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CSE2115 Software Enginee… LS

Strengths How to improve

Felt like you were the most Maybe let others take some
invested in the project and the more issues for themselves, but
effort you put into this clearly this is in no way a critic. I was
shows in the contribution and in glad we had someone working
the quality of your work. Could on everything, no matter how
not have asked for a better and difficult it got at times.
more engaged teammate. The
time you put into designing and
refining our code is


Strengths How to improve

It was nice to work with you! However, you did not take the
You were very hard-working. floor many times and did not
Much work was done by you always express what you are
and you always strived to do working on and if you need any
the best. It was nice to see the help.I have seen that you had
report you have written, I can put a lot of effort into anything
see you have put a great effort you have done but it could be
there. much easier for you if you have
asked for help.

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Last Visited 26 January, 2024 19:45

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