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‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬

‫وزارة الصحة العامة والسكان‬

Microbiology ‫المعهد العالي للعلوم الصحية‬
‫فرع الحديدة‬
‫قسم الصيدلة‬

 Microbiology :- the study of the pathogenic microbes and the role of microbes in human
illness .
 Bacteria
- Bacterial structure :- 1) cytoplasm 2) ribosomes 3) chromosome 4) plasmid 5) pili

6) cell membrane 7) cell well 8) capsule 9) endospore 10) flagellum

 Function of capsule :- protects the bacterial cell from phagocytosis by white blood cell
 Function of cell well :- 1) rigidity and shaped of bacterial cells 2) protects the cell
3) consist of peptidoglycan , they differ in certain properties in two group:- a) gram-
negative b) gram-positive
 Different between gram negative and gram positive :-

Gram-negative Gram-positive

Only thin peptidoglycan layer Composition several peptidoglycan layers

Forming a thick and rigid structure

Can not find teichoic acids

Lipids covalently linked to protein called lipoprotein

Has teichoic acid consist of alcohols and


 Function of cell membrane :- 1) transport from and to cell 2) protect of the interior of
the cell 3) communication with other cells by protein molecules
 Function of pili , fimbriae :- 1) allow bacteria to attach to other cell
2) allows the transfer of plasmid DNA from one bacterial cell to another .
 Function of flagella :- help to motility
 The medically most important bacteria :-
1) Staphylococcus
o Type of staphylococcus :- A) Staphylococcus aureus :- [ coagulase positive , colonies
golden yellow ] , { local infection:- furuncles , wound infection , sinusitis , otitis media ,
mastitis , puerperalis , dermatitis }, ( Antimicrobial :- penicillin , vancomycin ,
macrolides cephalosporins , fusidic acid )
B) Staphylococcus epidermidis :- [ coagulase negative ] ,{ sensitive to novobiocin }
C) Staphylococcus saprophyticus :- [ coagulase negative ], { resistant to novobiocin }
( urinary tract infection )
2) Streptococci
A) Streptococci pyogens :- * diseases :- 1) sore throat and tonsillitis 2) pyoderma
3) Invasive diseases 4) rheumatic fever
 Antimicrobial susceptibility :- susceptible to penicillin , erythromycin , azithromycin
B) Streptococci pneumoniac :- * diseases :- 1) lobar pneumonia
2) bronchopneumonia
 Antimicrobial susceptibility :- penicillin , erythromycin , vancomycin
3) Clostridium
A) clostridium tetani :- * disease :- tetanus [ causes muscular rigidity and spasms ]
 Prevent and control :- 1) active immunization : vaccine of tetanus { DTP}
2) passive immunization : antitoxins given to wounded { HTIG }
B) clostridium perfringens :- * disease :- gas gangrene [ causing by : 1- intention of
wounds , 2- food poisoning >
Therapy :- primary treatment is surgical and antibiotic such as : (penicillin ,
cephalosporins ) or with hyperbaric O2 .
C) Clostridium difficile :- * disease :- pseudomembranous colitis
 Symptoms :- fever , diarrhea , abdominal pain
4) Mycobacterium
A) Mycobacterium tuberculosis :- * disease :- pulmonary tuberculosis
*Made of infection :- inhaling caugh droplets / * Symptoms :- chronic caugh , fever ,
loss weight , night sweat , fatigue , chest pain / * Treatment :- streptomycin , lsonize ,
paramino salicialic acid .
B) Mycobacterium leprae :- * disease :- leprosy / transmission by close contact with
skin or mucosa
5) Corynebacterium diphtheria :- * disease :- diphtheria
* local of infection :- of the mucose of tonsils , pharynx , nose
* Systemic intoxication :- in the cardiac muscle , liver , kidneys , adrenal gland
* Antimicrobial susceptibility :- penicillin , erythromycin , clindamycin , vancomycin
6) Bacillus Anthracis :- * diseases :- 1- Bacillus anthracis cutaneous anthrax :- enter
damaged skin . / 2- pulmonary anthrax :- by inhaling large numbers of B.anthracis
3- enteric anthrax :- from of gastroenteritis by ingesting infected meat .
