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Opportunities for foldable backpack with posture corrector

 Improve overall product quality

In a world of fierce competition, companies must aim to get the attention

of possible customers to guarantee the sale of their products. Ensuring long-term profitability
and sales growth mostly depends on improving the quality of the products offered. Even though
improving product quality is an uphill battle, organizations who do so benefit from lower
expenses and more income Writer, S. (2024). The quality of a product significantly influences
customer satisfaction and repurchase interest, with satisfaction acting as a mediator in this
positive and significant relationship Sihite, J. et al. (2022). Companies have to come up with
creative ideas for every part of their business all the time in order to achieve this. By doing this,
it will improve the product's overall quality and enable it operate effectively for its intended
purpose. The researcher evaluates how these chances can boost the company's competitiveness
and provide it an edge over competitors in the bags market.

 Engagement on social media platform

According to Shawky et al. (2019), the majority of programs used Facebook and
other social media networks to disseminate content to their targeted audiences. With this
content-based strategy, we hoped to raise awareness, establish a connection with the audience,
and reach people who would be more difficult to interact with traditional media. Few shows
used social media to build support networks for their viewers or to promote advocacy for their
initiatives; instead, it was largely used as an extension of traditional media. As a result, there is
potential and ability to expand the brand across platforms in order to gain market share. That
will allow for the generation of increased revenue, which is advantageous for the company using
Shopee, Tiktok, and Facebook Marketplace to their full potential.

 Growing Health Awareness

In today's competitive market, conducting a SWOT analysis is crucial for businesses to
understand their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. One of the opportunities
that can be identified through a SWOT analysis of foldable backpacks is the growing health
awareness among consumers (Abdissa et al., 2018). This presents an opportunity for foldable
backpack companies to market their products as a healthy and convenient option for individuals
looking to incorporate fitness and wellness into their daily. This opportunity is supported by the
increasing trend of people prioritizing their physical and mental well-being, as well as the rising
popularity of activities such as hiking, biking, and outdoor workouts. Additionally, the foldable
nature of these backpacks allows for easy storage and transportation, making them attractive to
individuals who are constantly on the go and value portability.

 Travel Convenience

Foldable backpacks and their ability to provide travel convenience present a significant
opportunity in the market. This opportunity is linked to the high demand for portable and
versatile travel accessories, as illustrated in the SWOT analysis of travel gear companies.
Furthermore, the trend of minimalist and sustainable travel has created a growing need for
compact and space-saving products like foldable backpacks. These backpacks offer the
advantage of being lightweight and easy to pack, making them ideal for frequent travelers or
those who value convenience and efficiency (Backpack Travel Bag Market Trends, Size & Share,

 Collaborations and Partnership

In today's competitive market, collaborations and partnerships can present great opportunities
for the success of a product like the foldable backpack with posture corrector. By joining forces
with other companies or organizations, the foldable backpack company can leverage their
expertise and resources to improve their product and expand their reach. Collaborations and
partnerships allow the company to tap into new markets, access new distribution channels, and
gain credibility through associations with established brands or industry experts. Furthermore,
collaborations and partnerships can facilitate research and development, leading to
technological advancements and innovations in the foldable backpack with posture corrector. By
collaborating and partnering with other companies, the foldable backpack company can benefit
from shared expertise, resources, and networks. This can result in improved process efficiency,
offering flexibility, business synergy, quality, and innovation for the foldable backpack with
posture corrector (Cao & Zhang, 2008).

 Customization and Personalization

The posture corrector-equipped foldable backpack is a unique instrument that blends comfort
and utility. Through biomechanical evaluations, designers can guarantee that the backpack offers
the best possible comfort and support for its users. Furthermore, manufacturers can
accommodate individual preferences and demands by designing the backpack with elements
that allow for customization. This element of personalization and customization can enhance the
product's worth and set it apart from rivals in the market. These advantages can include the
capacity to track and analyze the user's movements and habits, to recommend corrective
exercises based on their individual needs, and to monitor posture in real-time. This degree of
personalization and customization not only improves the user experience but also enables
targeted marketing and product development Prasad & Venkatesham, (2021).
 Online and Retail Store Channel
An opportunity for the folding backpack with posture corrector is to have both an online and
physical store. The folding backpack with posture corrector can reach a larger audience and take
advantage of the worldwide market by having an online store. For many customers, online
shopping has become their favorite way to make purchases because it's convenient and allows
them to compare products and pricing. Furthermore, the folding backpack with posture
corrector can be easily accessed and purchased from an online store, which may draw clients
who value the convenience of doing their shopping from home. However, having a physical store
gives clients a more concrete and hands-on experience (Recommendations for Development of
Online bookstore in Indonesia: a Review from Writer's Perspective, 2014).

 Innovation in wearable technology

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REVIEW FROM WRITER’S PERSPECTIVE. Journal of Computer Science, 10(8), 1522–1530.

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