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01. When ribosome reaches a codon on mRNA it must bind to the _____ of corresponding tRNA.
A. Start codon
B. Introns
C. Exons
D. Anticodon

02. HMP shunt pathway generates NADPH in RBC for the reduction of:
B. Glutathione
C. Malate
D. Succinate

03. Which one of the following is a reducing sugar:

A. Glucose
B. Dihydroxyacetone phosphate
C. Cellulose
D. Erythrulose

04. Common substrate for respiration:

A. Glucose
B. Fats
C. Amino acids
D. Sucrose

05. A man of 45 years of age was brought to the emergency room with a history of chest pain,
severe sweating, smoking habit of 40 cigarettes/day, suspected illness is myocardial infarction
(MI), which of the following laboratory investigation will help you diagnose?
C. Troponin I
D. CPK-MB + Troponin I

06. Which vitamin is used to treat hypercholesterolaemia?

A. Cyanocobalamin
B. Niacin
C. Pyridoxine
D. Riboflavin.

07. Which molecule decreases surface tension and thus makes ventilation possible?
A. Pulmonary surfactant
B. Pulmonary detergent
C. Pulmonary insulin
D. Pulmonary alcohol

08. Steroids consist of:

A. 3 six carbon & 1-five carbon membered ring
B. 5 six carbon & 2-five carbon membered ring
C. 25 carbon atoms
D. All of the above
09. A 36 years old woman came to OPD complaining of amenorrhea for the last two months along with
excessive vomiting. Her pregnency test is positive. Which laboratory test is economical and highly
significant in establishing early pregnancy?
A. Alpha feto protein
B. Urinary hCG
C. Amniocentesis

10. DOPA is an intermediate in the synthesis of:

A. Thyroid hormones
B. Catecholamines
C. Melanin
D. Catecholamines and Melanin

11. Atherosclerosis patients have increased amount of:

D. Chylomicrons

12. In the following compartment of cell, glycolysis takes place:

A. mitochondria
B. cell membrane
C. nucleus
D. cytosol

13. Which is most common inhibitory neurotransmitter in human brain?


14. Function of PTH?

A. decreases plasma phosphate concentration (PTH: ↑ serum Ca2+, ↓ serum PO4 3–)
B. increases calcium absorption of bones
C. decreases calcium reabsorption in kidneys

15. Cholesterol is required for the synthesis of:

A. Vitamin D and steroid hormones
B. Vitamin A and steroid hormones
C. Vitamin A and bile salts
D. Vitamin E and bile salts

16. All of the following are the functions of plasma proteins except:
A. Buffering
B. Transport of substances
C. Decrease osmotic pressure
D. Blood coagulation

17. Phospholipids contain:

A. Hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails
B. Long water-soluble carbon chain
C. Positively charged functional groups
D. Both B and C

18. Starch consists of:

A. Unbranched amylose and branched amylopectin
B. Branched amylose and branched amylopectin
C. Unbranched amylopectin and branched amylose
D. Branched pectin and unbranched amylopectin

19. In competitive inhibition, an inhibitor:

A. Binds at several different sites on an enzyme
B. Binds reversibly at the active site
C. Binds only at the ES complex
D. Binds covalently to the enzyme

20. Which of the following statements about enzymes or their function is true?
A. Enzyme do not alter the overall change in free energy for a reaction
B. Enzyme are proteins whose three dimensional form is key to their function
C. Enzymes speed up reactions by lowering energy of activation
D. All of these

21. Enzymes responsible for unwinding and unzipping the double helix of DNA is:
A. DNA Polymerase
B. DNA Helicase
C. DNA Ligase
D. Primase

22. A 23 year old coal mine worker was brought in an unconscious state to the emergency room
after a blast in mine. Carboxyhemoglobin level was high and carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning.
Carbon monoxide is a known inhibitor of Electron Transport Chain (ETC). Which complex of ETC
is inhibited by Carbon monoxide?
A. Complex - I
B. Complex - II
C. Complex - III
D. Complex - IV

