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Michelle Magdaon Moral

BSTM / M301


Friday in the morning January 13th 2024 we have an TOURISM MANAGEMENT EXPO AND SEMINAR
2024 in STI COLLEGE GLOBAL CITY. It was very tiring day to all Tourism Management Student because
that day we are tired from finishing our booth for the event, I woke up early because we have three
seminars to attend one of these is the Tour and Travel Management. The guest speaker was Mr. Mark
Bryan Rapanut CEO / President in MBR 888 TRAVEL AND TOURS INC. Mr. Mark was good at explaining,
then he speak very energetically, it’s just sad because I feel that the students disrespect him because
while he is explaining there are some of the students who are noisy and some are sleeping but even
tough he speaks in front of an smile on the lips and explained the topic properly about Tour Package, I
got a lot of ideas and knowledge about his speech during the seminar. I know that someday it will be
useful to me as a Tourism Student who want to work in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry. Having
that kind of seminar is an advantage for the student because you will get a lot of knowledge even you
don’t have any experiences to that field. I know that every word from the speaker Mr. Mark will be very
useful for our future way to enter on the real field of Tourism and Hospitality Industry, I already know
that I will face a lot of struggles to take before I enter that kind of industry, but that seminar is a valuable
experience for me as a Tourism Student seeking a knowledge about the field I want to enter in future.

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