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1. What are the reasons why most of the people migrates in the countries listed above?

The majority of people migrate to first-world nations for the following reasons: a
lack of employment opportunities, the unattractiveness of agricultural pursuits, natural
disasters and other conditions, such as frequent flooding and typhoons, a lack of basic
amenities, including roads, electricity, drinking and clean water, and inadequate health
care facilities; industrial ventures in some countries have also encouraged international
migration; the prospect of a good life.

2. What are the benefits they get when they live here?

Most migrants make the decision to leave their home country in order to raise their
standard of living. Higher pay, greater job prospects, a higher standard of living, and
educational opportunities are some economic factors driving migration.

C. CONCLUSION: If you were given a chance to migrate in which country you would
like to go? Why? Defend your answer.

If I were given the chance to migrate, the country I would like to go to is in Spain.
Why? Because of Gaudi's architecture, I want to visit his famous works, such as the La
Sagrada Familia and Barcelona, Spain. It is one of the countries with the best -paying
cities for architects.

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