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Competitiveness is a positive

quality for people in most

How does competition affect
Is it a positive or negative

I. Opening
1 – Context
a. It is widely recognized that society is
b. The dynamics of societal structures are
in a state of perpetual evolution,
responding to both internal shifts and
external influences.

2 – Narrow the topic (change ->

a. One of the most remarkable
developments has been the
exponential increase in global
population and, by extension, rising
b. One particularly noteworthy evolution
is the substantial growth in global
population, which results in an
escalation in competitive dynamics.

3 – Paraphrase
In light of this, competitiveness is being
considered a desirable personality trait.
Competitiveness has emerged as a sought-
after characteristic

4 – Answer
In this essay, I am going to demonstrate the
various effects that the fierce rivalry today
has on people before showing how this is a
positive trend.
II. Body
Body 1
Topic sentence:
An increasingly competitive society invaribly
affects individuals in numerous ways.
Idea 1: First, it catalyzes individuals to
relentlessly strive for enhanced
competence and superiority.
Act as a catalyst for somebody to do
A is incompetent
Be superior to sth
This situation manifests itself most starkly in
the job market.
As employment is becoming scarce/ few,
job seekers find themselves compelled to
acquire a diverse array of skills and pursue
advanced qualifications, all in the pursuit of
gaining a competitive edge over their peers.

Body 2
Conversely, the mounting tide of
competitiveness also imposes a significant
stress burden on individuals.
Tidal (adj)
Mounting tide of
Perpetual (adj)
Impose (v)
Impose a burden
Eg. Vietnam's university admission
examination perfectly exemplifies this
Because students have to vie with each
other for a place in college, they have to
take many cram classes in tandem with
their regular schooling. The process of
preparing for the placement exam is thus
very mentally taxing for them.

Body 3 (which one is greater)

TOPIC SENTENCE: Despite the palpable
stress that heightened/increasing
competition induces, I firmly believe that
its downsides are far eclipsed/outweighed
by the benefits it engenders.
 Hearing loss is often induced by exposure
to loud noise.
 A.Unhealthy eating habits lead to/cause/
result in obesity
 B. Obesity is undoubtedly induced by
unhealthy diet
 Wholesome diet
 Heavy workload is a part of stressful
modern lifestyle
 Heavy workload invariably contributes to
people suffering from stress

IDEA 1: The rationale for this perspective

lies in the simple truth that competitiveness
acts as a powerful catalyst for progress.

EXAMPLE: Take, for instance, the corporate

world. Amidst cut-throat rivalry,
organizations are continually compelled to
innovate and elevate their offerings, giving
employers access to an unprecedentedly
skilled workforce.
This is a boon to innovation, economic
growth, and society is better off as a result.

III. Conclusion
In conclusion, the increasing competition
witnessed in contemporary society may be
a source of added pressure, yet it also
inspires increased capability and resilience
in individuals. When balanced on the scales
of overall societal benefit, the advantages
conferred by this trend far surpass the

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Use the vocabulary and phrases list to

complete the following sentences:

1. The _______________ of technology has

drastically changed our lifestyle.
2. With the _______________ in the job
market, it's become essential to stand out
from the crowd.
3. Hard work and perseverance are
_______________ for success in any field.
4. To succeed in the 21st century, people
are _______________ digital skills.
5. The digital revolution _______________
in all sectors of society.
6. Given the _______________, students
are feeling more pressure than ever to
7. The _______________ from the multiple
tasks was overwhelming.
8. The rise of online learning platforms has
created an _______________.
9. The _______________ of modern life can
sometimes be overwhelming.
10. Despite the challenges, the
_______________ the benefits of pursuing
higher education.
Exercise 2: Synonym and Antonym

Match the word or phrase with its synonym

and antonym:

1. Perpetual evolution
2. Escalation in competitive dynamics
3. Sought-after characteristic
4. Diverse array of skills
5. Palpable stress
6. Downsides are far eclipsed
7. Powerful catalyst for progress
8. Unprecedentedly skilled workforce
9. Inspires increased capability and
10. Advantages conferred

Exercise 3: Multiple Choice

Choose the best option to fill in the blank:

1. As society moves towards a(n)

_______________, the need for a
sustainable approach becomes more
a) escalation in competitive dynamics
b) perpetual evolution
c) palpable stress

2. The software developer

_______________ a new programming
language to stay relevant in his field.
a) sought-after characteristic
b) compelled to acquire
c) downsides are far eclipsed
3. The rising popularity of health
consciousness has _______________ in the
organic food industry.
a) mounting tide of competitiveness
b) palpable stress
c) powerful catalyst for progress

4. Despite facing various challenges, she is

a(n) _______________, constantly learning
and adapting to new situations.
a) inspires increased capability and
b) unprecedentedly skilled workforce
c) source of added pressure

5. Due to the technology boom, we now

have a(n) _______________ who can
operate sophisticated machinery.
a) diverse array of skills
b) mounting tide of competitiveness
c) unprecedentedly skilled workforce

6. The _______________ of making

healthier choices outweigh the temporary
pleasure of junk food.
a) advantages conferred
b) palpable stress
c) downsides are far eclipsed

7. For an entrepreneur, a(n)

_______________ is the willingness to take
a) mounting tide of competitiveness
b) sought-after characteristic
c) source of added pressure
8. The _______________ on students
during examination periods can affect their
mental health.
a) perpetual evolution
b) palpable stress
c) escalation in competitive dynamics

9. The _______________ by a university

degree can lead to better job opportunities.
a) advantages conferred
b) powerful catalyst for progress
c) inspires increased capability and

10. His resilience and dedication

_______________, despite facing numerous
a) far surpass the drawbacks
b) source of added pressure
c) acts as a powerful catalyst for progress

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