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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | May 2023 Papers

Medi Call FCPS – 1 | Physiology - Respiration

25. Pressure in cylinder at end of last drop when initial pressure in N2O Ⓓ Fick Law of Diffusion : Vgas = A / T x D x ( P1 - P2 )
cylinder is 750 psi ☛ Pressure will be zero A ☛ Surface Area ➜ Directly proportional to diffusion ➜ ↓ in
emphysema, ↑ in exercise
26. Alveolar pressure of water is determines by ☛ P02
T ☛ Thickness of memberanes ➜ Inversely proportional ➜ ↑ in
27. If ventilation of alveoli stopped bcz of bronchiolar blockage, PO2 in fibrosis
blood ☛ Equal to mixed venous blood (No O2 for exchange ) D ☛ Diffusion constant ➜ Solubility of Gas ➜ Directly proportional ➜
28. Less in fetus than mother ☛ PO2 (50 mm Hg and 30 mm Hg) CO2 > O2
P1 - P2 ☛ Gradient across memberane ➜ more difference in Partial
29. Major differences between PO2 and PCO2 ☛ Aorta and Pulmonary
pressures of gases , higher will be diffusion
✦ Kaplan Physiology, Pg. 164, 165
30. Highest PCO2 content is in ☛ Pulmonary Artery (Deoxygenated
blood) 39. Alveolar capillaries membrane gas exchange rate
increase with (Med 17 Aug 2022 (A.N) +1 in past) - ID: 82397
31. Healthy person at sea level doubles alveolar ventilation, assuming
respiratory exchange ratio of 1 and PCO2 of 40 mmhg, alveolar PO2 ☛ Ⓐ Large surface area for diffusion
Inc by 20 mm hg (PAO2 = (Patm – 47) FiO2 – PACO2 / RQ) Ⓑ Reduced coeffecient of gas
32. In steady rate of CO2 formation, if alveolar ventilation is reduced to Ⓒ Low partial pressure of gas inside membrane
half ☛ PCO2 increases double (Vice versa )
Ⓐ Surface area and thickness of plasma membrane ☛ ↑ surface
33. PO2 If Atm pressure is 630. PCO2 34 and respiratory quotient 0.8. area ↑ rate of diffusion, whereas a thicker membrane ↓ it
☛ 80 (PO2 = FiO2 ( Patm - PH2O ) - PCO2 / RQ) ✦ Guyton, Pg. 19
34. Alveolar PO2 level when alveolar PCO2 rises from 40 to 48 at sea
40. PO2 in arterial blood is less than Alveoli pulmonary
level ☛ 90 mm hg (PAO2 = (Patm – 47) FiO2 – PACO2 / RQ)
veins pO2 But greater than pulmonary artery pO2 because
Diffusion (Gynae 24 May 2023 (M) +6 in past) - ID: 31253

35. Highest diffusing capacity across respiratory Ⓐ Oxygen needs gradient to diffuse
membrane and in body fluids is? (Med 1st Dec 2021 (E) +10 in Ⓑ Cardiac veins drains into coronary sinus
past) - ID: 4929 Ⓒ Oxygen need pressure gradient for unloading
Ⓓ Oxygen need pressure gradient for osmosis
Ⓐ Helium Ⓑ Carbon monoxide
Ⓒ Carbon dioxide Ⓓ Oxygen
Ⓐ Greater gas partial pressure difference (P1 – P2) across alveolar
membrane, greater rate of diffusion.
Ⓒ more soluble a gas is, faster it will diffuse.
when blood first enters pulmonary capillary, gradient for O2 is ➜ 100
Diffusing capacity : ( ml/min/mm hg )
– 40 = 60 mm Hg
➊ CO ➜ 17 ml ➋ O2 ➜ 21 ml ➌ CO2 ➜ 400 ml ( 20 times > O2 )
✦ Kaplan Physiology, Pg. 165
Remember ☛ CO affinity for Hb is 200 times > O2 ... but Diffusion is
Less 41. Diffusion of gases is directly related to ? (Surg 24 May
✦ Guyton, Pg. 518 2023 (M) +5 in past) - ID: 21403

