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My New Year's Resolution

New year's resolution for a better and positive person in the future.

New year is around the corner, it's time for us to make a resolution to be a better person in
the future, 2023 taught me a lot of things, I find myself contemplating from the past years
triumphs and tribulations.

Looking back on 2023, I am filled with sense of gratitude and growth, I've had my share of
challenges and problems in life but each one taught me a very valuable lesson and made me
stronger, I've learned the significance of friendship and resilience ,the value of
communication, and the importance of being a diligent person, However, I know that there
are still things that I can improve and learn and it is the things that form the basis of my
resolution for the year 2024.

My first resolution for the year 2024 is to prioritize my health, I am aim to take a very good
care of my health and be more active about other specific exercise that I can use to become a
healthier person this year, My second resolution is to invest more time in personal
development, this includes reading more books ,learning a new skill and deciding what
college course should I take. Lastly, I resolve to nurture my relationships, making time to
those who matter the most to me especially to my family, friends and God, I need to spend
some time with them knowing that this people around me will help me grow and mature, I will
also take the time to pray so that I can have a stronger belief in God and I also want to have a
better and stronger relationship with my family and friends, I want to create many memories
with them that I can bury in those next year to come

As I stand on the foyer of 2024, I am filled with hope and determination, I am committed to
these resolution and I'm excited to the positive changes thay will bring, I understand that the
journey maybe challenging but I am ready to embrace it and hopefully God will help me and
my family to concur the challenges that 2024 has.

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