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Republic of the Philippines


Normal Road, Baliwasan, Zamboanga City 7000

AS22 ECE21
Management of Early Childhood Education Program

Group 1:
Salvador, Michelle Jane
Samson, Krissia
Sanson, Kristina Casandra
Tamayo, Leslie Mae

Topic: B. Director’s Duties and Responsibilities

1. General Responsibilities
2. Enrolment
3. Curriculum
4. Physical Plant and Equipment
5. Finances
6. Staff/Human Resources
7. Parent Involvement and Education
8. Health and Safety
9. Community Relations

I. ACTIVITY: Mind Mapping

Instructions: The class will be divided into 5 groups. Each group will be provided with a large sheet of paper
and markers. They should use these materials to create a mind map of the duties and responsibilities they think a
director has. Afterwards, each group will take turns presenting their map to the class.
1. How did you find the activity?
2. How did your group work together to decide on the duties and responsibilities included in your mind map?
3. Among your listed duties and responsibilities of a director, which do you consider the most important?


Directors have a diverse set of responsibilities, and managing them all can often feel like a delicate
balancing act. You have to provide a safe, healthy environment for children and teachers. Hire and retain a
qualified, diverse staff. Have a solid business plan. Understand child development and best practices in early
childhood education. Establish collaborative relationships with families and program stakeholders. Market your
program. Help out in a classroom when you’re needed. Take time to care for your own physical and emotional
health. Remain calm under pressure. Your overall responsibility is to create a physically and emotionally safe
educational environment where learning and care can flourish for children, staff, and families. To do this, you
must prioritize your duties and tasks on an ongoing basis and focus on what is most important at any particular
moment, even as you keep an eye on the long term.

Director’s Duties and Responsibilities

1. General Responsibilities
The school director is given various roles, and their responsibilities lie in ensuring the smooth functioning of
the school management system. The common responsibilities of a school director are as follows-

· Leading the project management team in developing and executing the conference meetings and enduring
CME-accredited programs

· Managing the school schedule in such a manner that maximizes literacy and math instruction time

· Planning, organizing, and administering a school for kindergartens students to provide home teaching

· Providing support to staff and imparting training, especially for early childhood practices

· Supervising, developing, and implementing kindergarten and preschool before and after school program

· Administering the school and program budgets and providing clear policies regarding payroll to maintain
fiscal responsibility

· Performing administrative duties, overseeing the counselor’s CPR safety certifications and maintaining office

· Creating and implementing region-wide initiative providing single-point-of-contact that enhance the quality
of early childhood education

· Developing educational strategies for all the classes and programs and coordinating the same with
the writing teams that deal with multimedia-based educational materials

· Overseeing educational programs and ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness in the entirety of
the school operations

· Gathering and analyzing data, reviewing reports, monitoring faculty staff’s performance, solving the
grievances of teachers and parents, and resolving any other issues that may arise.

· Working with the teaching staff and undergoing research and development to curate educational
curriculum and programs

· Focusing on the social and emotional development of the students as well as the teachers

· Fostering a positive cultural outlook that promotes healthy relationships between students and teachers

· Ensuring students get plenty of opportunities outside the classroom, such as clubs and activities

2. Enrolment
The enrolment director is responsible for the continued growth of the student body. Here are some of the
core duties of an enrolment director: Developing an enrolment plan: The director's primary responsibility is to
ensure enrolment numbers satisfy the school's enrolment goals and promote financial stability.

Enrollment management is a strategic method for shaping a school’s student body. More than simply recruiting
as many students as possible, enrollment management methods include establishing informed tactics and
making goal-oriented enrollment decisions. An effective enrollment management strategy can help foster
student success while maintaining a school’s financial situation and public reputation.

To promote the growth of the student body, an enrollment director can implement strategies like marketing
campaigns, academic aid programs for retention, and scholarships or other financial aid packages. An
enrollment management strategy can evolve as the director discovers specific campaigns work exceptionally
well. The director can then decide to expand successful campaigns.

3. Curriculum
A director of curriculum is an essential member of a school administrative team. Sometimes this position is
decentralized and added on to the responsibilities of an existing principal or assistant principal. Sometimes,
particularly in larger suburban or urban school districts, the position stands alone. There are three areas of
supervision that the position normally encompasses: these are curriculum, instruction, and assessment. The
main focus of the curriculum director is to coordinate the scope and sequence of the curriculum offerings in a
school district, the selection of instructional materials, textbooks, and supplementary materials, the quality of
instruction, and the determination of the assessments to be used in measuring student academic progress.
The curriculum director works closely with the school principal and teachers within a school to determine the
academic performance level of the students and to make and implement plans for improving that performance.

