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Student Name: Micheal Shea

ID: G00395732

Subject: Graphics Topic(s): Revision- Tangents

Pupil Year Group: 2nd No. of Pupils: 5
Lesson Number: 15 Length of lesson: 80 mins
Date: 27/11/23 Time of Lesson: 1:50-3:10


Previous Knowledge

Students have covered several topics this year and now with my co-operating teacher we have
narrowed down topics for revision. Any revision question given should be no issue for the students to
answer as it is only revision and all topics have been covered in detail with the students.

Previous Skills

The students have all the skills required to carry out questions on different topics so can all clearly
read a drawing and follow measurements. Each student is confident in using both set squares, lining
up their page and all capable of using the compass. Each student can complete a drawing ensuring
the drawing is completed in and neat and clear way. Each student is aware of how their sheets should
be lined out.

Teacher Observations

I have noticed that all students seem to be enjoying working together on different questions and
helping each other so in this lesson I will be getting students to collaboratively work together as part
of the revision to get students active and ensure they enjoy the lesson.


Brief outline of WHY this content is the basis of the lesson, and why these teaching KEY*
methodologies were selected- a justification.

In this lesson we will recap on the topic of conic sections and resolve any issues that are RL
arising around the topic for the exam. We will then begin the revision on different tangents
completing two questions in the lesson and assigning one for homework. We will then
complete a lesson recap ensuring students are confident on the topic and prepared to
answer the homework question.
*KEY: RL=Reinforced Learning, NL=New Learning


*KEY: C=Cognitive, PM=Psychomotor, A=Affective

1.4 Appreciate the role of 2D graphics in the creation of solutions

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will Peer Assessment Students will have A
be enabled to: Group Discussion. clarification on the
Have clarification on the chapter of tangents being
chapter of tangents. confident in answering
any questions that will
come up.
1.2 Analyse graphical information for the planning of a 2D solution

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will Questioning Students will be able to C
be enabled to: Visual Inspection. work collaboratively as a
Work collaboratively together to class to complete revision
complete revision questions.

1.4 Appreciate the role of 2D graphics in the creation of solutions

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will Students will have a clear C
be enabled to: Group Discussion. understanding of PM
Complete exam type Peer assessment tangents and be
questions on the topic of Visual inspection confident in answering
tangents. exam type questions
similar to the Christmas




0-3 mins The teacher invites students into Students enter the room in an O
the classroom. orderly fashion and take their seats
The roll call is then taken.

3-10 mins A previous lesson recap is Each pupil will contribute to the CL
completed on the topic of conic class discussion answering and
sections with a class discussion on asking different questions. O
the basic terminology around the
topic of tangents.

The teacher will ask spot fire



10-30 mins The Teacher will hand out the first Students will work with the teacher O
revision sheet on tangents and the to complete the first revision
teacher will complete the question question. MA
using the visualizer with the
Students will work collaboratively CL
to come together to discuss each
Before the teacher shows the step with the teacher.
students the next step, he will
question the students to challenge
them to come up with the answer

30-40 mins The teacher will stop the class and The students will have a discussion CL
discuss each step that was required with the teacher and if any student
to complete the first question and has an issue, they will ask the
to discuss any issues that have teacher.
arisen in the question.

40-60 mins The teacher will then hand out a The students will begin working and O
new revision sheet and this time he if any student is struggling, they will
will instruct the students to begin raise their hand and ask the G
working on the sheet and to treat it teacher.
as an exam type question where
students will not engage with each L
other to test their knowledge on
the topic.

60-70 mins The teacher will then correct the The students will correct the G
second question with the students question with the teacher and then
ensuring it is correctly completed. look at the homework question and L
if any student is struggling on what
The teacher will also and out a 3rd to do they will ask the teacher.
question for homework and go
through the question ensuring each
student can complete it when they
go home.


70-75 mins A lesson recap is completed with Students will answer the teacher’s CL
the class and the teacher ensure questions and contribute to a class MA
everyone is clear on what was discussion.
completed in the lesson.
The teacher will ask the students if
there are any questions arising Any student who has a question will
about tangents and the test. ask the teacher.

75-80 mins The teacher will instruct the Students will clean up and leave in GI
students to tidy up and put all an orderly fashion when instructed
equipment away as well as tidy the by the teacher

*KEY: L=Literacy, N=Numeracy, O=Oracy, G=Graphicacy, SEN=Special Educational Needs, MA=Mixed Ability,
CL= Cooperative Learning, GI=Gender Inclusion & MI=Multicultural Inclusion.


Discover Graphics Book


Revision Questions

Homework Question


Q1. What went well in this lesson today, and why? (1 short paragraph or 3-4 bullets)

Getting the students to tell me the steps to draw rather than me sitting at the top of the room
drawing out the question and getting the students to follow me was a lot more beneficial for
the students as they had to think of the steps required to complete the questions and think
back on the different processes required to complete the question rather than just watching me
complete a question and for them to copy it.
Q.2 What did not go as well as expected in this lesson today, and why? (1 short paragraph or 3-4

One student had completed the second question quicker than the others and I had not prepared
an extra question like previous lessons for him so I had to instruct him to look at the topic in the
book and ensure that he had clarification on the different methods I could see that he did not
enjoy this task as much as he would if he was completing an extra questions, I have taken note
of this and will be fully prepared for any other lesson.

Q. 3. What might I have done to improve the standard of this lesson? (1 short paragraph or 3-4

To improve this lesson, I would have challenged the students to complete 3 questions in the 80
minutes just to see how students would cope under time pressure as in the exam students are
required to complete 4 questions in an hour and a half so it would have been good to see how
students would manage the 3 questions in the class time.

Q. 4 What must I take note of from this lesson that I need to consider when planning the next
lesson? (1 short paragraph of 3-4 bullets)

 Always have an extra question prepared.

 Challenge the students more.
 Keep using groupwork and discussions.

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