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Fire Science serves students for careers in fire protection. It is a program that provides
students with the knowledge and skills required for fire service employment or career
advancement within the profession. It is also intended for people interested in fire
safety and prevention. In this study of principles, you will learn about the causes and
effects of fire, which will help you be aware of the situation so that when the time
comes, you will be prepared to handle emergency situations appropriately. The various
damages that fires cause to a burning building or house are determined by using fire
investigation methods, which teach you how to handle evidence and investigate fatal
fires. Fire science is the study of the natural characteristics of fire. One way to learn
more about the three types of fire is to investigate chemical fires, which occur when
flammable materials come into contact or are mixed together. The metal that ignites
when heat and friction combine to cause a fire. Electrical fires occur when too many
devices are plugged into a single outlet or when there is poor wiring.
What I really felt about fire science was mixed emotions; I’m happy and excited because
there are so many benefits that I can get here that I can really use in an emergency, but
I’m also a little scared because in order to participate in this, I need to know the Bloom’s
taxonomy, which has three domains to learn: cognitive (thinking), psychomotor (physical
skills), and affective (feelings) and it’s kinda challenging for me but I know that this can
help me if I pursue a career of firefighting to be a better fighter also. To be honest, I’m
not sure what I really felt right now, but I’m relieved that I’ll learn everything I need.

As a 3rd year criminology student and after I graduate I have a degree to be a firefighter
someday using the knowledge and skills I gain through their studies to help prevent
crime, understand the nature of fire and we as a criminology student we investigate
different crimes but in this field we also investigate the fire, the cause and effects of a
burning building or house. It is risky to know or do this training but it really helps me a lot
being a firefighter in a day can lead me into a better firefighter in the future because this
is my dream career I want to pursue so I can use this as a guide of my success as a
firefighter in the future. This is my starting point to learn those skills I have to acquire to
have a knowledge how firefighting going, to be aware to respond during fire hazard so If
I have fully knowledge about this I can now easily help others. This serves me as a
strong background as a criminology to guide me when I have a degree to easily enter
the service easily or it will be easier for me to do the training when I start training.

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