36. Increased diffusion of CO2 through alveolar membrane Ⓐ Distance Ⓑ Covering

is Due to? (Gynae 30 Sep 2020 ( M ) +5 in past) - ID: 4959 Ⓒ Nature Ⓓ Surface area

Ⓐ Increased diffusion coefficient Ⓓ rate of diffusion is directly proportional to available surface area
Ⓑ Increased solubility Ⓒ Increase density of CO2
Ⓓ None of above 42. Diffusion of gas through lung is increased by ☛ Increased diffusion
Ⓐ ↑ solubility of gas ➜ ↑ number of molecules available to diffuse 43. Diffusion limited gas is ☛ O2 during exercise (More open
↓ Molecular weight ➜ ↑ velocity of molecules ➜ ↑ Diffusion capillaries )
44. Diffusing capacity of O2 through respiratory membrane ☛ Is 18-20
☛ Hence, both Solubility and Molecular weight determine diffusion
ml/min/mmhg at rest (↑ in excercise)
coefficient of gas
✦ Guyton, Pg. 519 45. Alveolar diffusion increased in ☛ Decrease thickness of alveolar
37. Diffusing Lung capacity of Pleural membrane is
maximum in which of following condition? (Med 19 Nov 2022 46. During heavy exercise oxygen diffusion ☛ Oxygen diffusion
(M) +8 in past) - ID: 22913 capacity increased by 10 fold
Ⓐ Polycythemia Ⓑ CCF
Ⓒ Asthma Ⓓ Fibrosis 47. O2 Saturation at Sea level under Normal Atmospheric
Pressure of 760 mm Hg, in a young adult is? (Med 6 Nov 2018
Ⓐ DLCO values represent ability of lung to transfer gas from inhaled air (E) +6 in past) - ID: 14069
into blood stream and acts as marker of extent of lung damage
✪ Low DLCO ➜ ✔ Anemia ( dec. HB ) ✔ COPD / Emphysema ( due to Ⓐ 100% Ⓑ 80%
Less Surface Area ) ✔ fibrosis ( due to Thickening of Alveolar-Capillary Ⓒ 97%
Membrane ) ✔ CHF ( due to interstitial pulmonary edema ➜ thickening
of alveolar-capillary membrane ) Ⓒ Oxygen saturation is fraction of oxygen-saturated hemoglobin
✪ High DLCO ➜ ✔ Asthma ( Normal or high due to hyperinflation ) ✔ relative to total hemoglobin (unsaturated + saturated) in blood.
obesity ( inc. pulmonary blood volume and flow ) ✔ Polycythemia ( Inc. At Sea Level ( 0 ft ) ➜ ● Atm pressure : 760 mm Hg ● PO2 in Air :
Hb ) ✔ pregnancy ( Inc. Lung volume ) 159 mm Hg ● PO2 in Alveoli : 104 mm Hg ● Arterial Oxygen
✦ Pubmed USA, Pg. ✦ USMLE Review Lectures Saturation : 97% ( 0.97 )
✦ Guyton, Pg. 562
38. Exchange through lungs depends upon which of
following ? (Surg 16 Aug 2022 (A.N) +3 in past) - ID: 9040 48. Minimum air blood barrier (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +1 in
past) - ID: 83347
Ⓐ Partial pressure difference of gases
Ⓐ Alveolar poresl of kohn Ⓑ Epithelial endothelial cells
Ⓑ Surface area available for gas exchange
Ⓒ Basement membrane Ⓓ Interstitial space
Ⓒ Solubility and molecular weight of gases
Ⓓ All of Above
Ⓑ Minimum air-blood barrier also known as respiratory membrane,
composed of alveolar epithelial cells, capillary endothelial cells, and
their shared basement membrane. This structure allows efficient

