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I agree with Andrew that the idea of very young children playing educational computer games is inappropriate

because it may have negative effect on children’s health. It is evident that children aged from 2 to 8 years haven’t
developed their bodies completely especially for eyes and brains. Watching screens for a long time can cause
short-sighted eyes. The emissions of blue lights can also interfere with children’s growing. Besides, children who
have young age are also lack of basic self-control. So it is easy for them to get addicted to “video games”, which
makes them achieve opposite purpose. Kids may spend hours playing the games and forget other important
things to do. This could bring negative effect on their mental health as well. For instance, my young cousin who
is only 7 years old is allowed to use electronic devices to study everyday. He could learn English words and
reading English passages with it. However, he often spend a lot of time on the devices. As soon as he arrive at
home after school, he rushed to his room and gets his iPad and plays for hours. He is totally attracted by
fantastic design of those study apps with reward mechanism or competition. My aunt is worried because he
seldom comes out except having meals. He also talks less and stays alone. After a few months, my cousin’s
shortsightedness went from 100 degrees to 200 degrees. He has to wear thick glasses everyday.

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