid,''

''Right, no I know. I might just have to take you up on that offer then,''

''Good, I'll be counting on it,'' Shoupe turns his head, however, out of the corner of his eye, he
sees the boy glance at him.

Just when the kid thinks Shoupe isn't looking anymore, the boy smiles. JJ's smile as small as
it may be is genuine, more carefree than Victor Shoupe has ever seen it. And Shoupe
wholeheartedly believes that all this is worth it. That JJ deserves to smile that way more
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