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I‭n the life there are many types of music, some of them is the tecno and phonk music‬
‭and the brabie music too, which are types of music that i like it. Why? Good, the‬
‭answer is very simple, have to see with society at this time because the networks‬
‭help the music to which many people listen to it but, although music keep moving‬
‭forward I will always listen the same music because I love it.‬

‭ he festivals are always very important places to listen music and have fun. I would‬
‭like going to some festivals. I know that I have never gone to a festival but, when I‬
‭was older than my actually age I promise that I will be in a festival with my friends or‬
‭my family and I will have fun a lot and never I would regret it going to a festival,‬

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