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Hailey J Bibian

January 20th 2024

Prescription paper
My current wellness is very active. I go to the gym Monday through Thursday for

at least an hour, but don't have a healthy diet plan. Since my career path, I need to be

very fit and athletic. I could improve my health by sleeping on time, not staying up late,

and having a healthy diet. The importance of sustaining a healthy lifestyle is ensuring

you have plenty of rest, which is getting 8 or 7 hours of sleep every night.

Another thing is ensuring you are active and not just stationary; you want to get a

run at least or walk in daily. Lastly, have a decently healthy diet plan to help you

maintain a healthy lifestyle. The three goals of improving your health are eating whole

foods. It's scientifically proven that eating a whole meal is better than a snack, and you

may ask because your body tends to gain more weight when snacking rather than

eating a meal. The second goal is to drink water since this aids with food digestion,

controls your weight, and clears your skin. Yes, people may believe drinking water isn't

that helpful when, in reality, drinking water can help you fight off infections; just taking

care of your body in general, you can be surprised at how little you'll get sick. And for

our last goal, getting the right amount of nutrition can help your exercise and other

health benefits; it can genuinely help your body.

Take it from someone who didn't like taking care of themselves and was just

naive with my health until I got very sick and had to go to the ER. Finally, I am getting

the right amount of sleep, having a healthier diet plan, and having the proper nutrition.

No matter what, take care of yourself and your body because that is your temple, and

no one knows you better than yourself.

Hailey J Bibian

January 20th 2024

In conclusion, remember to put yourself first at times and realize if you are taking

care of your body by getting the proper nutrients, getting enough sleep, stopping

yourself from snacking, and eating whole meals. Go by the three goals on how to

improve your current health lifestyle, and also remember there are not just three goals;

there's a variety of other healthy goals to improve your health.

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