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Student Name: Darren Hegarty

ID: G00393203

Subject: Graphics Topic(s): Quadrilaterals

Pupil Year Group: 1st years No. of Pupils: 21
Lesson Number: 16 Length of lesson: 1 hour
Date: 28/11/2023 Time of Lesson: 2:50-3:50


Previous Knowledge students have covered the chapter of triangles and currently can draw different
types of triangles and identify the differences between these triangles.

Previous Skills students overall have developed their graphic and numeracy skills from completing in
class questions.

Teacher Observations from correcting the exam I have noticed big improvements from the students
however there are still 2/3 students that I feel are very much struggling with the subject I hope to
simplify the instructions so the students can get a better understanding


Brief outline of WHY this content is the basis of the lesson, and why these teaching KEY*
methodologies were selected- a justification.

The class will begin with the teacher verbally recapping on the chapter of triangles to RL
reinforce the previous learning. The teacher will introduce the questions for todays class and
get the students to come up to the top of the room and demonstrate how to draw them NL
before allowing the student to start the question themselves NL

*KEY: RL=Reinforced Learning, NL=New Learning


*KEY: C=Cognitive, PM=Psychomotor, A=Affective

1.1 Visualise the manipulation of 2D shapes

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will Identification of different Good oracy skills and C
be enabled to: Identify different types of types of quadrilaterals precise language and
Quadrilaterals. around us peer teach explanations that are
accurate and error free

1.12 Construct 2D solutions accurately in accordance with graphical conventions.

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will Through the explanation Good oracy skills and C
be enabled to: list the properties of of properties of precise language and
different types of quadrilaterals. quadrilaterals peer teach explanations that are
accurate and error free
1.6 Apply their understanding of geometric principles to solve problems

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will Through the construction Precise and accurate C
be enabled to: Demonstrate how to of accurate quadrilaterals constructions and
complete a question which includes monitoring/observation measurements; neat
quadrilaterals. of class drawing activity drawing




0-1 mins Teacher allows the students to Students enter the classroom in an
enter the classroom orderly fashion

2-3 mins Teacher asks the students to get a As students enter the class the
page and a book as they enter the students get their book and
classroom equipment

3-4 mins Teacher does a role call to see Teacher tells the teacher if they are
who’s present and who is absent present and who is absent
10-12 mins Teacher introduces the leaning Students listen to the learning O
intentions for today’s class intentions for today’s class


17-22mins Teacher introduces the first Students look at the board and G
question for today’s class and asks explain to the teacher how they
the students to watch the board would draw the question L
and asks the students to explain
how we would go about doing the
question which is includes a

22-30 mins Teacher allows the students to Students begin the question and CL
begin the questions and observes asks the teacher for help if needed
the room guiding students through G
the question

30-35 mins Once the stronger students are Students look up at the board and CL
beginning to finish off the question explain to the teacher how they
the teacher introduces a second would go about drawing this G
question which includes a question
trapezium (UDL)

35-45 mins Teacher allows the students to Students receive the feedback on O
begin the question and observes how to improve
the room providing the students CL
with feedback on how to improve


45-50 mins Once the students have finished Students answer the different CL
the questions the teacher does a questions that the teacher asks
verbal recap with the students them G
asking them questions N
 What does quad mean?
 Explain what a
quadrilateral is.
 What is a trapezium?
 What is a parallelogram?

50-55 mins Teacher outlines the homework Students note the homework tasks L
tasks for the students

55-60 mins Teacher allows the students to Students being the tidy up process
begin the tidy up process
60 mins Teacher guides the students out of Students exit the classroom in an
the room in an orderly fashion orderly fashion

*KEY: L=Literacy, N=Numeracy, O=Oracy, G=Graphicacy, SEN=Special Educational Needs, MA=Mixed Ability,
CL= Cooperative Learning, GI=Gender Inclusion & MI=Multicultural Inclusion.


 PowerPoint
 SolidWorks model
 Book


Q1. What went well in this lesson today, and why? (1 short paragraph or 3-4 bullets)

Demonstrating drawing techniques and providing examples help students visualize concepts
before applying them in their own work. Providing constructive feedback during the lesson helps
students understand their strengths and areas for improvement, fostering continuous learning.
Encouraging active student participation through discussions, sharing of ideas, and collaborative
activities promotes a positive and interactive learning environment.

Q.2 What did not go as well as expected in this lesson today, and why? (1 short paragraph or 3-4

There wasn't enough time for certain activities, students may have felt rushed or unable to
complete tasks thoroughly. Effective time management is crucial for a well-paced lesson.
Technical problems with equipment or materials can disrupt the flow of the lesson. This might
include issues with projectors, art supplies, or other tools needed for the activities.

Q. 3. What might I have done to improve the standard of this lesson? (1 short paragraph or 3-4

After the lesson, ask students for feedback on what worked well and what could be improved.
This information can be valuable for refining your teaching approach in future lessons. Allocate
time for students to reflect on their work at the end of the lesson. Encourage them to identify
what they've learned, areas they found challenging, and how they might approach similar tasks in
the future.

Q. 4 What must I take note of from this lesson that I need to consider when planning the next
lesson? (1 short paragraph of 3-4 bullets)

Take note of moments when students were particularly engaged and active. Identify the strategies
or activities that captured their interest and consider incorporating similar elements in the next
lesson. Reflect on how well I managed time during the lesson. Consider whether there were
instances of rushing or if certain activities took longer than anticipated. I will adjust my lesson plan
to ensure a well-paced and balanced session.

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