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Date : 6 October 2023

From : Human Resources Department
To : All Back Office Staff
Re : Saturday Off
Cc : General Manager, File

Dear All Concerned,

Refer to our House Rules in the article 3, Chapter VI concerning “Working

Time” We hereby to provide Saturday Off for all back office staff with the
following conditions :

1. All back office staff deserve to Saturday Off (twice a month).

2. Department Heads have to assign representative to attend Morning
Briefing in case of Saturday Off.
3. Those who have to work on Saturday Off may apply Replacement
Saturday Off on another day.
4. Management has the right to postpone the Saturday Off Replacement in
case of urgent condition (hotel operational required).
5. HR will issue Saturday Off Schedule every month.

That’s all for your information, thank you for your attention and cooperation.

Prepared by, Approved by

Indrawati Harris Jaka Priyatna

Human Resources Manager General Manager

Date : 6 October 2023

From : Human Resources Department
To : Staff Back Office
Re : Hari Libur Sabtu
Cc : General Manager, File

Kepada semua yang terkait,

Merujuk pada House Rules dalam pasal 3 Bab VI tentang “Waktu Kerja”, dengan ini
kami memberikan Hari Libur Sabtu bagi seluruh staff back office dengan ketentuan
sebagai berikut :

1. Semua staf back office berhak mendapat Libur Sabtu (dua kali sebulan).

2. Departemen Head harus menugaskan perwakilannya untuk menghadiri

Morning Briefing apabila libur di hari Sabtu.

3. Bagi yang terpaksa bekerja pada hari Libur Sabtu, maka permohonan hari
libur dapat diajukan pada hari lain.

4. Manajemen berhak menunda Penggantian Hari Libur Sabtu jika kondisi

operasional mendesak.

5. HRD akan menerbitkan Jadwal Libur Sabtu setiap bulannya.

Hari Libur Sabtu akan berlaku pada tanggal 14 October 2023, terlampir Schedule
Sabtu Libur.

Demikian disampaikan dan terimakasih atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya.

Indrawati Harris Jaka Priyatna

Human Resources Manager General Manager

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