* Symptoms of enteric anthrax :- fever , abdominal pain , bloody diarrhoea
* Antimicrobial :- penicillin , tetracycline , streptomycin , co-trimotazole
7) Trepoema palladium :- * disease :- syphilis / transmission by direct contact , during
sexual / * Treatment :- single dose of penicillin , tetracycline , doxycycline
8) Neisseria
A) Neisseria gonorrhoeae :- disease :- in man : infects the urethra , in woman : infects
the cervix , urethra , vulva . / * symptoms :- dysuria
B) Neisseria meningitides :- * disease :- pyogenic meningitis
‫قد تنتقل االصابة الى الجنين اثناء الوالدة أو قبل الوالدة‬
* Treatment for both type :- penicillin , ampicillin .
9) Enterobacteriaceae :- divided into two types:
A) lactose fermenters B) non-lactose fermenters
 The first :- lactose fermenters :
1) Escherichia coil : * diseases :- 1- urinary tract infections 2- infection of wounds
3- diarrhoeal disease / Antimicrobial :- tetracycline , ampicillin , amoxicillin ,
nalidixic acid .
2) Klebsiella spp :- * disease :- 1- chest infections 2- infections of urinary tract .
* Antimicrobial :- resistant to ampicillin .
 The secede:- non-lactose fermenters :
1) campylobacter species :- 2) Mycoplasma :- there are four types : 3) proteus :- *
*disease : enteritis. / * mode of A) Mycoplasma pneumonia :- lung disease :-
infection : poultry , unpasteurized milk , infection urinary tract
contaminate water . B) Mycoplasma hominis :- uterine tube infections
* Antimicrobial : are often self-limiting , infection
* Treatment :-
can used these drug : erythromycin , C) Ureaplasma:- urethritis in man
ampicillin ,
ciprofloxacin , aminoglycosides D) Mycoplasma genitalium :- urethral
4) Shigella :- * disease:- shigellosis / 5) salmonella :- * disease :- enteric 6) Rickettsia :- * disease :-
pathogens are ingested orally . fever ( typhoid fever ) causing by : thphus fever and
salmonella typhi , salmonella inflammatory in skin ,
* symptoms:- watery diarrhea , pus
paratyphi A,B . heart , brain .
&blood with stool , fever .
* Treatment : ampicillin , * transmission : by lice ,
* Treatment:- ampicillin ,
ciprofloxacin , co-trimoxazole ticks , fleas , mites
tetracycline , sterplomycin .
7) pseudomonas :- * diseases:- 8) Helicobacter pylor :- transmission
1- skin infection 2- eyes infection by the fecal oral pathway
3- urinary tract infection 4- otitis external 5-
* Therapy :- metronizole ,
* Treatment :- aminoglycosides , polymycin
* Antibiotic :- is any substance of natural produced by a microorganism or
synthetic origin that a low concentration inhibits or kills.
* Antimicrobial activity :- 1) the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) :
Inhibit the growth of bacteria / 2) the minimal bactericidal concentration
(MBC): drug required to kill bacteria
* classification of antimicrobial agent :- 1) bacterial spectrum :- A) broad B) narrow
2) rout of administration :- A) oral B) injection
3) type of activity :- A) bactericidal :- kill organisms. B) bacteriostatic : inhibit or
delay bacterial growth .
* mode of action of antimicrobial :- 1) inhibitors of cell wall synthesis
2) inhibitors of cell membrane function 3) inhibitors of protein 4) inhibitors of
nucleic acid synthesis 5) inhibitors of other metabolic processes .
* parasitology :- is the science that deal with study of living organism that live in or on
another organism & caused disease for the host .
* type of organism relationship :- 1) normal flora 2) parasitism
3) symbiosis :- A) mutualism B) commensalism
* type of parasites :- 1) facultative 2) obligate 3) ectoparasite 4) endoparasite
* host :- the organism in which the parasites are living .
* type of host :- 1) final host 2) intermediate host 3) reservoir host 4) vector host .
* mechanisms of infection :- 1) infection by passive entry :- A) by feeding & drinking
B) by direct contact / 2) active entry :- A) by biting B) by highly specialized
developmental forms .
* parasite protozoa amebae Entamoeba histolytica :-
