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Department of Education

Region X
Division of Bukidnon
Sankanan, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon

Psychological First Aid Training

The Division Office of Deped Bukidnon conducted a Psychological First Aid

Training for Teacher Responders in six batches this year in preparation for the
coming school year 2022-2023. Manolo Fortich III District participants were
scheduled during the 4th batch of the trainings which was held on May 26-27, 2022
at The Veranda in Malaybalay City. Ma’am Iris Joy Lee P. Genise, the Guidance
Counselor-Designate was the school’s delegate of the said training.

Various topics on Psychological First Aid were discussed during the training.
It was a fun-filled training as participants were required to do role play and group
simulations in order to get acquainted with their role as responders. They also got
to play the role of children in distress and get a feel of what it is like to be
distressed or to be in trouble.

It is important to note that as teachers, and as second parents, we should be

observant of our students’ behavior in the school and in the classrooms. We should
be quick to identify students who are in distress and in need of aid. It is also
important to remember that we can only do so much for our students and that we
can always refer these students to professionals (medical) who can better take care
of them as the needs arise or as the cases may be.

Sankanan National High School

Address: Sankanan, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon
Contact No: 0916-255-7191
Email Address:,
Sankanan NHS delegate, Ma’am Iris Joy Lee P. Genise and participants from
Plantation CES and Manolo Fortich NHS.

Round table discussions with the group mates.

Sankanan National High School

Address: Sankanan, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon
Contact No: 0916-255-7191
Email Address:,
Participants from the four districts of Manolo Fortich receiving
the certificates.

Sankanan National High School

Address: Sankanan, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon
Contact No: 0916-255-7191
Email Address:,

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