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Kelsy Abreu 1014-1279

Studying Business Administration with a specialization in International Business has

provided me with a multifaceted understanding of global commerce and strategic
management. Then, in this program, I have delved into courses that explore the complexities
of cross-border transactions; in addition, I've tackled international marketing strategies and
the nuances of managing culturally diverse teams. The exposure to case studies and
real-world scenarios has equipped me with the analytical skills necessary for navigating the
challenges inherent in the global business landscape. Furthermore, coursework has
emphasized the importance of staying abreast of international economic trends, trade policies,
and geopolitical factors that impact decision-making in the corporate world. Therefore, as I
progress through my studies, I am confident that this comprehensive education in Business
Administration, with a focus on the international dimension, will empower me to contribute
effectively to the dynamic and interconnected realm of global business.

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