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San Francisco St. Butuan City 8600, Region XIII

Caraga, Philippines
Nursing Program



I. Description
Our first duty rotation in a children's special needs facility provided a wide range of
interesting experiences in a rich and diverse environment. The facility itself was colorful, filled
with vibrant artwork, and provided with specialized equipment designed to meet the various
requirements of the children. Each child we came across had unique qualities, skills, and
difficulties that added to the vibrant atmosphere of the place. There was a collaborative vibe,
with medical experts from different specialties collaborating to provide children with a safe and
welcoming environment. Every child's unique needs were taken into consideration while
designing the daily schedule and activities, resulting in an atmosphere that put the development
and well-being of the children first.

II. Feelings
I felt a mix of anticipation and nervousness, unsure of how to approach and interact with
children with such varied requirements. However, as I engaged with them, my feelings evolved
into deep admiration for their resilience and the dedication of the healt hcare team. The
collaborative nature of the interdisciplinary team was instrumental in addressing the
multifaceted needs of these children. There were moments of joy and fulfillment when seeing
the progress and achievements of the children, as well as moments of empathy and compassion
when faced with the complexities of their conditions.

III. Evaluation
When We first arrived at the children's special needs facility for our first duty rotation, I
felt a mix of excitement and fear. It was challenging to engage with the children because of their
wide range of requirements, but as I got to know them, I began to deeply value their uniqueness
and determination. The response from the team of specialists was encouraging and cooperative,
creating a welcoming environment. Overall, the experience was helpful, emphasizing the
significance of a comprehensive strategy, cooperative cooperation, and ongoing education in the
field of special needs.

IV. Analysis
In reflecting on my duty in the children's special needs facility, it is evident that the initial
apprehension gave way to a deeper understanding and appreciation for the unique challenges
and strengths of each child. The collaborative response of the interdisciplinary team fostered a
positive and inclusive atmosphere, aligning with the principles of effective teamwork in

V. Conclusion
In conclusion, this rotation has been a profound learning experience, enriching my
perspective on healthcare for children with special needs. It reinforced the idea that every child
is unique, requiring an individualized approach for optimal care. As an action, I am inspired to
advocate for inclusivity in healthcare, emphasizing the importance of ongoing education for
healthcare professionals to better understand and address the diverse needs of children with
special needs. This experience has not only enhanced my clinical skills but also instilled a
commitment to fostering a more inclusive and compassionate healthcare environment.

VI. Action Plan (support with literature)

To better equip myself for similar events in the future, I plan to proactively engage in
continuous education and training programs focused on special needs healthcare. I am inspired
to advocate for inclusivity in healthcare, emphasizing the importance of ongoing education for
healthcare professionals to better understand and address the diverse needs of children with
special needs.
San Francisco St. Butuan City 8600, Region XIII
Caraga, Philippines
Nursing Program



VII. Description
Our last week of duty rotation in a children's special needs facility was a deeply reflective
and transformative experience. Engaging with the children over the course of the week brought
a heightened awareness of the diverse needs, abilities, and unique qualities of each child. Having
our culmination activity underscored the progress and achievements of the children, evoking a
profound sense of fulfillment and joy.

VIII. Feelings
In the last week of duty rotation in a child with special needs facility elicited a spectrum
of emotions. There were moments of reflection that revealed a recognition of the challenges and
areas for improvement, particularly in communication strategies. Overall, the emotional journey
of the week encompassed a blend of empathy, joy, reflection, and a renewed commitment to
providing compassionate and inclusive care to children with special needs.

IX. Evaluation
Our last week of duty rotation in a children's special needs facility highlights several
positive aspects and areas for improvement. The culmination activity successfully showcased the
children's achievements, creating a celebratory and inclusive atmosphere. This evaluation
emphasizes the value of continuous learning and flexibility in improving our strategies for
offering comprehensive, child-centered care to children with special needs. In the future, the
evaluation's insights will guide attempts to improve communication and raise the standard of
care in comparable situations.

X. Analysis
Our last week experience in a children's special needs facility reveals a nuanced
understanding of the strengths and challenges within the healthcare setting. The positive
aspects, such as interdisciplinary collaboration and the successful culmination activity,
underscore the importance of teamwork and the celebration of each child's unique

XI. Conclusion
In conclusion, it has been a transformative journey, marked by a rich tapestry of
experiences and emotions. The positive aspects, including interdisciplinary collaboration and the
celebratory culmination activity, reflect the dedication of the healthcare team and the resili ence
of the children. As we move forward, the lessons learned from this week will guide our efforts to
enhance communication, adaptability, and overall quality of care, ensuring a more impactful and
supportive healthcare experience for both the children and their families.

XII. Action Plan

To better equip myself for similar events in the future, it involves getting more training
on how to communicate effectively with children who have special needs. This could include
learning new techniques and understanding non-verbal signals. We'll also focus on improving
teamwork by having regular meetings with the healthcare team and finding better ways to share
information. Using a more straightforward documentation system and getting feedback from
colleagues and families will help us continuously improve how we communicate and provide the
best possible care for the children with special needs.

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