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BRUNCH: An Anecdote Story


Ogao Elementary School

It was 9 years ago when an embarrassing and unforgettable event

happened during my baccalaureate years. Allow me to share this
wonderful story of mine.
As a student teacher, I must burn my eyebrow to have a
commendable performance level. Hence, more often than not, I have no
time for hanging out or chatting with someone like friends. However,
despite my concentration on the topic I was studying, fascinated with
a neatly folded rectangular paper on the floor in the classroom.
Tempted with it, I quickly stood up, left my study corner, walked
toward it, and picked it up.
Puzzled with an unexpected gift. I was confused about whether, to
be honest, or not. Saturday is a great day for shopping and it was
then Friday. Nevertheless, God’s virtue possessed me that I didn’t
even know that my feet brought me to the Principal’s Office.
Monday, another busy day for another week’s training; a day when the
Principal secretly invited me and two of my colleagues to be in her
office. Congratulations! Dear for the return you’d made. “Whew, Thank
God, I got a wrong thought, “ I murmured.
Relieved with anxiety. I led my fellow student's teachers and enjoyed
the sumptuous palatable food especially the prepared brunch only for
us. Indeed, it was just on time when my stomach started to rumble….
Pushed with the solid foods “ Burrrp.” Went the carbon dioxide out
through my mouth shamefully

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