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I have a long list of things that I wanted to change or improve in me for the past
years that sadly I didn’t at least to improve, hopefully, I’ll be able to improve or
change at least two or three of them this year. Here are the top three of my New
Year’s Resolution:

For the past years, I used to be a type of person who’s very conscious of
others opinion about me. I really wanted to change that part of me but I don’t
know how to do it. I am always at the point of attempting to do it but never had
a chance to change it entirely. Probably because I don’t know where to start,
and until now I am still figuring out where to start because it’s really hard for
me especially that we are surrounded with people who are really close-minded
and “judgmental” as we say. And for this year, 2023, I hope that I’ll be able to
conquer this part of me. Hopefully, I figure out how to entirely change that. As
of right now, I’m thinking that the best start to change this, is to change my way
of thinking or my mindset, by reminding myself that they don’t have a say
in my life.

My own insecurities, I know everybody have their own insecurities, and I

want to handle mine better, so that it won’t get the best of me. This 2023, I’ll be
working on my own insecurities, to build my self-esteem that is unfortunately I
lack of.

I have this problem of lack in focus, to explain further, I can be easily

distracted when I am doing some tasks, noisy environment is not my thing, I
really hate noisy and crowded places and above all my focus can be easily
ruined and I don’t like it. This part of me is one of the things that I wanted to
change because it affects my study. Hopefully, I will successfully achieve to do
it this year.

Name: Eshare Joyce C. Holasca Grd/Sec: 12-Gara

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