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Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

Department of Teacher Education

Form 11

Educ. 402 – Practice Teaching Rating Sheet

(Teaching Demonstration)

Name: ______________________________ Date: _______________ _Time: _____________

School: _________________________________________Subject: _____________________________

Areas of Concern % Rating Comments & Suggestions

I. Student Teacher’s Personality 10%

II. Lesson Planning 20%

III. Mastery of the Content 20%

IV. Approaches, Methods & Techniques 20%

V. Instructional Materials 10%

VI. Communication / Questioning Skills 10%

VII. Classroom Management 10%

Total %- 100%

Point Grade
CT /Rater – Name & Signature

Percentage = Point Grade:

98- 100 - 1.0 88 - 1.7 81 - 2.4

97- 96 - 1.1 87 - 1.8 80 - 2.5
95- 94 - 1.2 86 -1.9 79 - 2.6
93-92 - 1.3 85 - 2.0 78 - 2.7
91 - 1.4 84 - 2.1 77 - 2.8
90 - 1.5 83 - 2.2 76 - 2.9
89 - 1.6 82 - 2.3 75 - 3.0
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

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