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Name of Candidate: Akeelah Peters

Candidate Number: 0903200775
Center Name: Freeburg Secondary
Center Number: 090320
Subject: English
Teacher: Ms. Coleen Rogers
Territoty: Guyana
Title: Communication
Year of Examination: 2023

TITLE Page No.

Plan of Investigation
Reflection 1
Reflection 2
Reflection 3
Group Written Report
Artifact 1
Artifact 2
Artifact 3

Firstly, the researcher would like to thank God for the guidance, patience, strength and resources
needed to complete this School Based Assessment. Also, the researcher would like to thank the
teacher and group members for the encouragement to meet the necessary expectations for the
SBA. Finally, the researcher would like to thank all family and friends for their moral support.
The researcher chooses this to gain more knowledge and understanding about the definition of
communication. In getting familiar with what communication actually means will help the
researcher to do a better investigation.
The expected benefits that the researcher wishes to achieve as an English student is to
improve more on this topic and to be able to explain to the best of my ability more about
In this research for supporting details, the researcher will look at article from the daily
news, media, google and poetry as these will help me to justify my idea of communication.
Before starting this SBA, the researcher viewed communication as having a face-to-face
conversation. It is clear that communication is the sending and receiving of messages from one
place to another. However, after reading and analyzing information on this topic the researcher
finally found three artifacts that have given me a better understanding of communication.

The first artifact is a printed article defining communication. This artifact taught the
researcher that communication can be done near and far. It also entitled that it involves at least
one sender, a message and a recipient.

The second artifact is a video. From watching this video, the researcher found out that
communication is also the exchange of information between two parties and it can be done
verbally and non-verbally. In the world today we can also interact using the computer.

The third artifact chosen was a poster. It shows that two people are communicating
verbally. There is also one sender and one receiver. It can be seen that a message was sent and
feedback was given also the interpretation of the message.

The researcher used standard English for the article with the used for very simple words so that it
can be clearly understood, also the writer was very informative because the researcher did not know the
definition of communication and the different forms of communication.

The editor was clear and straight forward with the video, the editor used a video clip to show the
definition and the different forms of communication by using gestures from the video clip.

The poster was very simple and straight to the point on the definition of communication, the
post shows body language and tone of voice as a form of verbal and non- verbal communication and
two persons interacting with each other at a table.

With the completion of this SBA the researcher has gained more insight about ‘Communication’
as well as ways to communicate. The sub-topic the researcher chooses to investigate intrigued us
as we were amazed by the number of ways to communicate, such as face to face, over the phone
and via computer. Through the execution of this SBA the researcher was able to increase our
knowledge on the topic ‘Communication’.

Choosing artifacts that best suited the researchers sub topic was easier than we thought it
would be, probably because of the theme our sub topic covered. Because of the internet, we
were able to do our investigation to discover my three artifacts that were deemed worthy for the
completion of our research. This SBA helped to improve our vocabulary as well as strengthen
our researching, reasoning and comprehension skills. We are now more adept in speaking and
writing English.
This SBA started with our teacher explaining to us the different sections of the English SBA.
Once we fully understood this our teacher selected our group members and our theme selected
our topic and sub topics. Once we had all this in place, we had to do individual research to find
the evidence for our articles. The research of this project was made with the dedicated use of the
internet. The articles found were very informative and also helped in improving our grammar
and vocabulary. Analyzing of the information was not very difficult; instead, it was quite easy
to grasp the concept of the articles by just reading it once.
One of the pieces used to gather information was in the form of a video. This video
explained that communication is also the exchange of information between two parties and it can
be done verbally and non-verbally. In the world today we can interact using advanced
technologies like computers, phones, messages. Etc.

The research done for the subtopic ‘History of Communication’ provided us with information
such as an article which shed light on the history of communication and the different ways and
methods that were used to communicate in ancient times such as Pictograms, Ideograms and
Petroglyphs, which were some of the forms of communication.

Another research done on the types of communication found that there were two main

categories. These two types are:

 Verbal Communication

 Nonverbal Communication

The difference between Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication is that in Verbal

communication, thoughts or emotions or information is exchanged between individuals through
the use of speech. Non-verbal communication refers to signals transmitted
through facial expressions, posture, eye contact, gestures, tone of voice, body language, and other
Outcomes of the research were very positive as grammar; writing, reading and comprehension
skills were stressed and improved with the help of teachers and also classmates. Our knowledge
on the topic communication was also widened and improved also which has led us to be more
familiar with the topic. Our objectives were met and we were able to complete the SBA in the
time that was given to us.

The resource we lack mostly, more than money, time and team- togetherness

Is attentiveness.

Even when people are motivated and passionate to hear what you have to say,

Their attention narrow band, constantly, drives them away.

So, keep your messages short, precise and right to the point,

Make sure the subject of interest is mutually joint.

Otherwise, you will find yourself taking the stage and preaching your pitch,

But no real audience will stay long, or will be within reach.

Effective communication is like playing: “catch the ball”

You want to keep on playing, after your first call.

keep the interaction of motivation going and win flow.

This way you will engage effective communication and prevent any woe.

Author: AVIGAIL (Pseudonym)

What is Communication?

Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person or
group to another.
Every communication involves (at least) one sender, a message and a recipient. This may sound
simple, but communication is actually a very complex subject.
The transmission of the message from sender to recipient can be affected by a huge range of
things. These include our emotions, the cultural situation, the medium used to communicate, and
even our location. The complexity is why good communication skills are considered so desirable
by employers around the world: accurate, effective and unambiguous communication is actually
extremely hard.
A communication therefore has three parts: the sender, the message, and the recipient.
The sender ‘encodes’ the message, usually in a mixture of words and non-verbal communication.
It is transmitted in some way (for example, in speech or writing), and the recipient ‘decodes’ it.
Of course, there may be more than one recipient, and the complexity of communication means
that each one may receive a slightly different message. Two people may read very different
things into the choice of words and/or body language. It is also possible that neither of them will
have quite the same understanding as the sender.
In face-to-face communication, the roles of the sender and recipient are not distinct. The two
roles will pass back and forwards between two people talking. Both parties communicate with
each other, even if in very subtle ways such as through eye-contact (or lack of) and general body
language. In written communication, however, the sender and recipient are more distinct.

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