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Describe a place that you would like to visit.

One place I've always longed to visit is the capital of Japan, Tokyo. As the epicenter of
modern culture and technological advancement, Tokyo is a place full of color and vitality.
The glittering urban landscape with skyscrapers, bustling streets filled with the hustle and
bustle of people, and endlessly intriguing destinations continuously capture attention. From
traditional districts like Asakusa with its venerable Senso-ji Temple to modern shopping
districts like Shibuya and Shinjuku, Tokyo boasts an incredibly diverse appeal. The city is
also renowned for its varied cuisine, from delicate sushi to savory ramen and unique street
snacks. Additionally, Tokyo is home to vast parks like Ueno Park, where visitors can find
tranquility amidst the urban hustle. With its seamless blend of modernity and tradition, Tokyo
is an unmissable destination for anyone seeking to experience the diversity and dynamism of
Talk about your lifestyle

I am a Sophomores. My lifestyle is very active with many different activities. A my day

begins around 7:00 AM as i prepare for morning classes and grab a quick breakfast or coffee.
Classes usually run from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM, including breaks. My lunch break from
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM is used for meals and relaxation. At 1:30 PM, i go to work at the
Flowers strore. My work as a cashier. I alway have to tell “hello” and be friendly with my
clients. This work continue until late afternoon. At 7:00 PM, i have a dinner with my
roommate. After completing my daily tasks and my homework, i go to bed at 10:00 PM.
Speak about your eating habit.

I will talk about my eating habits. Everyday,I alway try to eat regular meals throughout the
day. My breakfast have banh mi and soy milk. I think they are good for my body. For lunch
and dinner, my meal include pork, fish, eggs and some vegetables. In addition to main meals,
i eat some cake and drink a lot of water. They are very delicious and make me happy.
Describe your leisure activities.

In my free time, I enjoy a variety of leisure activities that help me relax and happy. One of my
favorite hobbies is reading online book. I read many genres ike romantic, detective, funny,
horror. But, i like detective books very much. they are very exciting. My favorite character is
sherlock holmes, a famous detective. I also enjoy spending time outdoors, especially walking
in the park. I feel peace and comfortable in the natural world. Another leisure activity I enjoy
is watching films. This activity bring me joy, reduce stress and switch off my mind.

Talk about a friend you will never forget.

I have a bestfriend when i was 8. Until now, she is 19 year old. Her name is Mai. She has long brown
hair, which she often wears freely flowing. Her face is pretty and attractive with deep black eyes. Her
lips often curve into a smile, giving her a charming demeanour. She looks like quite tall but thin. So,
she always chose difficultly cothes and don`t have a lot style. She like reading and planting flowers.
She is so simple, bring me comfortable. Additionally, she is smart, confidencet, and very sociable.
She study well and teach me many things She always be with me when i am sad or happy. She is a
friend i will never forget.

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