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I want to thank my heavenly father and my parents salomon and Marilu thanks

to them because they have been my support, thanks to my teachers for their

pacient whit me and my partners of class, and every friend who wanted the

best for me, this project is dedicated to my daughter Dayanara, she is my

reason for my improvement.

Thanks to the teem of master key are a good professional.

Eternally grateful for your teaching…


currently many people want to learn English, in our country only a small

percentage of people speak English precisely, the institutions are requiring

people with a basic level of English to work, in the schools, college and

universities the teaching of English is compulsory in The students and it is

fundamental that it is approved, but not all students insist on learning it

completely, many people who want to learn English cannot because paying for

a private course is very expensive, for them this project will aim to make

people know What are the free English study platforms and their requirements

to be able to have them within reach? Also, which of these platforms meets all

the necessary teaching to obtain a good level of English, we will know the

best free online platform.

actualmente muchas personas quieren aprender ingles, en nuestro pais solo un pequeño porcentaje de personas hablan

ingles de forma precisa, las instituciones estan requieriendo personas con un nivel de ingles basico para trabajar, en las

escuelas, colegios y universidades la enseñanza del ingles es obligatoria en los alumnos y fundamental que sea aprobada,

pero no todos los estudiantes se empeñan en aprenderlo completamente, muchas personas que desean aprender ingles no

pueden debido a que pagar un curso particular es costoso, para ellos este proyecto tendra como objetivo dar a conocer a

las personas cuales osn las plataformas de estudio de ingles gratis y sus requisitos para poder tenerlas al alcanze ademas

cual de estas plataformas cumple con todo lo necesario de enseñanza para obtener un buen nivel de ingles, conoceremos la

mejor plataforma online gratis

General objetive

 identify the best free online English learning platform that contains all

the requirements for language learning

specific objective

 identify the English language learning index and the position that our

country occupies.

 analyze the different free online platforms and their computer


 determine the most comprehensive learning platform for language

learning that contains all the essential features for free


For a correct learning methodology it is based on the fact that it is the most
natural way to learn a new language, use free time not only for reading and
identifying words, but also developing spoken skills through singing and
repetitions of phrases from our novels or favorite series

Establishing a routine or time for English at home can help make it a habit. To
do this, you can start with a series of phrases or songs in this language that
indicate that it is time to dedicate some time to English. With varied, fun and
short sessions, of no more than 15 minutes for the little ones, it will be easier
for you to keep the attention and interest of our children.

Importance English

English is an important language for all kinds of professional and personal

purposes. Whether you are just starting to study it or need motivation to
continue, understanding the importance of the language will help you achieve
fluency and change your life
Grammar and translation method.

This has traditionally been the method used to learn the classical languages. It

basically consists of learning the grammar rules of the language and

translating texts. Nowadays it is not normal that it is used to teach a modern

language. However, in part, it is similar to the method chosen, unknowingly,

by some people who learn a language only by listening to songs and

translating its lyrics.

Audio-lingual method.

It is based on the repetition of words, phrases or dialogues. The students

learn, in this way, to speak and listen, leaving for when the knowledge is

acquired, the skills of reading or writing. Grammar is not studied since it is

taken for granted that it is learned naturally.

Communicative approach.
More than a methodology, it is a way of seeing learning. Part of the idea that
language is used, basically, for communication between people and the
objective is, therefore, to improve all the aspects included in this
communication. All skills are given importance and grammar also plays a role
in the teaching process. It is a method that places special emphasis on
interaction and the use of language in real situations.

Online platform

Most websites to learn English allow you to adapt to your level, your time or
even your age. There are resources for any user and you will only have to take
a look at each one of them to decide.

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