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P. M. A.

End of term Test March, 2023

Geography Form 1 60 marks

Section A Answer ALL Questions 20 Marks

Circle the letter near the correct answer.

1. Most of Guyana’s population is found _____________ . (A) (B)

(C) in the highland region (D) in the hilly sand clay region
2. In the hilly,sand and clay region,the bulk of the population is found in _________ .
(A)Ituni (B) Kwakwani (C ) Linden (D) Rockstone
3. The major resource in the hilly, sand and clay region is ___________ .
(A) gold (B) manganese (C ) diamond (D) bauxite
4. Parara in the interior savannah is noted for ___________________ .
(A) bauxite mining (B) balata bleeding (C ) rice cultivation (D) cattle rearing
5. A savannah is noted for its _________________ .
(A) palm trees (B) grass land (C ) red sand (D) white sand
6. The highland region is noted for its ___________________ .
(A)mineral resources (B) timber (C ) cashew cultivation (D) cattle rearing
7. __________________ are key features of the highland region.
(A) mountain ranges (B) hills (C ) creeks (D) peanut farming and yam growing
8. Pirara is near the border with ____________________ .
(A) Venezuela (B) Suriname (C ) Brazil (D) the Atlantic Ocean
9.Guyana’s coastal plain is closely associated with the_______________ Ocean.
(A) Arctic (B) Pacific (C ) Indian (D) Atlantic
10. The mangroves of the low coastal plain serves as a protection against _______________ .
(A) hurricanes (B) invading viruses (C ) fires (D) flodding
11. The koker is a coastal structure used to ____________ .
(A) purifying water (B) kill rats in the rice fields
(C ) prevent fires (D) prevent flodding
12. The _______________River runs through the entire length of Guyana.
(A) Pomeroon (B) Berbice (C ) Demerara (D)Essequibo
13. The gateway to Guyana‘s interior is said to be ___________________ .
(A) Linden (B) Arakaka (C ) Port Kaituma (D) Bartica
14. The hilly ,sand and clay region has white and ____________ sand.
(A) yellow (B) pink (C ) red (D)brown
15. The most populated area in the interior savannah region is_____________ .
(A) Shea (B) Aishalton (C ) Annai (D) Lethem
16. Which of the following towns is closest to Brazil?
(A) Mabaruma (B) Corriverton (C ) Bartica (D) Lethem
17. In Guyana rivers transport_____________________ along the river bed.
(A) rum (B) gold (C ) salt (D) bauxite
18. The closest town to Suriname is __________ .
(A)New Amsterdam (B) Bartica (C ) Georgetown (D) Corriverton
19. Most manufacturing industries in Guyana are found in the ___________________ .
(A) Highland Region (B) Interior Savannah
(C ) Hilly, Sand and Clay Region (D)Low Coastal Plain
20. In Guyana has _______________ natural regions.
(A) three (B) four (C ) five (D) six
Setion B 10 (marks)
Circle T if the following statements are true and F if they are false
1. Bartica is found on the Low Coastal plain. T F
2. The Demerara River is found in only in the Low Coastal Plain. T F
3.All the natural regions in Guyana has gold as a resource. T F
4. The wallaba is a hardwood found in Guyana. T F.
5. Manganese as a resource is found in the Highland Region. T F.
6. Diamond as a resource is found in the Low Coastal Plain. T F
7.The Low Coastal Plain has the greatest agricultural in Guyana. T F
8.The Highland Region is prone to hurricanes in Guyana. T F
9. Mabura in the Hilly,Sand and Clay Region is noted for timber production. T F
10.The Cuyani and Mazaruni Rivers meet in the Highland Region. T F

Section C 20 marks
Complete the statements with appropriate answers
1. Two major crops grown in the hilly, sand and clay region are
1. ___________________ 2. ________________
(2 marks)
2. Two minerals found in the highland region are 1.______________ and 2. __________
(2 marks)
3. Berbice as an agricultural area is noted for grrowing ________________ and __________.
(2 marks)
4. The black belly sheep in Guyana were recently imported from a Caricom country called
_____________________ . (1 mark)
5. Two animals found at the Guyana School of Agriculture are _______________and ____________.
(2 marks)
6. The low coastal plain has a serious problem of _____________________________________
(2 marks)
7. Two problems in the highland region are
(2 marks)
8. Three problems that affect crop production on the low coastal plain are
(5 marks)
9.One problem in the interior savannah is
(2 marks)

Section D 10 marks
Answer ANY two questions
1. Explain how timber is important to Guyana.
2.Explain how agriculture is important to Guyana.
3.Do you think Guyana should stop producing balata products and encourage more wooden craft?
Give reasons for your answers.
4.Which natural is the most important one in Guyana? Give reasons for your answer.

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