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Presidency School, Bangalore/


EVENT NAME: Field Trip to The Post Office

DATE: 16/08/2023


SCHOOL NAME: Presidency School Bangalore North

The objective of the field trip was to enable students to acquire a more
integrated, holistic picture of all the information absorbed and give them
new experiences which aren’t presented in an abstract or a textual form.

Excursions are means of educating ourselves on how certain things work
and how we rely on certain services. With field trips, students are
reinforced and enriched with experiences that stimulate the intellectual
and sensory inputs of their young minds. Almost all educational field trips
are specifically designed to engage students and stimulate curiosity. The
most important part of a field trip is that it does not have a defined
curriculum, and every student has something to take away from their
experience which proves to enhance their overall learning. Keeping this in
mind we at Presidency School Bangalore North organised, an educational
trip to the Post Office for Grade 4 on 16th August 2023. The teachers and
students were welcomed warmly by the staff at the post office. The
postman explained to the students how letters are collected and delivered
to their destination. The students were excited to see letters being
stamped and sorted. While returning we got to see a mail van and were
also told the way the letters go by van to the airport and railway station.
Later students posted envelopes that they had written to their loved ones.
The field trip was an enjoyable experience for the grade 4 students as
most of them were seeing the post office for the first time. Children really
enjoyed their trip and came back and shared their learning through a

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