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MEDIA is a tool or platform used to convey information or means of communication?

LITERACY It describes the capacity to read and write associated with the knowledge to
determine, comprehend, explain, generate, communicate, and calculate using printed materials
MEDIA It is the communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver information or data
INFORMATION It is a broad term that covers processed data, knowledge derived from study,
experience, instruction, signals or symbols.
INFORMATION LITERACY The ability to recognize when information is needed, and locate,
evaluate and communicate information in its various formats.
DIGITAL LITERACY The attitude and ability to properly and effectively use digital technology in
daily use as needed.
MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY It is a combination of information literacy and media
PREHISTORIC AGE In this era, people discovered fire, developed paper from plants, and forged
weapons and tools with stone, bronze, copper and iron.
INDUSTRIAL AGE If you were born in this period where people used the power of steam,
developed machine tools, established iron production, and the manufacturing of various
products including books through the printing press:
ELECTRONIC AGE One of the Learning Delivery Modalities now a days is the Radio- Based
Instruction. When do you think people first used the transistor radio, electronic circuits, and the
early computers improved?
The evolution of media and inventions- pre historic, industrial, electronic and new or
information age
COMMUNNICATION is the act or process of using words, signs, or behaviors to exchange
information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc. to someone. (results to
MEDIA - is a plural for medium, or ways to communicate information
- Communication tools
- Defined as source of credible and current information created through editorial process
Process of communication
Transmission Model – Lasswells, Shannon Weaver’s, Westley and MacLeans
Reception Model – Osgood Schramm, Berlo’s SMCR Model of Communication
Traditional media
New media
Social media examples
What is the media tool used in Mesopotamia in 2400 BC? CLAY TABLETS
What is the media tool used in “The London Gazette” in 1640? NEWSPAPER
the handy tools during the industrial age?
COMMUNICATION The exchange of information and the expression of feeling that can result in
NOISE What do you call the interference that affects the message being sent?
DIGITAL LITERACY The ability to use digital technology, communication tools or networks to
locate, evaluate, use, and create information.
Technology Literacy
Media Literacy
Media and Information Literacy It is a composite concept. It includes information and
communication literacy and media literacy. It is a set of competencies that empower citizens to
assess, retrieve, understand, etc.
Information literacy
the meaning of media literacy? The ability to read analyze, evaluate, and produce
communication in a variety of media forms.
the meaning of information literacy? The ability to recognize when information is needed, and
locate, evaluate and communicate information in its various formats.
Irresponsible use of media
Responsible use of media
NON VERBAL COMMUNICATION It transmits messages or signals through a different platform
such as eye contact and hand gestures
MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY It refers to the essential competencies that allow citizens
to engage with media and other information providers effectively and develop critical thinking
and life-long learning skills.
ELECTRONIC AGE The periods in human history started when electronic devices like computers
were used?
INDUSTRIAL AGE The period is defined as the substitution of handy tools with electrical
MEDIA LITERACY It is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create media in a variety of
INFORMATION LITERACY When information is needed and to locate, evaluate, effectively use
and communicate information in its various formats, which of the following have this ability to
The online dashboard allows an individual or agency or organization to share the live video
streaming episodes?

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