23. A 42 years old obese female presented to the emergency center with complaints of worsening nausea,
vomiting and abdominal pain. Her pain was located in the mid epigastric area and right upper quadrant.
Blood chemistry reveals high serum Amylase and lipase level. What is the probable diagnosis of this
A. Acute Gastritis
B. Acute Pancreatitis
C. Renal colic
D. Viral Hepatitis

24. Which one of the following diets has a person been recently eating if his urine contains an unusually
high concentration of urea?
A. High carbohydrates, low protein
B. Very high carbohydrate, no protein, no fat
C. High carbohydrate, no protein, very high fat
D. Very low carbohydrate, very high protein

25. Chylomicrons are released from:

A. Intestine
B. Spleen
C. Liver
D. All of above

26. Vitamin B12 and folic acid have the similar adverse effects, but what separates one from the other?
A. Glossitis
B. No Neurological symptoms in folic acid
C. Muscle wasting
D. Dizziness

27. A 24 yrs. an old patient was brought to medical OPD with acute abdominal pain, depression and
extreme weakness. Urine analysis revealed ALA & PBG (Delta Amino Levulinic acid and
Porphobilinogen). The patient was diagnosed with Acute Intermittent Porphyria. (AIP). Which one of the
enzyme deficiency is expected in this patient?
A. Uroporphyrinogen III Cosynthase
B. Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
C. Porphobilinogen Deaminase (hydroxymethylbilane synthase) (uroporphyrinogen I-synthase)
D. ALA Dehydratase

28. A postpartum woman gave birth to a baby at home. She now brings the baby to the hospital because of
continued bleeding and oozing from the umbilical stump. His physical examination is normal. His blood
report reveals abnormal Prothrombin Time (PT) and International Normalized ratio (INR). The bleeding
diathesis is secondary to a deficiency of which vitamin?
A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin E
C. Vitamin D
D. Vitamin K

29. A patient presents with dull right sided abdominal pain, fever, loss of appetite, pale stool and
Jaundice. Blood chemistry reveals mixed hyperbilirubinemia, high SGPT but near normal alkaline
phosphatase levels. The most likely cause of this Jaundice is?
A. Post hepatic Jaundice
B. Viral Hepatitis
C. Hemolytic Jaundice
D. Pre hepatic Jaundice

30. Most important function of HDL is:

A. Cholesterol synthesis
B. Reverse cholesterol transport
C. Triacylglycerol (TG) storage
D. Apolipoprotein reservoir

31. What molecule will form when hydrogen ions flow down the electrochemical gradient
through ATP synthase complexes in mitochondria?
A. Water *
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Oxygen



a) Cornea f) Joints
b) Polysaccharide g) Ketopentose
c) Heparin h) Homopolysaccharide
d) Maltose i) Seminal fluid
e) Sucrose j) Keratin sulphate

1) What is starch? h
2) Hyaluronic acid is important heteropolysaccharide found in __. f
3) Glycogen is classified as __. h
4) A carbohydrate known commonly as invert sugar? e
5) It is a potent anticoagulant heteropolysaccharide. c




a) Allosteric control f) Non-competitive inhibition

b) Competitive inhibition g) Enzyme induction
c) Covalent modification h) Enzyme repression
d) Isoenzymes i) Suicide inhibition
e) Zymogen activation j) Un-competitive inhibitor

1) Enzyme activity may increase or decrease after the addition of a chemical group is called ___. c
2) Binding of substrate to a site other than the active site to regulate enzyme activity. a
3) Resemblance of an inhibitor with the substrate for binding at the active site is ___. b
4) An inactive, precursor protein required for proteolysis is termed as ___. e
5) Enzymes composed of different amino acid sequences that catalyze the same reaction is called ___. d




a) Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) f) Tocopherol (Vit-E)

b) Vitamin B2 g) Vitamin B12
c) Vitamin B3 h) Ascorbic acid (Vit-C)
d) Vitamin B6 i) Pantothenic acid
e) Biotin j) Folic acid

1) Scurvy is caused by the deficiency of vitamin ___. h

2) Beri beri is a disease caused by deficiency of vitamin ___. a
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