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Maureece Audrey M. Datuon MRS.

11 HE1 3A 9/5/23

I've always wanted to be a pastry chef since I was a child, which is why I'm
pursuing it. Based on my personal interests, abilities, and values, I envision myself
as a professional Pastry chef in the future, creating a wide variety of different types
of sweets with style and passion. I'm going to develop a new dessert that
everybody is going to love.

I been determined which profession I'll follow in the future, the one I truly
desire. I'll put a lot of effort into my studies, perform everything as if I were a true
professional, and take every action possible to help me realize my ambition. I'm
optimistic that I am going to encounter numerous problems, particularly after
graduating from senior high school. I will be challenged with real-world, and
unforeseen challenges. Nevertheless since problems are temporary, I'll tackle them
all head-on and keep pushing forward to fulfill my life's purpose, and that is to be a
successful chef.

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