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The City School

Academic Year 2020-21

Class 8
Subject: Science
Topic: Food & Digestion
Worksheet # 07-C

Student’s Name: ___________________ Date: ___________

Lesson Objectives: to describe the coordinated functions of the organs of the digestive system, to
explain how enzymes help in digesting food.

Kindly refer to the textbook (ILSS Book 3); pg-15-17 for solving the questions below:

The following videos can be watched to enhance understanding further:

Q1: Name the structure which is not part of the alimentary canal but aids in digestion?

Q2: Name two digestive glands.


Q3: What do digestive enzymes do to food?


Q4: How does chewing food help to speed up digestion?


Q5: Name the enzyme present in saliva and say what type of food it acts on.

Q6: What is the name of the enzyme in gastric juice?


Q7: What types of enzymes are produced by the pancreas?

Q8: Eat a piece of biscuit or cookie. Observe the teeth you used to:
a: bite the biscuit or cookie;
b: chew the biscuit or cookie.
Did you use the same teeth for biting and chewing? What teeth did you use in each case and

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