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Steam Engine

Steam engine is a machine that uses steam to produce power. It

was invented by Thomas Newcomen in 1712 and later improved
by James Watt in the 18th century. The steam engine played a
significant role in the Industrial Revolution, powering machines
and trains.
The basic principle of a steam engine is to use the force of steam
to move pistons or turbines, which then generate mechanical
power. The steam is created by heating water in a boiler until it
turns into steam. The steam is then directed into a cylinder where
it pushes a piston back and forth. This movement is then
converted into rotational motion to power a machine or a train.
Steam engines have been used in various industries, such as
mining, agriculture, transportation, and manufacturing. They
have greatly contributed to the development of modern
technology and infrastructure.
In conclusion, the steam engine is an important invention that
has shaped the world we live in today. It has revolutionized the
way we work and travel, and its impact can still be seen in many
aspects of our daily lives.

internal combustion engine

An internal combustion engine is a type of engine that generates
power by burning fuel inside a combustion chamber. This type
of engine is commonly used in cars, motorcycles, and many
other vehicles.
The basic principle of an internal combustion engine is to mix
fuel and air inside a cylinder, then ignite the mixture to create a
controlled explosion. This explosion pushes a piston, which then
turns a crankshaft, generating mechanical power. This power is
used to move the vehicle and perform other functions.
Internal combustion engines can run on various types of fuel,
such as gasoline, diesel, or natural gas. They are known for their
efficiency and ability to provide high power output, making them
popular for transportation and other applications.
In conclusion, the internal combustion engine is an important
invention that has revolutionized transportation and many other
industries. It has made it possible for people to travel long
distances quickly and efficiently, and it continues to play a
crucial role in our modern world.

A computer is an electronic device that can process and store
information. It can perform various tasks, such as calculations,
data processing, and communication. Computers come in
different shapes and sizes, from desktop computers to laptops,
tablets, and smartphones.
The basic components of a computer include a central processing
unit (CPU), memory, storage, input devices (like a keyboard and
mouse), and output devices (like a monitor or printer). These
components work together to perform different functions and
Computers can run different types of software, such as word
processors, spreadsheets, and games. They can also connect to
the internet, allowing users to access a vast amount of
information and communicate with others around the world.
Computers have become an essential tool in many aspects of our
lives, from education and work to entertainment and
communication. They have greatly improved our ability to
process information and have opened up new possibilities for
learning and creativity.
In conclusion, the computer is a versatile and powerful tool that
has transformed the way we live and work. It has become an
indispensable part of modern life, and its impact can be seen in
almost every aspect of our daily activities.

Q1 :In what century did the steam engine appear?

A . 19 B, 18
Q2 : What are the raw materials of internal combustion

A , gasoline, diesel, natural gas B , coal

Q3 : What is CPU written in full?

A, central processing unit B , computer unit

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