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S.Y. 2023-2024

“A Time Out From School”

Name: Yap, Isabella Gabrielle Date: February 14, 2024

Grade and Section: 12 STEM A Score: ___________

Instruction: Engage in a chosen indoor or outdoor recreational activity. Take

a photo of yourself or with your family while enjoying the activity. Please wear
proper attire to avoid any accidents. Perform warm up prior to the activity.
Afterwards, please fill up the needed information below. This activity may be
printed or handwritten in an A4 size bond paper.

1. Recreational Activity (Indoor or


Indoor and Outdoor

2. Name of Activity:


3. List the necessary preparation for

the said activity

● Camera Equipment: Ensure your

camera is in good condition,
with sufficient battery life and
memory space. Carry additional
lenses or accessories if needed.
● Research and Planning:
Understand the event or location you'll be photographing. Know the
schedule, key participants, and significant moments to anticipate.
● Weather Considerations: Check the weather forecast to prepare for
outdoor shoots. Pack accordingly with protective gear for both yourself
and your camera.
● Permissions and Releases: If applicable, obtain necessary permissions to
photograph people or private events. Have release forms on hand,
especially for public dissemination.
● Backup Plans: Always have a backup plan for unexpected situations,
such as equipment malfunctions or changes in the event schedule.
● Storage and Organization: Bring sufficient memory cards and storage
devices. Keep your equipment organized for quick access during
crucial moments.

4. What have you realized while engaging in your chosen recreational


Photography as a recreational activity has offered profound

realizations. Firstly, it has heightened my observation skills, making me
more attuned to details and moments that might have gone
unnoticed. Secondly, it has reinforced the importance of perspective,
as each photograph tells a unique story depending on the viewpoint.
Additionally, the activity has cultivated patience, as capturing the
perfect shot often requires waiting for the right moment. Lastly, the joy
of reliving memories through captured images has emphasized the
significance of cherishing life's fleeting moments and finding beauty in
the ordinary. Overall, engaging in photography as a recreational
pursuit has become a source of creativity, mindfulness, and a unique
way of connecting with the world.
S.Y. 2023-2024

“A Time Out From School”

Name: Cabrillos, Angel Anne Lorraine C. Date: February 14, 2024

Grade and Section: 12 STEM A Score: ___________

Instruction: Engage in a chosen indoor or outdoor recreational activity. Take a photo of

yourself or with your family while enjoying the activity. Please wear proper attire to avoid
any accidents. Perform warm up prior to the activity. Afterwards, please fill up the needed
information below. This activity may be printed or handwritten in an A4 size bond paper.

1. Recreational Activity (Indoor or Outdoor):


2. Name of Activity:


3. List the necessary preparation for the said


● Safety Gear: Ensure you have appropriate

safety gear, including a helmet, gloves, and if

required, a racing suit.

● Comfortable Clothing: Wear comfortable

clothes and closed-toe shoes suitable for


● Reservation: Check if reservations are required

and make one in advance if needed.

● Understand Rules and Regulations: Familiarize yourself with the go-karting facility's

rules and regulations.

● Health Considerations: Ensure you are in good health and physically able to

participate in the activity.

● Weather Check: If outdoor go-karting, check the weather forecast to dress


● Payment and Identification: Bring any required payment and identification for


4. What have you realized while engaging in your chosen recreational activity?

Engaging in go-karting revealed several insights. Firstly, it highlighted the

importance of focus and concentration, as navigating the track at high speeds

demands attention to detail and quick decision-making. Secondly, it provided a sense

of thrill and adrenaline, showcasing the significance of embracing enjoyable and

exhilarating activities for overall well-being. Additionally, the activity underscored

the value of safety precautions, emphasizing the need for responsible and mindful

participation in recreational pursuits. Overall, go-karting served as a reminder of the

joy that comes from combining skill, speed, and a sense of adventure in a controlled

and safe environment.

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