4. Physical Plant and Equipment

The Director of Physical Plant/Supervisor of Building and Grounds shall be the Chief Administrator
responsible for the day-to-day management of the Physical Plant Department ensuring the efficient application
of Districts' resources to maintain District's Facilities, Grounds and Equipment in a clean, safe, healthy and
secure condition at all times.
● Supervise the operation of all school facilities and grounds including the implementing of maintenance,
preventative maintenance program, repair, and cleaning.
● Provide leadership in the recruitment, training, assignment, and discipline of physical plant staff.
● Complete and file state and federal reports, permit updates, and certificates.
● Coordinate the use of all district facilities with outside groups.
● Assume responsibility for the comprehensive overall planning and scheduling of maintenance and repair
requirements of the district.

5. Finances
Under the general supervision of the principal, the finance director has the responsibility to provide sound
fiscal management in the operation of all financial matters, including the development and management of the
school budget, the borrowing and investing of money, and the management of accounts receivable and payable.
 Direct the budget process. Prepare the annual budget and present it to the board.
 Project sound financial planning for future years.
 Monitor all purchasing/spending and ensure sound audit procedures.
 Complete and file all required financial reports and taxes.
 Oversee the payroll process and benefits administration.

6. Staff/ Human Resources

An HR Director (Human Resources Director) is an experienced professional responsible for developing HR
strategies, overseeing operations, and ensuring compliance. They support the human factor, lead HR initiatives,
and provide guidance. Strong leadership, communication, and organizational skills are essential for success in
this role.
A school HR manager typically has the following duties and responsibilities, which they may perform by
themselves or, depending on the size of the department, assign to staff members:

 Assist with recruitment plans, including writing and posting job announcements for all categories and
levels of employees.
 Attend meetings with school superintendents, principals and school boards.
 Keep the staff directory and organizational charts up to date.
 Maintain records and reports, including teacher certifications and professional development hours.
 Oversee hiring and exit interviews and procedures, including new employee orientation and the
processing of initial and terminal paperwork.
 Participate in teachers' union meetings and contract negotiations.
In a very large school district, the HR manager might have specialized duties as part of an HR team. In a very
small district, there might be only one person who holds the title of HR manager or HR specialist and has
responsibility for all functions. As with most jobs, specific responsibilities depend on the employer and the
size of the organization.

7. Parent Involvement and education

 Plan, direct, organize, and support the development and implementation of district-wide parent,
family and community engagement programs; provide professional development opportunities for
certificated administrators to support and implement best practices.
 Provide leadership and technical assistance in school/ parent/ family/ community partnerships to
develop and implement high-impact family engagement strategies that drive student achievement and
school improvement.
 Provide leadership and technical assistance to site administrators in assessing school needs and
effectiveness and determining objectives as the basis for developing long-and short-range plans
 Act as a resource to site administrators in the development of school plans and organizational
procedures for the engagement of parents, families and communities established in District plans and
District policy
 Review, develop, and communicate policies, procedures, and regulations districtwide and within the
community in support of parent, family and community engagement in the areas of communication,
district programs, instructional resources, technology, record management, workflow monitoring,
programs and productivity assessment
8. Health and Safety
Health and Safety Directors carry an immense responsibility to understand the manifold risks within their
organization and create strategic, actionable plans to mitigate them. This involves weaving health and safety
into the very fabric of the company culture, communicating its paramount importance to all levels of staff, and
dedicating the necessary resources to safeguard the workplace environment.
Roles and Responsibilities of Safety Directors

The role of a Health and Safety Director is to ensure that an organization complies with health and safety
regulations, creates a safe working environment for employees, and mitigates risks associated with workplace
hazards. Here are some typical roles and responsibilities of a Health and Safety Director:

1. Setting The Direction

Directors are at the helm of the organization’s health and safety culture. They should establish a comprehensive
health and safety policy beyond mere compliance with regulations. This policy should be woven into the
organization’s culture, reflected in its values, and integrated into its performance standards. This also includes
setting realistic and measurable health and safety targets and objectives.

2. Ownership and Understanding

Directors must have an in-depth understanding of the organization’s operations and the health and safety risks
associated with those operations. They should not simply delegate this responsibility to a safety officer or
committee. Directors must show leadership by taking responsibility for health and safety issues, engaging in
ongoing education and training, and staying informed about the latest health and safety practices and

3. Policy Development

In many organizations, the Safety Director plays a key role in developing and updating health and safety
policies. This involves staying up-to-date with changes in regulations and industry best practices, and ensuring
that these changes are reflected in the organization’s policies.

4. Communicating and Championing Health and Safety

Directors are in a prime position to influence the behavior of everyone within the organization. They can
champion health and safety by communicating its importance in meetings, company communications, and
everyday interactions. They can also model safe behaviors themselves. They need to ensure that the
communication is clear and reaches all employees in a way that makes sense to them.

5. Resource Allocation

Directors are responsible for allocating adequate resources for health and safety. This may include funding for
safety equipment, training programs, health and safety staff, and initiatives to promote a safe work environment.
An under-resourced health and safety program can lead to increased risks and liabilities.