 disease:- Ambiasis or amebic dysentery / * infective stage :- cyst
 symptoms :- diarrhea , nausea , anorexia , abdominal pain , dysentery
control :- ‫ تقليم االظافر‬، ‫ غسل اليدين‬، ‫ تطهير الطعام‬، ‫التثقيف الصحي‬
* treatment :- metronidazole , entamizole , tinidazole
 Parasite protozoa flagellates intestinal Giardia lamblia :-
* disease:- giardiasis / * infection stage :- cyst / * mode of infection :- fecal oral
contamination / *symptoms :- diarrhea , weakness , abdomal cramp , nausea , anorexia ,
greasy stool , weight loss , vomiting , abdomal distention / * treatment:- tinidazole
 Parasite protozoa flagellates vaginal Trichomonas vaginalis :-
* disease :- trichomoniasis / * symptoms :- {in woman : vaginitis , foul-smelling discharge,
small hemorrhagic lesions , painful urnation} { in man : asymptomatic }
* mode of infection :- by sexual intact / * treatment :- tibezole , nimorazole , tinidazole
or metronidazole .
parasite protozoa flagellates blood Leishmaniac :-
* transmitted by sandflies ( phlebotomus fly)
1) Leishmani tropica :- * disease:- cutaneous leishmaniasis / * symptoms :- skin ulcers
* treatment :- pentostam , solustibsam , antimony sodium gluconate
2) Leishmania braziliensis :- * disease :- mucocutaneous leishmaniasis
* symptoms :- leions partially or totally destory the mucous membrane of the nose ,
mouth , throat , cavities . / * treatment :- pentostam , paromomycin
3) Leishmania donovani :- * disease :- visceral leishmaniasis
* symptoms :- weight swelling of the spleen & liver / * treatment :- pentostam,
parasite protozoa sporozoa toxoplasma gondii :-
* disease :- toxoplasmosis / * infective stage :- oocyst / * mode of infection :-
ingestion contaminated food or water by cat stool / *symptoms:- asymptomatic
* treatment :- most people do not require toxoplasmosis treatment but if there sings
and symptoms of acute toxoplasmosis using these drug :- pyrimathamine , sulfadiazine
, spiramycin .
parasite protozoa sporozoa Plasmodium ( malaria ) :-
* disease :- malaria / * mode of infection :- by biting the female of anopheles mosqatue
* symptoms :- A) cold stage [ sensation of cold and shivering ]
B) hot stage [ fever , headaches , vomiting , nausea ] C) sweating stage [ sweats , retarn
to normal temperature , tiredness ] { symptoms occur when RBC rupture & release
toxic substance } / * treatment :- fansidar , chloroquine , anodiaquine
 parasite helminthes trematodes Schistosoma :-
* disease :- schistosomiasis / there are two type :- 1) Schistosoma haematobium : in urine
2) schistosoma mansoni : in faeces / * symptoms:- transint dermatitis , splenomegaly ,
lymphadenopathy , diarrhea ./ mode of infection :- fresh water
* treatment :- 1) S. mansoni :- parziquantal , niridazol , cxzminquin .
2) S. haematobium :- parziquantal , metrifonate , niridazole .
parasite helminthes cestodes Taenia species :-
* type:- 1) taenia solium 2) taenia saginata / * disease :- taeniasis .
*symptoms :- remain asymptomatic but can give : abdominal discomfort, pain ,
vomiting ./ treatment and control :- ‫تحتاج الى جرعة او جرعتين من االدوية المضادة للديدان و‬
05 – ‫ او أجمد اللحوم في درجة حرارة‬05 ‫للوقاية اطهي اللحم جيداً في درجة حرارة‬
* mode of infection :- eat non cooked meat
 parasite helminthes nematodes Ascaris lumbricoides :-
* disease:- ascariasis or roundworm infection / * infective stage :- ova ( fertilizal )
* mode of infection :- water & food contaminated with ova / * symptoms :-[ cough , fever,
wheezing , asthma in lung ][ in small intestine abdominal pain , weight loss ,
experience listtessness , anorexia , vomiting , distended abdomen .
* treatment :- mebendazole , albendazole , pyrantel , leramizole .
 Parasite helminthes nematodes Enterobius vermiculasis :-
* disease:- entrobiasis / * infective stage :- ova / * mode of infection :- autoinfection ,
retroinfection , water & food contamination / * symptoms :- perineal , vaginal irritation,
