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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Davao del Sur
Bangkal, Matanao, Davao del Sur


In the heart of a place called Matanao nga Matahum, where the land is
so beautiful it takes your breath away, there's a magical Christmas star lantern
that's truly special. Imagine a big star made with colorful bits and pieces,
showing how clever and skilled Matanao people are in creating beautiful
But here's the amazing part: surrounding this dazzling star is a circle
made from disposable cups that usually hold your morning coffee! Imagine the
cup, once a vessel for sipping a morning brew, now transformed into a sun-
shaped curved gently outward, mimicking the sun's radiant energy in full
bloom, a symbol of brilliance and creativity. It shows how people in Matanao
care about the Earth by recycling and using things in new ways.
This star is not just pretty; it's like a storyteller. Along the edges, colorful
patterns tell tales of the rolling hills, the green fields, and the peaceful waters
of Matanao nga Matahum. It's like the lantern holds the secrets and beauty of
this amazing place.When the sun sets and darkness fills the sky, this solar
lantern lights up. It's like a symbol of hope and togetherness for everyone in
the community. It's not just a decoration; it's a special treasure that brings joy
and reminds everyone of their unity and the beauty of their traditions.
May this radiant Christmas star lantern in Matanao bring warmth to
your heart and fill your days with joy. Merry Christmas to everyone!

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