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Lesson Plan Planning Form

Name of Activity: Making a grocery list

Originating Idea: Children will look at different grocery store ads and pick out things

they normally buy with their parents at the grocery store. After they pick out their food

they will glue them to their paper making a shopping list.

Curriculum Area

Choose 1: Name Area & KDI

A. Approaches to Learning

B. Social and Emotional Development

C. Physical Development and Health

D. Communication, Language, and Literacy- 20 Exploring print

E. Cognitive Development

F. Creative Arts

Materials: grocery ad, paper and glue

Appropriate Age group: toddlers

Beginning of Activity

Teachers will place cut out pieces from the grocery store add of pictures of food for children to
explore and talk about the different foods they buy at home.

Middle of Activity

Early: Children will grab all pictures in front of them and with the teachers help glue them to
their paper

Middle: Children will pick out things they buy from the grocery store and attempt to glue them to
their paper on their own.

Later: Children will pick out foods they have at home and glue them to the paper on their own.

End of Activity
5 more minute song will begin

Follow-up Ideas

● Magazines
● Books

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