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | Physiology - Respiration

exchange of gases between air in alveoli and blood in 64. Transfer of gas in lung is directly proportional to ☛ Cross sectional
capillaries.Alveolar Pores of Kohn ☛ tiny holes in alveolar walls that membrane surface area
allow for movement of air between adjacent alveoli, not directly 65. Pulmonary vascular resistance decreases ☛ Moderate exercise (↑
involved in air-blood barrier or gas exchange process. Cardiac Output )
49. Function of nose which optimizes gas exchange in Transport Of Gases
Alveoli (ENT 15 Nov 2022 (M) +4 in past) - ID: 34145
Binding Proteins
Ⓐ Filtration Ⓑ Humidification
Ⓒ None of above 1. Error in reading of pulse oximeter is due to? (Med 17 Nov
2022 (M) +10 in past) - ID: 4949
Ⓑ Humidification in nose ☛ nose warms and humidifies air before it
Ⓐ Dark skin Ⓑ Methemoglobinemia
reaches lungs for gas exchange ➜ achieved by evaporation of water
Ⓒ Ambient light Ⓓ High co2
from epithelial surface ➜ leads to hyperosmolar environment on
epithelial surface.
Ⓑ Methemoglobin ➜ Oxidized form of Hb (ferric, Fe3+) ➜ does not
50. Size of vapour reaching alveoli? (Anesth 15 Nov 2022 (M)) - bind O2 as readily as normal Fe2+ ➜ ↓ O2 saturation + ↓ O2 content
ID: 83125 ✦ First Aid, Pg. 666

Ⓐ < 0.5 Ⓑ 0.5 to 1 2. 1g of Hb binds with how much oxygen ☛ 1.34ml (O2 binding
Ⓒ 10 to 30 capacity)
3. Affinity of 02 for hemoglobin ☛ Decreases with hypoxia (Right shift
Ⓑ 5 μm for particles to reach ➜ bronchioles of curve)
< 2 μm to reach ➜ alveoli
4. Half life of carboxyhemoglobin is ☛ 6 hr (@ room air )
51. Respiratory exchange ratio value (Med 23 Feb 2023 (M)) - 5. In muscle, oxygen binds to ☛ Myoglobin
ID: 83336
6. Pulse oximeters ☛ Can’t differentiate methemoglobin from
Ⓐ 0.825 Ⓑ 0.735 oxyhemoglobin (Methemoglobin not detected)
Ⓒ 0.875 Ⓓ 0.525 7. HB decrease from 15 to 10 ☛ Oxygen content decrease
8. If a man goes to a high altitude O2 delivery to tissues is maintained
Ⓐ RER ☛ ratio of amount of CO2 produced in of food to amount of
by ☛ Increased Hb concentration (↑ Hypoxemia)
oxygen (O2) used. RER is usually in range of 0.8 to 1.0. 0.825, is
closest to typical range 9. Fetal Hb ☛ Higher affinity for content of 02 as compared to adult
(Left shift)
52. What is likely mechanism in CO2 exchange in venous
blood . (Radio 21 Feb 2023 (A.N) +4 in past) - ID: 6568 O2 Dissociation Curve