6. Competent Advice

Directors should ensure that they have access to competent health and safety advice. This could involve hiring
health and safety professionals, consulting with external experts, or seeking legal advice. These professionals
can provide valuable insights into the specific risks faced by the organization and recommend effective
strategies for managing these risks.

7. Risk Assessment

Regular risk assessments are critical to an effective health and safety program. Directors should ensure that
these assessments are conducted to identify potential hazards, assess the risks associated with these hazards, and
implement measures to control these risks. These assessments should be ongoing and consider any changes in
the organization’s operations or environment.

8. Incident Investigation and Response

One crucial responsibility of a Safety Director is to investigate any incidents or accidents that occur within the
organization. This involves gathering and analyzing information, determining the cause of the incident, and
developing recommendations to prevent similar occurrences in the future. Following any serious incident, the
Safety Director may also be responsible for coordinating an appropriate response, including emergency
procedures if necessary.

9. Employee Involvement

Employees often have the best understanding of the risks they face in their day-to-day work. By involving them
in health and safety decisions, directors can gain valuable insights, improve employee buy-in, and create a more
effective health and safety culture. This involvement could take many forms, including safety committees,
suggestion programs, or regular consultations.

10. Regular Monitoring and Review

Monitoring collects information about the organization’s health and safety performance, while review involves
evaluating this information to determine whether the health and safety program is effective. Directors should
ensure that the organization has systems in place for regular monitoring and review, and they should take action
based on the results of these processes.

11. Legal Compliance

Health and safety regulations vary by jurisdiction, but they generally require organizations to provide a safe
work environment and to take reasonable steps to prevent workplace injuries and illnesses. Directors must
ensure that the organization knows and complies with all relevant regulations. Non-compliance can result in
penalties, fines, imprisonment, and damage the organization’s reputation. Directors should also ensure the
organization is prepared to respond effectively to accidents, emergencies, and other health and safety incidents.
9. Community Relations
A community relations director manages the relationships with the populations and communities
surrounding the company or organization. School community relationship is a mutual understanding through
which the school and the community link with each other for the achievement of goals of the community and
school too. School is a social organization functions properly on the effective interrelationship within it and
with its associate communities. School community relationship helps to improve the quality of education for all
children. It helps parents and other citizens recognize their responsibility for the quality of their education.


Each group will be provided with an illustration board and chalk. The quiz master will read each of the
question twice. All participants will have to wait for the signal from the quiz master before answering the
question. They will be given 15 seconds to answer each question and when the time is up, the participants
will be asked to raised their boards and show their answers. Participants can only show up and bring down
their boards upon instruction of the quiz master. Write the letter of the correct answer in the illustration
board provided.
1. Which duty and responsibility of a director involves managing the relationships with the population and the
communities surrounding the company or organization?
a. Enrolment
b. Community Relations
c. Finances
d. Health and Safety
Answer: B
2. Which duty and responsibility involves establishing a mutual understanding between the school and the
community for the achievement of goals?
a. Curriculum
b. Physical Plan and Equipment
c. Community Relations
d. General Responsibilities
Answer: C
3. What duty and responsibility involves integrating health and safety into the company culture and dedicating
necessary resources to safeguard the workplace environment?
a. Curriculum
b. Parent involvement and education
c. Finances
d. Health and Safety
Answer: D
4. Which duty and responsibility involves assisting with recruitment plans and job announcements for all
categories and levels of employees?
a. Enrolment
b. Staff/Human Resources
c. Community Relations
d. Finances
Answer: B
5. What management strategy can help foster student success while maintaining a school's financial situation
and public reputation?
a. Enrolment
b. Physical Plan and Equipment
c. Health and Safety
d. Community Relation
Answer: A
6. What responsibility involves providing sound fiscal management in the operation of all financial matters?
a. Curriculum
b. Finances
c. General Responsibilities
d. Enrolment
Answer: B
7. Which aspect of the school's operations does the implementation of strategies like marketing campaigns,
academic aid programs for retention, and scholarships or financial aid packages primarily target in order to
enhance the school's growth and sustainability?
a. Community Relation
b. Staff/Human Resources
c. Enrolment
d. Health and Safety
Answer: C
8. In collaboration with the school principal and teachers, what role does the director play in assessing the
academic performance level of students and developing plans to enhance their performance?
a. Curriculum
b. Community Relation
c. Finances
d. Physical Plan and Equipment
Answer: A
9. What duty and responsibility does a director assume in terms of the comprehensive overall planning and
scheduling of maintenance and repair requirements for the district?
a. General Responsibilities
b. Health and Safety
c. Enrolment
d. Physical Plan and Equipment
Answer: D
10. What duty and responsibility does the director have in providing leadership and technical assistance to site
administrators in assessing school needs, effectiveness, and determining objectives for developing long- and
short-range plans?
a. Parent Involvement and Education
b. General Responsibilities
c. community Relation
d. Enrolment
Answer: A


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