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Animal Farm Summative Assessment 2: Analytical Essay

SOI Different perspectives can be shaped by social constructions of reality and the
purpose of a text can be to influence audiences.

ATL Communication, Critical Thinking

Word Limit 5 paragraphs (double spaced, font size 12)
Number of 6
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Essay Timeline
1) Topic selection, brainstorm, start Introduce SA task. Choose question and start
outline, select evidence. outline on 7th November.
2) How to Write an essay KeyNote, In class on 20th November.
textual evidence and MLA citations.
3) Introduction and second paragraph In class on 21st November.
4) Third and fourth paragraphs In class on 22nd November.
5) Model: Concluding paragraph In class on 27th November.
6) Peer Editing In class on 28th November.
7) Submit Essay at 8:20 On Managebac

Key Concept: Perspective

Related Concept: Context and Purpose
Global Context: Personal and Cultural Expression
SOI: Different perspectives can be shaped by social constructions of reality and the purpose of a text
can be to influence audiences.

Task: Evaluate and analyze the perspective of the events and characters on Animal Farm. Choose
one of the following questions to answer in your essay. At least four pieces of textual
evidence are required for all options.
Question 1: Analyse the character of Boxer and his symbolism throughout the novel Animal
Question 2: How did Napoleon effectively become a tyrant like Mr. Jones?
Questions 3: How does the character of Squealer in George Orwell's "Animal Farm"
exemplify the potential of language as a powerful tool of propaganda?
Question 4: Critically discuss the following statement: ‘The animals’ revolution was a
Question 5: *Own question based on a self-identified theme from throughout the book.
*Approval needed in advance.

Product: A 5 paragraph analytical essay which explores the chosen question. Your essay will be a
five-paragraph structure (introduction, body paragraph 1, body paragraph 2, body paragraph 3, and
a conclusion). Your textual evidence should deeply explore the topic from throughout the novel, not
just in the beginning of the book. Additionally, you must explain (analyse) and incorporate your own
writing to support each chosen piece of textual evidence (show comprehension and understanding).
Ideas should connect and build on each other and be fully justified (point, evidence, technique,
analysis, link).

Criteria: A2, B3, D1, D3

MLA Formatting: (Orwell, pg). Avoid quotations longer than two lines. Works Cited. 4-line header.
Double spaced. Etc.

Editing: Use proper grammar and spelling!

Revision: Thesis Statement! Unity. Order. Cohesion. Completeness.

*This task is subject to the ISNS Academic Honesty Policy. If you have any questions about
academic honesty, please ask your teacher before completing this task. By submitting, you
confirm that this is your own work and your work only.

Animal Farm Analytical Essay: Task Specific Criteria

A2. Identify and explain the effects of the creator’s choices on an audience. Analysis of the impact of the evidence you
Level Level Descriptor
0 You did not achieve any of the descriptors listed below.
You identify minimal evidence, but do not explain or analyse its impact. Evidence selected may not be relevant to the
1-2 essay topic. Analysis is underdeveloped and may be more descriptive.
You identify some evidence and give some explanation or analysis of its impact. Evidence selected is sometimes relevant
3-4 to the essay topic. Analysis is not fully developed.
You identify good evidence and provide a good explanation and analysis of its impact. Evidence selected is mostly
5-6 relevant to the essay topic. Analysis is developed and clear.
You identify excellent evidence and provide a perceptive explanation and analysis of its impact. Evidence selected is
7-8 always relevant to the essay topic. Analysis is precisely and effectively developed.

B3. Use referencing, formatting and structural tools to create a style suitable to the context and intention of an analytical essay.
Formatting includes your topic sentences, concluding sentences, proper paragraph form, introduction, thesis statement, conclusion,
header, title, cohesion of ideas, page numbers, MLA citations, MLA Works Cited
Level Level Descriptor
0 You did not achieve any of the descriptors listed below.
Your use of analytical essay formatting was limited and often incorrect.
Your use of analytical essay formatting was inconsistent and had obvious errors.
Your use of analytical essay formatting was mostly complete and mostly correct.
Your use of analytical essay formatting was excellent.

D1. Use appropriate and varied vocabulary and sentence structures.

D3. Use correct grammar, syntax and punctuation.
Level Level Descriptor
0 You did not achieve any of the descriptors listed below.
D1. You use a limited range of vocabulary and sentence structures that are not always appropriate.
D3. You use grammar, syntax and punctuation with limited accuracy. Your errors often hinder communication so your
1-2 writing is unclear.

D1. You have some range of vocabulary and sentence structures. They are usually appropriate.
D3. You use grammar, syntax and punctuation with some accuracy. Your errors sometimes hinder communication, but
3-4 not frequently.

D1. You use a varied range of vocabulary and sentence structures that are competently used.
D3. You use grammar, syntax and punctuation with accuracy. Your errors do not hinder communication.
D1. You use a large and effective range of vocabulary and sentence structures that are perceptively used.
D3. You use grammar, syntax and punctuation with a high degree of accuracy. There are few, if any, errors.

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