Ⓐ Inc HCO3 exchange to Cl shift into cell 10. What does curve Shift to left is called? (Med 1st Dec 2021
(E) +13 in past) - ID: 4904
Ⓑ Carbonic acid formation and dissociation
Ⓒ Increase CO2 exchange to Cl shift into cell Ⓐ Bohr effect Ⓑ Haldane effect
Ⓒ Fick’s law Ⓓ Chloride shift
Ⓐ CO2 generated in tissues ➜ diffuses freely into venous plasma ➜
then into RBCs ➜ combines with H2O ☟ Ⓑ Haldane Effect ➜ ODC shifts to Left ➜ ↑ O2 affinity of Hb ➜ ↑
Inside RBCs ☛ CO2 + H2O (Carbonic anhydrase)➜ H2CO3 ➜ Saturation of HbO ➜ ↑ Displacement of CO2 from blood and ↓ O2
dissociates into HCO3 and H+.➜ ↑ HCO3 leaves RBCs in exchange for unloading to tissue
Cl- ( chloride shift ) ➜ HCO3 then transported to lungs in plasma ( ✦ Left ODC = haLdane effect = Low O2 unloading
Major CO2 transport route 70% ) ✦ Guyton, Pg. 536
✦ BRS Physiology, Pg. 250, 251
11. Which of following causes Right shift of Oxygen
Dissociation Curve and decreased O2 affinity of Hb? (Med 17
54. Ventilation-perfusion ratio zero in (Surg 16 Feb 2022 (E) +1
May 2022 (M) +23 in past) - ID: 12264
in past) - ID: 55689
Ⓐ Metabolic Acidosis Ⓑ Decrease in 2,3 BPG
Ⓐ Pulmonary embolism Ⓑ Pleural effusion Ⓒ Fibrosis
Ⓒ CO Poisoning Ⓓ Cold weather
Ⓔ Low PCO2
Ⓒ Pulmonary fibrosis ➜ scarring and hardening of lung ➜ reduced
capacity for gas exchange (ventilation) ➜ Despite this, blood continues
Ⓐ Pnemonic : Right T.E.A B.A.C Increase O2 availibility
to flow (perfusion) to these areas ➜ As a result, areas of lung are
● T = ↑ Temperature ● E = ↑ Exercise ● A = Acidosis (↑ H+) ● B =
perfused but poorly ventilated ➜ V/Q ratio may approach to zero.
↑ BPG ● A = ↑ Altitude ● C = ↑ CO2
Pulmonary embolism ☛ blockage in pulmonary arteries ➜ prevents
blood from reaching certain areas of lung (no perfusion), but air can
✪ Factors shifting ODC Right ☛ T.E.A B.A.C ➜ Right Shift of O2-Hb
still reach (ventilation continues) ➜ ventilation divided by zero
curve ➜ ↓ O2 affinity of Hb ➜ ↑ O2 unloading to tissue ➜ ↑ P50 > 26
perfusion ➜ V/Q = infinite.
✦ Right = bohR effect = Rise in O2 availibility
55. Blood in obstructed bronchus will have ☛ Higher CO2 than mixed
venous blood ✪ Factors shifting ODC Left ☛ ● ↓ Temperature ● ↓
56. Capnography may be defined as ☛ Increase PaC02 BPG ● ↓ CO2 ● ↓ H+ ( Alkalosis ) and ● HbF ● MetHb ● CO ➜ ↑ O2
affinity of Hb ➜ ↓ O2 unloading to tissue ➜ ↓ P50 < 26
57. minimum pressure in gas valves is ☛ 4 barr
✦ Left = haLdane effect = Low O2 unloading
58. Membrane potential goes from - 70 till +35 due to ☛ Na+ influx ✦ First Aid, Pg. 666, 666

59. Prevents transmitting of two gases ☛ Hypoxic guard 12. During muscular exercise all of following are seen
60. Rate of respiration not changed in ☛ No change in blood oxygen Except? (Surg 16 May 2022 (M) +2 in past) - ID: 9736
Ⓐ Increase in blood flow to muscles
61. Composition of Air in middle ear ☛ N-78%, O2-21%, CO2-near nil Ⓑ Stroke volume increases
(Resembles venous blood) Ⓒ O2 dissociation curve shifts to left
62. Oxygen unbinding in tissue does not occur in ☛ Carbon monoxide Ⓓ O2 consumption increases
63. CO2 is carried as ☛ Carboxyhemoglobin
Ⓒ Exercise➜ Right Shift of O2-Hb curve ➜ ↓ O2 affinity of Hb
➜ ↑ O2 unloading to tissue ➜ ↑ P50 > 26

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