pain , nausea, vomiting ./ * treatment :- albendazole 400 mg , mebendazole 100 mg
، ‫ تطهير الطعام‬، ‫ النظافة الشخصية‬-: ‫ الوقاية بشكل عام من الديدان والطفيليات التي تصيب الجهاز الهضمي‬
. ‫ طهي الطعام جيداً خاصة اللحوم‬، ً‫غسل االطباق جيدا‬
 Virology :- is the study of viruses , complexes of nucleic acids & proteins
replication in animal , plant and bacterial cells .
 Picornavirus :- there are four type :- 1) Poliovirus 2) Rhinovirus 3) Hepatitis A virus
4) Enterovirus
 the first :- Poliovirus :- transmission by spreads through person to person contact or
through droplets from cough /* infected person’s throat & intestines
* symptoms :- sore throat , fever , tiredness , nausea , headache , stomach pain
* prevention :- by vaccine (IPV) (OPV)
 the second :- Rhinovirus :- * disease :- rhinoviruses / transmission by spread easily
through person to person contact by nasal secretions / * symptoms :-[ watery
runny nose , fever in adult][ in children sneezing , mild fever , headaches ,
sore throat , cough ] / * treatment :- do not require any specific treatment .
 Influenza :- * disease :- influenza / * symptoms:- sudden onset of fever , cough ,
myalgia , malaise / * infection the upper and lower respiratory tract .
* control :- in activated virus vaccine is developed each year & can using these
drug : amantadine , rimantadine
 Parainfluenza viruses :- * cause:- mild or sever upper and lower respiratory tract
infections. / * transmission by droplets or direct contact .
* prevention :- washing hand often with soap and water , avoiding touching
your eyes and nosa , avoiding close contact with people who are sick .
 Measles :- * transmitted from person to person by respiratory droplets.
* symptoms :- itchy rash , high fever, rheumatic heart diseases , kidney damage ,
neurological disorders ./ * vaccination :- ((MMR))
 Mumps virus :- * disease :- viral parotitis / * transmitted by spreads systemically
by viremia infection of parotid gland ./ * symptoms :- swelling of parotid glands .
 Rubella :- * disease :- grman measles causd by rubella virus ./ transmission :- by
contact with an infected person , through coughing & sneezing
* symptoms :- rash , low fever , swollen glands & symptoms like a cold
* prevention :- (MMR) ‫لقاح ثالثي‬
*Rabies :- * transmission :- spread via the *Dengue :- * disease : - dengue fever .
saliva of an infected animal , occur through * transmitted by the bite of an aedes mosquito
saliva touching an open wound or mucous * symptoms:- sudden fever, pain behind eyes ,
membrane ./ * prevention & treatment :- skin rash , mild bleeding muscle pain , fatigue ,
wound should be immediately and thoroughly nausea , vomiting . / * treatment :- drink plenty
washed with soap & water then treated with of fluids , rest , control the platelet count.
40 -70% ethyl alcohol . and give antibody for * preventing :- prevent bites by infected
rabies infection mosquitose
* Herpes simplex viruses:- there are two type: * Hepatitis :- caused by three type of virus :-
1) herpes type 1 ( oral herpes ) :- sores around
1) hepatitis A:- transmitted by faecal-oral
the mouth & lips / * transmitted though oral
secretion or sore on the skin . 2) hepatitis B:- transmitted by blood , body
2) herpes type 2 ( genital herpes) :- sore fluids , close contact.
around the genitals or rectum / can be passed
3) hepatitis C:- transmitted by blood
on the baby during childbirth / * treatment :-
relieve the symptoms
* Arbovirus :- transmitted to humans by
arthropods such as : mosquitoes & ticks .

 Fungi :- the study of fungi called mycology .

 Fungi divided into :- 1) yeast 2) moulds
 Diseases causing by fungi :- 1) dermalophytosis : in skin , hair, nails ( superficial
mycoses ) , 2) white – yellow granule : in subcutaneous mycoses
3) histoplasmosis :- systemic mycoses
4) candidiasis:- fungi opportunistic mycoses .
ً‫ تغير المالبس يوميا ً وتنظيفها جيدا‬-: ‫الوقاية‬

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