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Submitted by: Rodriguez, Charles Wendel


Submitted to: Mr. Zaldariaga, Fretch

Mr. Kevin G. Adolfo states that he is an entrepreneur or engages in business because,
following the COVID-19 outbreak, he realized the importance of time and money.
He was motivated to make better use of his time and money by allocating them to his busines
s and increased productivity.
Practically speaking, Mr. Kevin said that in order for us to be worry-free, satisfied with our d
ebts and commitments, and to have money saved up for future projects, we need another sour
ce of income. In order to ensure that his money was put to good use, he went into business.
Although he faced challenges along the way by running his own business, but with that it
helps him to enhance his ability to develop as a individual to come up with a good ideas and
apply it. He said as the time goes by he become more inspired especially when he see that all
his efforts and hard words been paid off

My analysis indicates that Mr. Kevin G. Adolfo, the business owner of the Mini
Convenient Store that was the subject of the interview, manages his own company with a
pragmatic mindset. Because his company operates like a small convenience shop with
comparable products to other convenience stores in the city and good, reasonably priced
quality throughout, timely supply is an important part of his plans. However, Mr. Kevin's
high caliber of work prevented him from having to deal with issues arising from late
payments and debt from clients. Instead, he restocked goods as soon as he made enough
money, and he reinvested the money he received from clients who paid off their obligations.
It highlights the need of using a successful financial management strategy to keep inventory
stable and handle monetary difficulties so that Mr. Adolfo's strategic adoption can continue to
support the long-term success of his tiny convenience store.

My recommendation for Mr. Adolfo's
Efficients management and the difficulties he faces: first, he needs to establish clear objective
s and goals that are tailored to your company.
Target Market: He needs to be aware of and have done extensive study on his target market.
Create a powerful internet presence, keep an eye on your financial situation, and often track a
nd evaluate your financial results.
In order to succeed, it is imperative that you do SWOT analysis when managing your own fir
m to identify your opportunities, weaknesses, strengths, and attributes.
When operating your own business, it's critical to persevere through all of the difficulties and
setbacks you may encounter.
Rather, take a lesson from it and strive for achievement at all times.

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